The Monster Mash

Not Ethylene Glycol :grimacing:

Yes, in this form it is easy to get.

Or you can get optic foliar switch used to be the same thing.

The label has changes on switch, so who really knows what is in that now.

Start with 1 drop per liter and try to spray only the areas that have male flowers.
Spray every other day if you feel parinoid or once or twice a week or until you think they are all gone.
You will see them wither pretty fast.
You can spray the whole plant but it is best to keep it confined if you are able.
Try your best not to get any on the roots/dirt.
A little is no big deal.
This should not effect the flavor at all.
This may in fact increase canabinoid production.


Well not entirely true.
I think Cal/mag is ok to use.
Especially for those who don’t understand plant nutrition.

My main issue with cal/mag is I love to push calcium.
I feel everyone would grow better weed if they found a way to push calcium that fits the way they grow.

If you do that with a Cal/mag you will end up with way too much mag.
This will compact your soil among other issues.

To put it plain and simply it is not the best solution.
It is a good solution for those who are newer growers or just want to keep things very simple.
I feel if you need calcium you should just add calcium.
If you need mag just add mag.

When you need nitrogen you don’t add more K.
Why would you, and what if you are high in K already?
Add what you need when you need it.
A professional commercial gardener does not usually stock a bottle of calmag.

Yes, I agree.
In fact, it is the wrong answer.
I think that is what got my dander up on that topic…
It is being hailed as a miracle solution, and that is just so very far from the truth.
Again, I take no issue with cal/mag and those that need it.
But the first step in advanced gardening for me at least would be to let go of the bottle of cal/mag.

Fuck that looks good!
Made me thirsty, thanks jackass… :rofl:
I am not supposed to drink beer either, I get migraines. :pensive:


“The Get Smart cone of silence…”… :rofl:

Back to catching up…


Hey, I like pennies! Lol
Looking good bro. Don’t let the nanners keep ya down. Hey, maybe I’ll remember to enter a number guess this week, aye? Considering ya got such sweet door prizes and all. :crazy_face:

Fun fact: All Lincoln pennies minted before 1982 are worth over three times their face value in copper scrap(last I checked). :+1:


The Monster Mash
Cinco de Mayo 2023

Today would be a very good day, for a good day!

Thanks to the kindness of the OG and the knowledge of @shag I think I may have actually learned something today!


The girls thank you - (yes indeed) TODAY would be a very good day for a good day - ALL DAY LONG!

Foliar spray ordered today! We’re all in this together… STAY HUMAN!
IMB_Jx3bh5 IMB_Jx3bh5 IMB_Jx3bh5 IMB_Jx3bh5 IMB_Jx3bh5


That bush has turned into a nice shrub, very nice!

Happy to help brother.
If you have any questions, shoot me a PM, I will do my best to answer. :heart_eyes:
Happy May 5th… :wink:


All in all VERY good day so far and it’s not even 9am here yet!

While still not extremely popular it seems reason HAS come into season and is sprouting up everywhere. It must be spring!? :laughing:

I actually learned something - and not just trivia but actual applicable life improvements for both me and my plants. I woke up feeling pretty good to start with and today has just gotten better and better. I’m on the second cup of coffee, the girls have been looked after and the tent and grow room have been cleaned up, posts have been made, nanner negating spray has been ordered and things are looking pretty sweet (for now).

If you’re prone to thinking that pulling strings manipulates the big puppet in the sky (nows the time for prayin - just sayin) but for me, Thomas Dolby and a few others I’m more than happy to be blinded by science :+1:t3::v:

Reject popular notion as Science and Start Thinking Scientifically. Thanks for the reminder Thomas 🫶🏽


Those monsters are looking outstanding! Building nice colas even with the nanner situation. Going to be a great harvest! Excellent job brother! :grin::green_heart::+1::fire:


Have a GR8 Weekend Folks! :v:


As soon as I saw that, in my head, SCIENCE!


The Monster Mash
6 May 2023

Shots in the dark …

The Switch Foliar Spray will be here Monday :v:


:musical_score: “… A little bit of bud is better than no bud
Even the bad bud is better than no bud
And even the sad bud is better than no bud at a-l-l”


Nice job, buddy-sattva, dang those look so good


And… the Weekend Round-up on photos

A new week starts at midnight, a new week for the grow starts Monday and a new week for flowering and estimates starts Tuesday with flowering week 7. ABOUT two weeks to go :v:
My estimate of yield is …. Known and noted but won’t be revealed till harvest day. :laughing:


The grow is almost over - I can already hear the folding of the chairs… But before I get gone from journaling for good and since we’re not going to have a Monster Mash Specific Poster for the winner I’d like to offer up some OG AI generated lithograph images for the crowd and for you good folks to do with as you please
THANK YOU as @Heliosphear so aptly put it ‘It’s been my pleasure being OG with you!’

1 image for each of the 18 weeks of The Monster Mash :v:


It’s a star filled night sky from where I’m sitting

I can even pick out a few constellations


Bravo Maestro, a beautiful gesture memorializing this epic grow!

Old Guys Rule!



the pic , 3rd down on the right… that one speaks to me. :wink:
nice work and boy those plants are blowing up nice eh?
It’s a pleasure following the grow and seeing what you are sharing with the community.
If this is your last grow log… I feel privleged to be here!! :wink:


Privileged to be here too @SHSC-1. It has been an honor to know this man.

The images are wild things. They each have their appeal, but the fourth one down on the left calls to me…




LOL, 4th row center for me…

