The Future Is Now / So Much Drama In The LPC

Going to be honest here. I use Vivosun products. My 5x5 is an excellent example of what works.

My biggest complaint is that Vivosun has not kept consistent quality of products, seemingly switching suppliers at random and quietly downgrading standards along the way.

@BigMike55 is a respected member of this community with many grows under his belt. Simply put, I respect his opinion. I suspect many others do too who may be reading this.

I won’t be buying this fan and this response is nothing

It’s word salad and doesn’t address the customer’s concerns/complaint. It’s something we’ve all unfortunately come to expect.

Saying “I’m sorry” is the absolute least thing you can do to make a situation right.

You can do better Vivosun.


They reached out through DM and helped me fix the issue pretty quickly and I feel that’s important to note in a day and age where that isn’t necessarily the norm anymore. I can’t speak to troubles others may have had and I too respect and consider what @BigMike55 has to say but my experience so far has been positive. Literally the only issue I’ve had so far with their equipment and they quickly responded and gave me a solution that got me back at 100% so I have no complaints.


Appreciate the kudos brothers. But I just have to call it like I see it. For the same money or just a tad more, there are better options. That’s all. I’m not really taking a shot at Vivosun per se. I feel most of the cheaper stuff coming from China come from the same factory. And it is fair while it lasts. Just dont expect el cheap-o to perform like el expensive-o. I would rather buy some stuff that I don’t hafta change out so often.


It’s quite amazing the different brands that sell exactly the same shit with only different labelling.

Not a vivosun specific comment but it is the case.

I could buy 1000 off brand LED lights that are the same as from big companies and snap a “Foreigner LED” label on it and I’d be in business.


Yup. Look on Amazon (cough, cough). You will see even the identical same picture of a product with two different names and two different price tags. Sometimes pretty substantial difference.


I received this education from alibaba. Wait a minute, size, shape, specs, that’s a (this) brand! That’s a very expensive sticker.


How I found them last night

How I left them

I didn’t want to flip yet because I wanted the little guy on the right to get bigger but I’m going to have to because with the stretch I’m going to be getting creative to keep the one on the left off the light.


I think I might be really dumb today. I was just about done typing out a response asking how the hell the plant managed to stretch enough to break all those training clips overnight, and without damaging itself in the process, when I realized you meant that’s how you left them after finding them looking like the first picture. I thought you meant that’s how you left them last time you were in there, and the first picture is what you came back to. :man_facepalming:


It’s Sunday morning man, most of us aren’t firing all cylinders yet today :laughing:


Today is day 1 of the flip. She’s getting extra sleep as I type this. The one is just too tall to let go anymore and I’ve also got a new 4x4 tent in a box that is aching to be filled (and I can’t do it until this run is over).


Giant hairy man balls Batman!

I watered 2 days ago and this plant was nowhere near this size, and definitely nowhere near this manly. I think some pollen may have escaped so yay :roll_eyes: It’s the Kush plant.

Then the LPC in soil decided it wanted to be a little brother and is working on some rocky mountain oysters of it’s own.

You know what? I’m glad I neglected watering! This betrayal needs some retribution prior to the axing that is going to happen the second I finish posting here and the LP thread. Fuck 'em with a hammer.

Now the octopup LPC that has been deficient it’s whole life is my last hope!

I don’t think I’m winning any contests with it but hopefully she didn’t get sprayed from big bubba on the right. Since I’m on 12/12 but don’t want an empty tent I might just throw some autos in there that I have enough beans of where a small plant won’t matter.


I see you’ve completed the home study course of my watering techniques.

Hopefully the pollen has been contained/identified.


I don’t think the LPC male was mature enough to start popping bags but the Kush one (the one you sent me) was raining a little as I chopped it. I sprayed the whole tent and the remaining LPC down with water.

Of course for some reason my fans weren’t running when I did this and I thought to myself I have no idea why these aren’t on but of all the times this is a good one. They kicked on within 5 seconds of this thought.


Your picture is going to end up beside mine in the Big Book of Serial Plant Abusers:wink: :vulcan_salute:



My curiosity is off the charts here :thinking:

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Sometimes I get high. lol

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This has been my response more than a few times as well :laughing:

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Your grow looks good. I see you got some new high tech equipment.

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That’s cause I haven’t posted pics in a minute! lol I’m down to one scraggly hermed LPC at the moment that’s in flower. The equipment on the other hand is pretty great! Just picked up an RO filter system too so some good filtered water for the girls in the future should help.


I had some a few grows ago. The seeds might be OK for outside. But I definitely won’t try to do them on the inside again. Every time I tried to grow them, they would shoot out bananas. I don’t mind them and bananas too bad. Is when they start making balls is what I don’t like.

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