The Monster Mash

The Monster Mash
27 February 2023

It’s Time…

(screenshot from my phone - Home Screen Clock made with image by @Heliosphear )

For Green Man Monday!

and one for the Dead Head’s whether you’re a deadhead or not :wink:

NOT my Images … but too good not to share

Update on the way after PT today :v:


The Monster Mash
27 February 2023 (part two)

And we’re down to two …
Looks like I killed Plant C. I had high hopes for her; she was the second most vigorous. I will probably try to get some cutting rooted off her before she’s too far gone to give away to my local growmies.

This has been a rough grow. At least for me, but as Alanis said; “I recommend biting of more you can chew to anyone…”. Pushed to the precipice is when all the good stuff happens and hindsight brings it all into clear focus.

Before I get started with our two remaining contestants for the pageant here is Hilda Da Momma this afternoon looking all fat and sassy.

You would never guess there is such a huge difference in size when looking at the roots a these two. If anything, the smaller of the two (Plant A) actually has more root mass than her sister who is about twice her size above the water.

Plant A

Plant B

Plant A

Plant B
Training is coming along nicely, but I’m not kidding about a rough grow. I broke one branch already on Plant B and have had to tape that up. Good Golly Miss Molly! I’m hoping Shiva has finished his work now and that what was needed to be burned away has been and we can carry on with the creation as it was meant to be …. A true MONSTER grow :v:


Those roots look beautiful Sir!

Will those root balls keep expanding through Veg and Flower?

May Shiva F-off and leave you to your work!


What was the brand of “hydro ready” that didn’t work out?

I use rdwc and am brewing a batch of tea with recharge, that’s why I ask.


:speaking_head: @CosmoNut I really don’t want to talk down the product as it is indeed water soluble but in my opinion NOT Hydro DWC or RDWC compatible. If by Hydro they are referring to coco then ya but I have cancelled my subscription for Trifecta - Myco Supreme and will not be purchasing more in the future.

From their product description:
Mycorrhizal Fungi Root Enhancer for Plants - Bigger, Stronger, Healthier Roots, Use In Soil and Hydroponics - Super 20X Concentrated Mycorrhizae Inoculant Strain - Trifecta Myco Supreme (175 Grams / 6 OZ)


The Monster Mash
28 February 2023

I’m dubbing today Terrific Tuesday!

Eastern and western views on suffering, trials and tribulations are quite different. In the West fire is bad, the suffering of life in life is to be avoided at all cost. In the East the view is that while not pleasant to experience the trials and tribulations are the fire that purify us, burn away all the worthless things and uses their ashes as the foundation of creation. As the Buddha said - “these things are this way because those things are that way.”

Change, trials, tribulations and troubles will always happen. The question I face every day will I perceive the ‘fire’ as purifying or destructive?

“I’m still learning how to walk in my fire, live in my fire, love in my fire…” t.hall

On this Terrific Tuesday I’d like to share a few pics from Sweden. I have a growmie who lives there and the photos were taken yesterday (on the 27th). Once the fire has quit burning your eyes have a look at what was revealed when the smoke cleared :v:

the fruitful darkness, is all around us … in bloom


It’s all good man, I just don’t wanna go down the same path. Let me know your experience with TPS as that was my second choice.

Beautiful photos as well.


Good vibes coming your way friend.
Way to pick up the pieces and keep on truckin!


Fire is destructive purification, promotes new growth and rebuilding. Stay strong.

Aura’s from Sweden… Thank you for sharing. :sunglasses:

Sneak peek at this Fridays Theme:

Leaving Earth…


You may need to click on the video once or twice … it’s kind of long, but if your Sweetheart is anything like mine; they’re the best person to ever happen to you and a reminder of their worth is well worth the click or two

Love, I don’t like to see so much pain
So much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

Next update by FRY Day @Heliosphear and I will be Spacin’ Out with Frankie :v:


The Monster Mash
1 March 2023

We’re gonna be Smokin in Space on Friday …
“… and I’m gonna be High as a kite by then”

Same bud time Same bud channel. Hope to see you all Friday :v:


Sad to see you lost the one plant. You really are out here without a net and we all appreciate your candor and Zen. Looking forward to the ride ahead, buddy.


The Monster Mash
2 March 2023

THURSDAY - Hanging by a thread

Sometimes hanging on by thread just isn’t enough. For plant C when all was said it and done it was about 3 threads… still not enough

Plants A and B are still chugging right along though plant B is easily twice the size of her sister. Remember laggy Lucy? The one who was slow to get roots? That’s Plant A

Plant A

She has decided now would be good time to stop and think about it. Growth has slowed substantially. I think she wants more leaves.

