The Monster Mash

At some point in all of this mess there is still the middle way. Just like what WE let happen with the internet and most everything else in life. Let THE POWER build it up and use the parts we need. Give what you can and take what you need. As always - they MAY make you act but they CAN’T make you think. (Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull said that once) Legislated morality just doesn’t work. :wheel_of_dharma:

Is cannabis being just taken off Schedule 1 optimal? Hardly! Is it workable? Oh yeah

just a reminder it’s on Schedule 1 now and over 70% of the US by population has access to legal cannabis with more states being added continuously … about the same 70% think cannabis should be legal for adult recreational use. What will the future look like now that the Feds have agreed to expunge all federal simple possession cases and ARE seriously looking at removing it from Schedule 1 status ??? Who knows… even though far from perfect its a heck of lot better than it used to be just a decade ago… the future is looking pretty rosey to me (if we can quit fighting with each other over stupid stuff and don’t blow ourselves up)

on a personal note I agree with Reiko and I’m as puzzled over it even being an issue as I am many other things being one; like ethnicity, nationality, gender preference, religion or politics


I agree with this, movement is a positive direction is at hand, It gives me hope everyday that the future of this planet provides the freedom for anyone to grow their own medicinal cannabis.

Preview of this Friday’s St. Patricks Day Monster Mash

It’s going to be visually delicious. :sunglasses:
The Word on Ireland’s Grow street…

The @MoBilly ’s will be there.


You always amaze me! It looks to me like this coming Friday we are all going to be able to -
GO LUCK OURSELVES! :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face:
I’m tagging Image two as one of my favorites so far! Here! Here! @Heliosphear ! Wow
NotWorthy (2022_08_01 10_59_21 UTC)


An Honest Request- honestly

Being a real music-aholic I’m going to borrow a few words from one of our current prophets:
“ right now, right now
I’m doing the best I can

At this point in my life

At this point in my life
I’d like to live as if only love mattered
As if redemption was in sight
As if the search to live honestly
Is all that anyone needs
No matter if you find it” tl chapman

Should I ever overstep my bounds please call me out on it. If I hurt anyone’s feelings please let me know and I will do all I can to make it right. Even if that ends up meaning I’m sorry your feelings are hurt but not for what I said. I really don’t mind anyone disagreeing with me but if you want to debate your point then please have a reason for your belief not a belief for your reasoning. I don’t hate Billy Preston but I’m simply not playing ‘Will he go round in circles.’ If I say something that’s questionable or just plain not right - PLEASE bring it up so we can all learn. A few on The OG have needed to a time or two in the past and I’m better off for it. If the occasion fits call BS.

I REALLY have no desire or wish to do more harm than good - I’ve done that quite long enough in my 65 years and it’s not a wise choice.

So, humbly I honestly ask that if ever the yield just doesn’t add up to the amount of fertilizer PLEASE let me know. I can’t even try to fix what’s broken if I don’t know about it.

I appreciate you good folks more than you know and I’d really like to thank each and every one of you with a big smile, a handshake and big fat bowl if I could. But since that isn’t going to happen please know I wish each of you - my growmies, homies and friends only the very best ALWAYS. :wheel_of_dharma:


The Monster Mash
15 March 2023

Just a reminder the guess the weight game is still on and starts on the 23rd.

I will be out of town from the 24th through the 28th so I’m gonna miss the live posting of @Heliosphear ‘s unveiling of Episode Four of Frank in Space. I will however be here this Friday when the @MoBilly ‘s rescue Adamia from the Thundercats?!? You are going to have to show up to see how this one pans out. Episode Three of the Graphic Novel will be released this Saturday with Episode Four showing up shortly after my return.

The prize pool has one more entry - for first place a VERY special gift is in the works - more on that later.
For now - here’s the prize pool for the :trophy: Guess The Weight Game :trophy:

sorry but the hand knit blanket that my wife made for me is NOT includes :laughing:


DAMN Bro, them’s some nice stoner treats. Kinda bummed I’m ineligible for this contest but it wouldn’t be fair anyways, I’ve seen what you can do with a robust herb like those Hildas!
Here’s a Hilda cola:
How many colas did @BU2B estimate are in that tent? Jus Sayin.

