The Junkyard awaits

I’ve got a 12 × 12 flower room. 1 bluedreams× cookie kush in it, bout to put 2 mtf clones in it. Basically it’s empty. 400w mh and a 400hps.soon as I can afford ,another 400 hps will shine. Only $110.00 will be shining soon. In a week or two veg. Will be only 2 bd ×ck . applied for cple test jobs. Waiting on return to see if I gotta pop some of my own.


I’m hoping to get them started before December or early December just waiting on getting Pura Vida from Sebring my friend might end up just bringing them to me there are protests currently and shipping is a pain i’ll definitely post about them then i’ll tag ya… mid December is the start of summer here so it’s gonna be finally dry I’m very excited to pop some beans


100% germ on the duct tape and gdp x col


Everything popped above ground except 1 #19,and seems to be going great. Maybe this weekend I’ll cup em

Symmetrical growth on all of the testers so far, we’ll go into detail after the up cup and they take off.


Another boring seedling shot of the duct tape and GDP x COL .


Things moving along by the weekend should be able to uppot the duct tape and Colombian


Wow, looking good!!! :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Tester seeds are the 6 small cups in the middle the others are just visiting .



@SCJedi, looks like we are up and running, well maybe walkin ! At 13 days from seed drop and 7ish days after germ, everything got cupped. In a couple of days we’ll start to see some vegging

9 Seedlings on the right are the testers, with the exception of 1 my single 88g13hp tagging along


It’s been around 2 weeks since I did an update on my testers, since the last post I’ve cupped all of em and topped em this morning. Lost a couple of #19’s and have a slow #17.

Here’s the group

They’re being fed 1/2 strength mega crop and si and a bit of Epsom
@SCJedi out of 9 plants I’ll probably end up with 6 candidates for the flower chamber. After they go into flower in a few weeks, I’ll double back and run 9-12 more.


If you find a true Skunk I’d love to trade some seeds for it, best I’ve come across so far is Exodus Cheese (UK), and UFS18. But they still are not like the true old school Skunk, three days after being run over laying next to a pile of burning tires, lingers in the room and on your clothes for hours…next run I have ASS, Stink Bud, Skunk ‘96 Super ‘90, Mr. Nice Early Skunk and the Ancestral Skunk tribute to Sam. Hoping to find a dead skunk in one of them…:metal::sunglasses:


@Instg8ter I will give my first born for some old school skunk!! (He is 20, you would send him back!!). That smell!! Walk to the edge of the woods at a party, everyone knew. God forbid you forget a small amount in a cig cellophane in your pocket!! Everyone in the room knew! This was back in mid to late 80’s.


You got it Joker, hunt is on…the Exodus is very nice, but not as pungent as what I’m searching for…shit used to make my eyes water just rolling a joint

Can always tell an old head when you drive by a dead skunk and they inhale and say…MMMMMM!!!


Please kind sir, I beg you, please keep me in mind IF you ever find it!!

Shit (not really Mmmmm, more like “that smells like that Afghani I’m growing” :rofl:)


The ancestral Skunk is supposed to be where RKS Was found. Seems to me that the true Skunk has been bred out of most Strains I have run. Don’t get me wrong I’m still working my way through the building blocks of first x’s and Landrace and I’ve grown plenty of ‘Skunky’ weed but they taste more like tanned leather or rotting meat to me. Wish someone could prove Me wrong…

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A few people grew out Ancestral skunk, including @J-Icky and they’ve said no RKS in that line, only cheese/90’s skunk smell.
Maybe if you hit it with an Afghani you could possibly find it :man_shrugging:


Popped some 70,s Seeds Collected from a Washington farm that has some old Afghani genetics. Have not gotten into any straight indicas yet…


Yeah even if it was somewhere in the ancestral skunk it just didn’t seem to be one of those strains that had the ability to bring an overwhelming smell. I’ve grown several strains that carbon filters and ona buckets couldn’t cover the smell, the ancestral skunk wasn’t one of them.


Duct tape and col x gdp still waiting to show sex before the up pot all are looking good . Come on girls hurry up .