The Monster Mash


Happy Wednesday indeed! My morning cup …
Death Wish Espresso/Chocolate Rum Balls & Valhalla mix with cannabis ghee. When you finish your cup your bottoms up! (and movin while you’re groovin) :sunglasses:

‘I ain’t happy, I’m feeling glad. I’ve got sunshine in a bag. I’m useless, but not for long. My future is comin’ on.’


A to Z - Arizona Wednesday
Cannabis Tour Is Giving Away Pre-Rolls in Arizona

A leading cannabis pre-roll company in the U.S., which launched in Arizona last Spring, is bringing a tour to Arizona… Read more

AriZona Iced Tea & Puffco Just Launched a Cannabis Bong

This one-of-a-kind creative effort combines Puffco’s revolutionary patented design with AriZona’s widely recognizable Green Tea can graphics to create… Read more

Arizona Wholesale Cannabis Pricing Guide 2023

A B2B cannabis platform with more than 12,000 cannabis businesses in North America has released its 2023 Wholesale Cannabis Pricing Guide… Read more

Daily Deals in Arizona

And that’s just a small dip in the pool. Don’t forget to check out the Arizona Cannabis Growers Collective on Discord to see what AZ OGer’s are growing at home and even more AZ Cannabis treats and tricks. :v: ACGC is hosted on Discord by @Rhai88 ← busy man


awesome song to start the morning @BU2B
7a.m. and I cranked that one LOL
Wonder what my neighbors thought of that tune as I’m sure they heard it too hahaha!


The Monster Mash
26 - 30 April 2023 “The Plan”

From today until Sunday here is what has been done is on the agenda for the next 4 days:

  • New Fans for the tent. A friend provided me with two new clip on’s for the tent (installed and important as you will see)
  • Tubs will be changed out. In an effort to alleviate ongoing nute burn on leaf tips and to insure roots are as healthy as possible (temps are going up) from this point until the curtain call. This should give me a chance to show you the roots, re-splay the girls and remove any unneeded undergrowth
  • The process will be started to switch the girls from lights on during the day to lights on at night. I really should have done that at the start of flowering but … As temps rise and as we only have evaporative cooling keeping the temps down in the tubs in the spring and summer is not just nice - but essential - even more so if growing in hydro
  • New 4x4 Trellis Netting has been ordered and should be here early next week to aid in opening the ladies up to the light that surrounds them. The old one is STILL safe - Somewhere

Photos and updates will be posted as they occur. Keep in mind that I will be out of town for a few days starting May 1. Updates should hopefully resume sometime after the 2nd of May. :v:

P.S. - You can start submitting estimates for week 6 beginning today through May 2nd


I got my three Frankie mothers upotted last week and I’m giving them an extra week of veg to get used to the new 5 gallon pots (I found roots coming out the bottom of 2 out of three today).
… So I’m thinking they really liked the tea… :+1: :smile:

I’ve super-cropped to even out the canopies.
I’ve been playing with some smooth forceps and I’m really liking the results. They do a ‘brilliant’ job with woody steams…

Why are forceps plural? …and what would just one (one half?) be called?
{…bad sativa… bad… :smile:}



JEEZ they are just blowing up! ppp method lives up to its name sir




The Monster Mash
28 April 2023

The last big clean up and splay out before harvest.

Plant A







Note less tie downs used - More spread - Almost exclusively large leaves (less than 30) and popcorn buds removed

Plant B coming up shortly (relatively speaking) :v:


Beautiful walk through! I love how just opening it up did way more than a defo, I know you to a couple leaves, ever could without the loss of the okant solar panels. I can see now especially how this is manifoldesk kind same principles to a greater scale and how now it’s opened up light can easily penetrate to the bottom helping to create multiple spears. I mean those are some chunky buds already now they are just going to swell into each out and out. How long before you need to start adding yoyo’s about? Now is about tbe time they really start to pack on flower right? Amazing work🤯


The Monster Mash
28 April 2023

The last big clean up and splay out before harvest.

Plant B




While checking roots I found that two of the three aerator stones had worked themselves loose. While she was getting O2 it wasn’t the tiny intoxicating bubbles I thought she was getting.


Unlike Plant A for Plant B clean up consisted of mainly branches and popcorn buds with a few large leaves.


And there we grow … Week 5 of Flowering Day 4

I may try to get in a few flash shots to show off buds in the next few days but that is essentially going to be it on the grow updates until next Wednesday May 3rd

HA Ha I got a few samplers for my efforts


Look what I found while trimming up popcorn buds.
Both plants :upside_down_face:🤷Damn!

Gotta grow em out - I need the meds. But you might want to take this crappy development into account on your estimates.

Does anyone remember the Song? … Doom despair and agony on me, if it weren’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all …

CRAPOLA! I was feeling pretty good about having the yard done, the girls all cleaned up and set, and being about as ready as I can be for a few down days and being out of town. But … so much for that notion.

It is what it is … and forever :v::wheel_of_dharma:

Welcome to The Monster Mash: Old Skool Grow and accidental seed run! :rofl:


Ooh. Lucky me! I’m a winner twice for the same recessive trait. :laughing:

If growing out your own Monsters in the future you might want to keep in mind that if a plant is going to be a hermaphrodite it will show up between weeks 4 - 5 of flowering. :v:

As a gift to the Feds for Federally illegal cannabis I’m thinking any and all resulting seeds ‘may’ accidentally fall out of my pocket on Public Land - for The Public - near a somewhat reliable water source :+1:t3:


Hey man plants looking good after their trim ups! Man this grow has been fighting the hell outta you but you have been taking it in stride and rolling with it nicely. Sucks about the herm please keep us updated I got my Frankie about to hit the flip. Finding those loose air stones was a good catch especially for the swell she needs all the o2 she can get to them roots.


Reminder time from REO Speedwagon:


Damn, sad day bro. Eh, I’ve had my share of late nanners also. I bet it’s hard to do thorough inspections when you’re wrangling such monsters. What’s s few seeds anyways, right? You’ll still have an abundance of great flowers I’m sure! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


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More seeds to give away and spread the Frankie love… For those people who want to keep the hermie gene, that is. What bad luck but maybe they’re far enough along that you won’t really get too many seeds out of it? Just trying to think positively


A smiling Wedding Day dance song (for Auntie A & Uncle B)

🫶🏽 :heart: :ring:


Sunday Funnies
Over reactions - Is it better to be overwhelmed or just plain whelmed? :laughing:

Once the shock has worn off I am left in awe of Ma. Looking at how the few male buds are so nicely tucked away and hidden is pretty amazing.

In reality - it takes 6-10 weeks on average for seeds to fully mature and we only have 4 left. Any weight loss due to hermaphroditism will be made up for in immature seeds. And immature seed weight will not make a huge difference in weight. There are not many male flowers and most are well packed into the bud and are probably going to pollinate few if any female flowers. In the end it is quite likely to come out very much the same on weight as what it would have been if both plants weren’t hermies.

I look forward to getting caught up and seeing everyone on Wednesday. Be kind - unwind :v:


Uh, I think that I missed two weeks of guesses…

Sorry for the bananas