The Monster Mash

interesting about the S1s being different insert the more you know meme!

the more they grow the more i feel i under guess lol


As usual, @BU2B is exactly right, “an S1 is not a clone of the parent.”

At the root of the misunderstanding is that cloning is an “asexual” reproduction process. When you root a cut, the clone already has all the genetic coding it needs to grow.

When you pollinate a female plant with reversed pollen the sexual reproduction process allows for genetic mixing. The resulting S1 seeds are each unique and that is expressed as they grow.

In the case of these S1 seeds that variation is visible and significant. As @BU2B mentions both of his “Hilda” plants are somewhat different. In my own grow I have recently found an “Olive” phenotype that isn’t showing the curled and crinkly leaves as it matures.

Best wishes to all,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


yep always learning from yall on here keeps it fun! thanks for the break down


You found an un-wrinkled “Olive”?!?
I’ve been watching for this. :wink:


Well, it might be more accurate to call her a “Slightly-Wrinkled” Olive. lol

She’s sort of a variation on a theme, runty, but not SO runty, with a mix of smooth and curled leaves. Also about normal size so far.

This one is headed outdoors in early May along with a big Hilda and a Frankie clone.


The Monster Mash
23 April 2023 or 23.4.23 :laughing:

Another Week starts today! Another week of life for the girls starts tomorrow and another week of flowering starts on Tuesday followed closely by Week 6 of the Guess The Weight game. I will have to admit I’m as interested as anyone to see what these two NOT so little monsters will produce.

I was hoping to start the day with a few Dark Crystal shots but got going too late and the girls were already lolling around in the sun by the time I made it into the grow room this morning ….

Here are a few candid camera shots of them splashing around with their feet in the water at dawn -

Plant B

Plant A


Plant A
If you haven’t made an entry in the Guess the Weight game for this week that should give you some food for thought.

I did do some defoliation this week. I removed 23 leaves total from both plants.

At least one more photo update before Sunday then I will be off for a few days having bandings for esophageal varicies done. :v:
Just one more …


:speaking_head: @GrouchyOldMan LIFE IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATE(S1)

1 - You never know what you’re going to get :joy::green_heart:


There’s nothin quite as homey as the smell of Sunday morning going down …


“Well alright den, one less thang to worry about…”


BTW, best wishes at the Docs😘


The Monster Mash
24 April 2023


should we be making our guesses for plant A and B seperately?
Idon’t know if I have put a guess in for each week but these last pics are starting to show the potential of what could be hehehe

very nice!!


:speaking_head: @SHSC-1 ,
Estimates are for both plants combined trimmed and dried flower only. 4-5 more weeks to go. Now it starts getting interesting



  • One Entry per Week until harvest
  • Estimates are for both plants - trimmed and dried flower only
  • Prize Packages available for 1st and 2nd place
  • Week 6 of estimates starts Wednesday April 26 2023
  • Estimates by PM/DM ONLY. Estimates submitted to the thread are not valid.

Greetings Monster Mashers!

I hope the competition for this “Guess the Weight” contest gets serious. First because that stash of prizes is hefty, but also because we, as a group of experienced growers should be able to guesstimate a yield from sprout-to-flower pictures of a grow.

Those of you who have downloaded the @BU2B PPP method PDF already know how BU2B estimates the yield from his own grows.

So, you already know that the best guess is going to revolve around a count of budsites. That works really well in my experience.

So, here’s a blowup of some of his grow. Count the budsites and use that as your starting point. Do the math. Check my Frankie growlog to see what Hilda apical buds CAN look like. Hint: Lots of budsites and they’ll prolly be solid.

Then Vote something better than a guess.

Best of luck to all of ya, the prize pot is pretty rich! :+1:

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Yup it’s gonna be interesting to see how these finish out.
I have some frankie S1 coming and I know I am gonna try this with the frankie next fall/winter.
That said, I think this method could also work extremely well for my grow style outside in the greenhouse light dep. I know what my girls can yield and my method is different but I do spread my tops out in a 4x3 net that spreads them out and gets the light in. The plants go in 18gallon totes that get moved to darkness on the clock. for 12/12. Those usually yield 8ounces to a pound in my climate/method @52N/3000ft elevation.

anyhow… counting tops and bud sites now is a good idea for sure.


I would probably be right there with you on the net on this grow but… two ??? YEARS ago I did a big tidy in the grow room and put my net somewhere safe. It’s still SAFE wherever it is. ROTFLMFAO :rofl:


This sounds like my drying rack that is somewhere SAFE. More like MIA. :rofl:


Hey y’all jump in on this it’s a great tutorial and is fun with graphic novel. Show your support for @BU2B in his grow,medical issues, and all he does to raise awareness for these medical conditions. Come on ppp method that’s pound per plant indoors can you pull that off one plant? Read and learn. @BU2B is the pdf for your ppp method linked in the op?


The Monster Mash
25 April 2023

Monsters found living in a tent in Arizona! :laughing:

Local residents report two Monsters quietly living out their lives have been seen shocking and delighting neighborhoods with their growing sweet aroma and outstretched arms.