A Tip to Contestants; go large! LoL
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


@BU2B Sometimes I linger in the darkness of a smoke filled room and think of my life as it’s been, in what was… wondering around the planet, seeing what I’ve seen grants me the illusion of being there again. These days and times we communicate builds those memories I will return to years from now, It is a honor to be OG with you.


“Check It Out”

A million young poets
Screamin’ out their words
To a world full of people
Just livin’ to be heard
Future generations
Ridin’ on the highways that we built
I hope they have a better understanding

Check it out
Goin’ to work on Monday
Check it out
Got yourself a family
Check it out
All utility bills have been paid
You can’t tell your best buddy that you love him
So check it out
Where does our time go
Check it out
Got a brand new house in escrow
Check it out
Sleepin’ with your back to your loved one
This is all that we’ve learned about happiness

Check it out
Forgot to say hello to my neighbors
Check it out
Sometimes I question my own behavior
Check it out
Talkin’ about the girls that we’ve seen on the sly
Just to tell our souls we’re still the young lions
So check it out
Gettin’ too drunk on Saturdays
Check it out
Playin’ football with the kids on Sundays
Check it out
Soarin’ with the eagles all week long
And this is all that we’ve learned about living
This is all that we’ve learned about living

A million young poets
Screamin’ out their words
Maybe someday
Those words will be heard
By future generations
Ridin’ on the highways that we built
Maybe they’ll have a better understanding
Check it out

hope they have a better understanding


That, my friend is a quotable quote! I’m adopting it for use when the occasion permits.

Well Said @Heliosphear, and apropos of @BU2B, he IS that kinda standup guy.


I’ll see everyone in a few day for Fridays Festivities! :v:
Image by @Heliosphear


Your job Maestro is to get a good nite’s sleep and keep dem Hildas happy. :upside_down_face:




:sunglasses: Glad you have a moment to relax…

Before the mayhem starts.

Have a Great day. :slightly_smiling_face:




Awsome work @Heliosphear . Love the last one of @BU2B . That confirms it. I knew he was a jedi!:green_heart:


Uh oh. Starting the day on an empty Like reserve :flushed:
But… helping to set the mood a little Irish-Jigging Wookiefoot reminder - All Together!

Just because we think of treasure
not in terms of gold and silver
Doesn’t mean that we don’t have our wealth
Some say we have lost it
But know in a world gone mad
Sanity is no real sign of health

So drop your bags and drop your fears
Lift your voice and voice your cheers
Hoist your mug and give some hugs
Shout your mantra sing your prayer
Look around we’re all right here
It just proves we’re not all there

We may not have it all together
But together we can have it all

(Hi di-diddly-i dum diddly-iddle-idle-dum
hi dum di diddly-i day)

The purpose of this life is to live a life with purpose
So don’t get trapped inside your safety net
So fill you well and light your flame
But go on seeking service
Life with out a cause is life with out effect


The Monster Mash
17 March 2023

Today’s the day! On two counts:

  • We are getting the pleasure of enjoying our holidaze with yet another exciting episode of Frank In Space; Frank and Adamia are currently on a universal quest to OverGrow the galaxy and save us all from boredom and harsh bong rips. Yep, that’s right @Heliosphear will be here once again with his amazing artwork and creations
  • Today is ALSO the day to announce the Very Special part of the First Place Prize Pool for the
    :trophy: Guess The Weight Game :trophy:
    The winner of First Place will also receive a VERY limited run edition of THE MONSTER MASH commemorative poster. @Heliosphear and I will be picking our favorites of all of the images he has posted to The Monster Mash thread along with the best flower images and bundling them all up in a one of a kind gift… JUST FOR YOU! 1 poster will also be donated to the OG for future fundraising events. If you have personal image favorites that YOU would like to see on the final poster please PM/DM me and we will do our best to accommodate you. Get your guesses on… you have 8 chances starting the 23rd.

Get ready for a GREAT Day and Fabulous Weekend… both are in the works :v:

:chair: and :chair: alike. SOMEONE on The OG NEEDS this Poster! This artwork deserves to be framed and hung in a gallery! Please let people know to pop in and drop a submission once a week. Thanks


Is Adamia totally Hot, or am I just being a creepy old guy? :rofl:



ha ha! got a like in! lol @Heliosphear is playing the crowd :rofl:


Thanks for that validation. I literally had the exact same question