The Monster Mash

The Monster Mash
Plant A 3 Week Flowering defoliation
16 April 2023

No more major defoliation until harvest. Leaves will be folded and/or selectively removed as needed with cleanup of leaves in preparation for harvest starting in about 2 weeks.

The plants start week 13 of life tomorrow and week 4 of flowering on Tuesday.
About 5 more weeks to go:
[Week 4] [Week 5] [Week 6] [Week 7] [Week 8] [HARVEST] :v:



they look great can not wait till the week before harvest i wanna see those colas filled and bending!


Uh-oh, here we go!
Looks like they can breath again too. :crazy_face:



Welcome to The Monster Mash Week 13
Monday 17 April 2023


My Wife picked us up a new Espresso/Latte/Cappuccino machine for our anniversary. I think I’m gonna love THIS morning :joy::v:


Oo, yeah! I got a little cheapo espresso maker with a steamer. It does great for when I want something more flavorful and stronger. It’s mostly just used on the weekends though. You are gonna get hooked on it I’m sure! Lol
Happy anniversary bud. Extend that to the mrs. aswell. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Round Five of the GUESS THE WEIGHT Game starts tomorrow at Midnight :v::green_heart:
Wednesday 19 April - Round 5: 12:01am


The Monster Mash
18 April 2023

Just before lights on this morning


Those are looking amazing. This is always my second favorite phase of growing, when the flowers really begin to show up. The transformation is so beautiful


Now that’s funny right there

1 Like

@Papalag :joy::laughing::grinning::innocent:
“You can try, you can try, to live HIGH to live Wide, but you never move faster than the speed of life” wookiefoot
Doh! Should have done reply to your post … but somebody’s been smokin’ again! :rofl:




18 April 2023 02:20:00 PM Smoklahoma time
I just got word from Mrs. @Smoklahoma that the surgery went good and he’s doing well and in recovery :+1: :heart:


that’s awesome news, wish him the best in his recovery


The Monster Mash
18/19 April 2023

As we enter week four of flowering I’m both shocked at how close the grow is to actually being over and amazed at the journey. For me it’s been a bit of a roller coaster at times. There probably isn’t going to be lot more ‘text’ to the thread from here on out so forgive me while I make up for that and toss in a few things while they’re on my mind.

We are really just waiting on flowers to fatten up and fill in and that’s about it - but while we do that I want to take the time to toss out a few well deserved Thank You’s.

  • First and foremost to YOU, each of you who have followed along, watched and waited as my foibles and fiasco’s proceeded in a sometimes St. Vidas dance like stutter forward.
  • After that it’s really hard for me to say who should come next as EVERYONE has been equally amazing - so hat tips to follow are in no order of importance:
  • @GrouchyOldMan @Gpaw @Heliosphear @Franklin @Smoklahoma @blowdout2269 @MoBilly @Rhai88 @MrWizard @ReikoX I am sure there are those I overlooked, my apologies. Without this very short list The Monster Mash would only be a pipe dream.
  • A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to those who have made (and will make) entries in the GUESS THE WEIGHT GAME; they’re haven’t been many to date but you’re all winners in my book. Congratulations to whoever ends up winning the prize pool; first or second place - I hope you enjoy the haul and it brings back some smiles. I appreciate you - BIG MOBS!

Once again thanks to all of you who have followed along - I can see the smoke in the valley…

Flowers are on the way and photo’s will be posted as the girls catch my eye. Holy Wow just over a month left
Screenshot 2023-04-18 213827


:cry: hate to see less of you. :exploding_head: The girls look amazing holy cow. Thank you for the sequential pics of the defol it really made it easier to see what was removed. Thank you for all the work you have put in. You have had a ride from 3 4 a key go sideways, lost a plant on this round and doing your awareness work while dealing with your health. That is crazy stressful let alone all of it is for all to see. THANK YOU SIR! Between sharing your ppp method then doing this interactive tutorial with pics showing your method. It has been filed and saved. Everyone else involved amazing work I’m sure your help was instrumental in pulling all of this together. @Heliosphear I have to say Frank in Space is epic dude and rolls great with this grow amazing. Early thank you for doing this @BU2B it has been fun and really showcases with pics and pre asked/answered questions lol a great info thread to download with your pdf. Thanks man happy growing and good health.


It has been a pleasure to watch. It has also been a pleasure to meet you @BU2B .


yup this is a cool thread and I am pleased to be able to follow along.
I’ve been at this for many , many years and there is always more to learn from those willing to share. So my hat is off to you @BU2B and I’m here to learn. Never grown a pound plant indoors… 1/2 pound but no 1 pounders. I hope to try this method very soon and I am grateful for the PDF access and being able to follow along in the Monster Mash. The contest is a bonus but adds to the fun for sure :wink: . I’m digging the stories and incredible artwork that go with the theme as well.