The Monster Mash

Well, it certainly got my interest. I’ve been bouncing ideas around in my head for over a year about putting together something like this. We just had so much going on that it was put on the back burner.


@BU2B super kind of you, I look forward to learning more about breeding from these folks!


WOW! Hilda looks amazing, got that vigor! :sunglasses: Todays theme is shockingly… electrical charge!


You could also check out this by @Sebring



@Heliosphear Highlights
To get a view of all of the images by The Man, The Myth, The Master (@Heliosphear ) that have been posted to The Monster Mash thread to date click HERE


Damn @Heliosphear, you are Good!

Some thought provoking quotes from Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.”

"…on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils.*
*> *
> "I collected the instruments of life around me that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet.
*> *
> "My candle was nearly burnt out, when by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs.
*> *
> "Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room.
*> *
> “I beheld the wretch-- the miserable monster whom I had created. He held up the curtain of the bed; and his eyes, if eyes they may be called, were fixed on me…”


:speaking_head: @GrouchyOldMan November! NOVEMBER!!! Did you plan this? :sunglasses:


The Monster Mash
24 February 2023

I’ll pop back in from time to time over the weekend to check on the thread but IF POSSIBLE I think I’m gonna veg with the girls ‘till Monday. However; before I go …

Encore time! This is the encore from Trevor Hall’s April 29, 2022 show @ Redrocks
May your weekend bring you only “Still Water” (except in your hydro tubs) :v:


Thanks for all the kind words on my setup. It’s been a labor of love. I’m always trying to think of something to make it better.


That’s first rate! :+1:

Well planned and well executed.
Great job and thanks for showing it, it ‘raises the bar’.



The Monster Mash
25 February 2023

so much for taking the weekend off

I remember back when my brother-in-law was in hospital for cancer and I heard him answering his cell phone “Si, Si, Si”; after a few calls I realized it was the name of the company he worked for CCC and that he was not saying “Yes, Yes, Yes!”. In keeping with being in hospital, not doing well and yes, CCC; I’m afraid I have a life without a net report to report -

In this case CCC is gonna be Causation, Conundrum and Cure. With a big fingers crossed on the Cure part!

To be quite honest I have only had this happen once before and NOT to this degree but I can hopefully use this as both a useful growing experience and a reminder…

This is what we’re dealing with - Plant C


  • When I first started this grow journey I was in the midst of using up several items as I switch from inoculant, nutrients and starting medium
  • In the process of using up the last of a bag of hydroton a lot of ceramic dust collected on the surface of Tub C from around the jiffy pod
  • Wanting things to be as healthy as possible and being a worrier, I chose to up the water level in Tub C add extra inoculant and hopefully ward off any ill effect off the dark brown/black mass in the roots right at water level. I thought it best to be safe other than sorry
  • Enter the new more powerful aeration pump. Though the water in the tub was well below the net pot, it was higher than usual. The result was that the new pump made more bubbles which were now closer to the net pot drenching the jiffy pod.


  • Okay so do I try to fix this or just let the plant go? She can’t even stand up on her own and her roots other that nute discoloration and looking week from being ill - they don’t look bad at all
  • Damn and Drats!!! What do I do?

    Remember the mention of inert matter in supposed water soluble inoculant? That’s the bits in the tub and collected at water level in the roots… not good

Cure hopefully :crossed_fingers:
These are the tools I will use - along with a few toothpicks to try and remedy the situation

  • The plan is to remove all peat moss from around the stalk using the old dab spoon down to the first roots and replace it with ceramic stones and supporting toothpicks. The pipette will be used to rinse the area with pH balanced water.
  • Training will be suspended for Plant C until she can either stand on her own or passes
  • Time to open the coco pods for the next grow :joy:



Well that sucks! Shit happens to me all the time when I change something for the better and it bites me. Looks like a great fix you did there, it might make it. Are you saying that your root inoculant is going bad?

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:speaking_head: @Smoklahoma no my current inoculant(s) are just fine. When I started this episode with the ‘Frank N Beans Team’ I purchased ‘water soluble - hydro ready’ inoculant with many differing strains of enzymes. I had planned to, and still do use it for soil/coco based growing and Da Momma loves it! I’m switchings to TPS Billions, currently use Hydroguard and am using it up before switching. Yet, I just HAD TO try adding some of the multi-strain inoculant and that was NOT a good choice for hydro regardless of what the label says!

It was my raising the water level and the addition of a new more powerful pump that caused the issue though, not the inoculant. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’ve just seen crud on my roots sometimes, didn’t know what it really was. Sorry, I’m really fried and waiting on Valhalla espresso to get done.:upside_down_face:

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It’s going to be a great day!


That is an interesting challenge… :thinking:

It looks to me like the conditions were promoting a fungal attack (chronic damp off) attacking the base. Getting ‘the muck’ out etc. I think is the correct move.

I’ve had success using 3% H2O2 irrigating stem wounds. Perhaps something similar to suppress and clean around the base?




We sure do bud. Its seems you’ve remedied it fof now. Not really sure what the correct solution would be for all the inert matter in the reservoir. I’m confident you can Macgyver the hell out of this predicament! Good call on forgoing the training. Good luck! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


How is that death wish coffee? I’ve been wanting to try it out

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I love it. It’s no joke on the amount of caffeine. By my calculations my 8oz of espresso should have about 1800 mg. Good flavor and alot go go go.:skull_and_crossbones: