The Monster Mash

"They call me the BREEZE I keep rolling down the road ". That is a nice nug crusher lol

Congrats winners I purposely didn’t pick 420 figuring lots of people would have.:rofl:


Dang it!!! Why didn’t I guess 420 grams… :rofl: Congratulations @ShiskaberrySavior and @Piter

@BU2B It is my honor to be a part of your last public grow. Thank you for your incredible work putting together the graphic novel, when it is printed I will send you the first copy. Thank you for sharing your grow life, trials and tribulations of the incredible person I call friend. The years ahead will be difficult for all of us world wide, I hope that you can stop by from time to time and let us know how you are doing.

We will never forget.


The Monster Mash
Grow notes, comments and musings:

Now that the journal is closed please take the time - should you feel like it to make a public comment about the grow -
Let us know what you think, what could have been done differently, what was done right and your own musing on not only the growing method but the plants it was used on

Here are just a few of my thoughts on FD as I look at this from the grow over side.

This is my honest assessment of this strain - so far:
• a little unpredictable at this point. appears to be about 75% HILDA type plants
• given the total number grown out so far that I’m aware of I’m going to say hermie is a possibility in about 25%
• there is obvious differences in growth and flower even among the now classified HILDA branch
• not a great producer in harvest yield. I would classify her as medium to low yield at current
• there is something special about this high. I don’t say that lightly. If you are dabbin this puppy you had best be heading home if you’re heading anywhere. No kidding 30 minutes after the body rush your head explodes and then it’s pipe dream nodding time. I have dabbed maybe ¼ of a gram and it’s always the same - consistent and does get more intense if you smoke more.
• personally I really think she’s worth stabilizing and doing right. This has the potential to far outshine it’s namesake and would truly be of benefit to the cannabis community.


Hey bud,
Again, congratulations on the success!
I’d have to say on the fifth bullet point; that’s really what matters, right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well … that and everything else. We don’t need anyone passing out hermie beans with a promise of stability and a track record of losses. Anything worth doing is wirth doing right. Being set free of her cloning contract and now a free agent this one’s in the hands of the OG Management team and I fully expect their final roster to be full of Allstars. :v:

I’m kind of looking forward to one day logging in and seeing someone offering a stable
BIG FRANKIE feminized :wink: Frankenstein → Frankensteins Daugher stable HILDA [Hilda x ???] x Big Bud → BIG FRANKIE :+1:


Nice grow my friend as always. Starting my first indoor photo run so I’ma be pming you a bit probably. Even though I’m doing soil I may need a hand to hold lol. Shoulda got in on the guessing. That’s what happens when you’re late to the party.


@BU2B the Monster Mash pillow cover arrived the other day.
This is a truly awesome , one of a kind collector piece. Thankyou again!


That’s Very cool!! :+1:



I have the same one that says purple Kush lol. There’s a little stash pocket on the inside :grin:


Great times and safe travels for @BU2B who is busy with his advocacy work. Thanks for the grow and the novel.


I should be home tomorrow and prize packages will go out shortly. Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience :v:


Glad you’re back safely. Good trip?



Be safe on your way home! Man it’s got to feel good getting home after 10 days out. So you have any idea what you plan on popping next or are you busy traveling for a while so putting this on hold? WELCOME BACK!


that pillow case is great lol. welcome back home bud get a good nap in and pop some beans :stuck_out_tongue:

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@BU2B - you make it home yet?

Hope all is well…take care.

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Got home Friday and I’m getting beans going today :+1:t3:
Half a dozen auto variety pack and a few real plants :joy:
And away we grow (again).


Good to hear!


Glad to hear you made it home safe bud!
How was the journey?


Waaahoooo! So very good to see your back home and you’re dropping seeds.
Got a big Freedom to Grow racing event coming up on July 4th, are you in?


The trip was and still is; Interesting, short, relaxing, long, inspiring, stressful, exhausting, and invigorating :laughing:

but … Dorothy was right “there’s no place like home”