The Ideal Hermie

I’m sure that’s an oxymoron to most people here, but I was talking with an older grow buddy and he really made me think. He said he misses how when he used to grow an all female crop back in the 70’s and 80’s, he would still find occasional seeds in his bud to re use for the next year. His bud was never so seeded that it was a chore to smoke like if he forgot to pull a male, but never so lacking that he couldn’t regrow from his favorite plants every season. Hermies didn’t seem to be an issue back then for regular homegrowers

I dunno about you guys, but I wouldn’t care if I had a seed or two in every bud if it meant preservation was just as easy as growing for smoke. Saves me a lot of work taking cuts and selectively pollinating lol, and a ton of money for people who buy seeds every year.

How would you go about breeding this trait back into a line? Is it even possible to achieve with indoor grows or are they always doomed to hermie like crazy? I’m curious what your guys’ thoughts are on this.


I’m not an expert but I believe you’re talking about rhodelization (sic)

I’ve had similar bagseed experiences. The thing that gets me though is that let’s say we get desirable late male flowers how do the seeds have enough time to develop?

I really don’t know.


It is for the simple reason that monocy make it easier to fix favorable traits.


That was the old school method of getting feminized seed…
I’ve got one CBD strain that will occasionally do that. It’s a med/long flower sativa. I’ve only grown them indoors in a tent and now they only get grown by themselves
(just in case… :smirk:)

The point is there are different types of ‘hermies’ and not all are bad.




The only way I can wrap my head around it is if you’re running perpetual or something and use the late male droppings on a plant in early flower but I’ve never done it.


Many older lines will show this trait as well as many popular clones. Landrace also like to throw a few intersex flowers.

I’d pick and cross combos of those


It’s not sudden like a herm-rocket, in most of cases you’re increasing first drastically the latent herm rate. Then in further generations the rate of the phenotypes that don’t need any help to be triggered.

But the reverse is not that fast at all, in working hard and in torturing hard your plants … you can obtain a reduction of 5%/10% at most per generation. And you need ton of seeds to do it ^^


If your talking about seeds in the 70’s and 80s and growing from them your probably looking at landrace type seeds. The seeds were probably found in buds that came from huge landrace fields. There would always be some plants that slip through that the farmer didn’t spot that would be hermie, or some plants that mayhave got stressed and put out male flowers on the females. In some the farmers would leave the males and whem all the weed was cropped it was just bundled together. Growing seed from genetics like this were you cut out the males would also give you similar results and you will find a small number of seed. The gentics haven’t been cleaned up and fixed to give you higher quality plants from the majority of seed. If you want those sort of genetics look for landrace seeds that come straight from the fields and from strains that have been around for multiple decades that have been maintained using old school cannabis farming methods. Beaware with something like that grow lots and dont expect the majority of seed to be of all high level as they may be all over the place and with multiple phenotypes.


Wasn’t this Soma’s technique for producing fem beans? Just let a stable female go for way too long until she produces nanners?
Oh the controversy.


Yes and lots of his seeds started carrying the hermie trait as he was never stress testing and using stable plants to achive this. He later had to change and use cs and sts. Still wasnt stress testing plants but at least his seed was better than the first method he was using.

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Thank you, I couldn’t remember if it was DJ Short or Soma it was attributed to.

I got a fresh ‘data point’ about that to share…
I was testing out (torturing) the OG Kush progeny and let them go 2~3 weeks past harvest. One of the 6 crosses was in the process of popping hidden nanners.
They were all clean at the 8~9 week harvest… and NO I’m not going to run quantities of each cross to figure it out… :smile: :vulcan_salute:
Although the stoned nerd in me thinks it’s a cool idea… :nerd_face:



You’re my kind of scientist.



Head of the Class has to be JoeCrowe. He is doing great work with that fantastic microscope.

When you think about it…
There are some major talents around here. That helps improve everyone’s game… :thinking:



I’ve found that a LOT of (otherwise stable) female plants will herm, if you let them get really root bound, and drop the root zone pH to about 4.5-5.0.

The plant will hate you! :joy: but it will drop some pollen


My old grow buddy didn’t do have to do anything like that to the plants. He just put the seed in the ground and added water and out came lightly seeded goodness