Plant B

Even with a now mended broken side branch Plant B is recovering nicely and is gonna truly be a MONSTER. She’s Uuuge!

The Twisted Sisters -

(note: this photo has been adjusted to accentuate the leaf issue)

The Plan for Thursday -
Today the girls are going to get an extra hole punched in their tub lids and the two air hoses that used to be for Plant C will go one each to each of the girls. This will be one large and two medium stones per tub for a total possible 30l per hour of O2 per plant. If you will notice Plant B is doing the coil and fade routine again; leaf tips curling and lighter between veins. In an effort to stop any imbalance in its track now the girls will also be getting fresh tubs with pH balanced water and a new batch of nutrients, root inoculant, cal/mag and magnesium. I would like them as healthy as is possible before flowering begins AND they have that big trip to space coming up tomorrow as well.

If you will have a look at Plant B and compare it to the diagram for the PPP foundation and structure you will notice that she is DONE! All that is left to do as far as structure goes for Plant B is to fold over the first top two vertical branches (on the mains) and top each of ends of the two main branches.

The girls are getting suited up now… like @GrouchyOldMan 's SS it looks like they’re astronaut material :v:

See you tomorrow


I’ve been ‘fooling around’ with leaving the node #2 verticals as well in the last couple grows.
I’ve been approaching it on a plant by plant basis, I like it and a little LST helps balance the branch sizes to keep them even.



The Monster Mash
2 March 2023

:trophy: GUESS THE WEIGHT GAME :trophy:

  • Rules -
  • Entries will be accepted starting March 23 and end with the harvest
  • One entry per contestant per week starting March 23rd
  • ALL entries will be considered and whoever is closest to the actual dry weight will win the 1st prize package. Second place will go to whoever’s guess is the next closest to the actual dry weight.
  • Entries are based on FLOWER only not sugar leaf and trim for BOTH plants combined
  • Entries must be submitted by PM/DM NOT in the main thread
  • Final prize package ‘may’ contain seeds


  • Monster Mash - Monster Sesh RAW rolling tray (large)
  • Commemorative OG custom poster
  • HIGH from Albuquerque mug
  • Several OG Cannabis Cultivation Network stickers of varying sizes
  • Greenhouse for America sticker
  • Exclusive - one run only - OverGrow 420 day at the races entry sticker
  • I’m working on a VERY special commemorative project that I hope comes together by the end of the grow. All I will say at this point is that you REALLY want to win this prize package!
  • Possible bean bonuses


  • Monster Mash - Monster Sesh RAW rolling tray (large)
  • Commemorative OG custom poster
  • HIGH from Albuquerque mug
  • OG Cannabis Cultivation Network sticker
  • Greenhouse for America sticker

Time to dust off those thinking caps, get your prognostication pencils ready … the show is underway. 3 more weeks of veg then we’re off to the races :oncoming_automobile:

PLEASE NOTE - this post will be deleted and moved as needed on March 23rd


Are we going to be guessing total for both plants, or individual, or both?


:speaking_head: @Franklin the estimates will be for both plants - pinky and the brain :wink:


Been out a few days, just catching up.

Looking good friend. I think being down to two plants only means they each get more attention. Lol, the silver lining! Plant A sure is a slow grower compared to B, aye? I’m betting that she’ll suprise you.
So, I gather that there is no such thing as to much O2 in the DWC reservoir. True or false?
And when you say magnesium, you mean Epsom salt, correct? If so, do you pre-disolve the mineral crystal and what’s the ratio to h2o? :thinking:
Anyone feel free to pitch in here.

Love the drawing. Is that the prototype for your CAD file in the pdf? Lol. Great game for March aswell. Amazing prize packages dude. The stickers definitely peaked my intrest hehe! I’m actually surprised I don’t have one of them mugs. Got lots family in/around ABQ. Anyways, I look forward to to placing my bets. :+1:



Do you think that there’s not just two distinct genotypes here but that plant A is between Hilda and Olive? Height and vigor are polygenic, I would guess, so a combination of heterozygous and homozygous traits across those may result in many different varieties once you start splitting up the random matches. Just a thought, I really don’t know what I’m talking about


I fully agree. The only positive ID in my book is Olive. Like you I find that there are some subtle but real differences between what we are now classifying as the Hilda phenotype. Olive is pretty obvious; the variations in Hilda just like this new Frankenstein from seed (which has been dubbed Frankensteins Daughter) is really an entirely new beast that deserves being looked into and investigated a bit more.

Just like the Merry Pranksters of old we need a huge Fuuurther painted on the front of the bus and a large crowd that haven’t drank the koolaid yet!:v: