The Monster Mash

Just reminded me I gotta send you out a holo ACGC sticker and magnet. gonna be sending out mail in a few days. I haven’t forgotten you.


The Monster Mash
26 January 2023.

What do you think?

plant A
plant B
plant C

Observational note: 26 January - At this point - I think plants A and C are the same phenotype; HILDA and plant B is an Olive. Notice plant B; she’s tall and lanky with twisted leaves. The two distinctly different phenotypes are about to reveal themselves. HILDA- short squat more Indica in appearance and OLIVE who appears to want to be a tall string bean Sativa but doesn’t know how. I could be wrong; it wouldn’t be the first time but for now - I’m sayin’ A and C look a lot alike to me.

Reference - Frankie’s Daughter - Unpacking a frozen genome


Fine observations.
I also think B is the trooper, and C has some catching up to do. How deep in the Jiffy’s are the seedlings?

1 Like

:speaking_head: the bean head is uh, well, above the peat. The root is in it and soon to be popping out the bottom. So … the answer is - ???

I think what we have here is a failure to communicate - lol. :joy:

When FIRST placed in the jiffy pods they are placed tap root down with the bean head right at or just below the surface. You need to make sure caps are popped so the embryonic sac is removed with the shell. If this doesn’t happen during the germination process I generally insure there’s enough covering to facilitate proper shell removal.

If you recall, plant C is a wee bit of a late arrival - about 30 hours behind the other two. However all 3 had heads up on the 23rd so I’m counting that as the official START date. :v:


Looking good in the grow. :sunglasses:
Starting a new series here: Family Photo Friday! Monster Mashhhhh style.

Wellllll of course with Cannabis. :sunglasses: CYA tomorrow.


Man, thats incredible work! What software do you use to create these?


TAG… You’re It! :v:


The Monster Mash
26 January 2023

Neil -
Could you remind me about THE WEAPON again?
“We’ve got nothing to fear but fear itself, nothing not failure, not fatal tragedy… and the things that we fear, are a weapon to be used against us”

Random Ramblings -

Conversation with a friend about the grow -

ME - “ I think my ego is outpacing my worth on that line. The grow and journal are going well - but even with almost 600 hits only 2 have downloaded the PDF. I’m starting to feel the insecurity creeping in - leaving me to wonder if I’m just a noisy side show on the corner.”

“ Ya can’t help but notice the drums and the cymbals- but really have no interest in sticking around for the talk and brochure ”

FRIEND - “ Now now my friend… you can lead a stoner to knowledge but you can’t make him think”

ME - “ I know - but still. I’m often not very good at the social interaction thing. It’s a weird weird world for me most of the time. Craving attention and fearing it at the same time. I’m thinking I’m going to need a lot more practice and a bit tired of practicing on others to appease my bizarre craving to be seen and left alone all at the same time. ”

I didn’t know the man, but, I truly admire the fortitude and sentiment “ONWARD THROUGH THE FOG!” Indeed! :v: Thanks @oleskool830 :cowboy_hat_face:
most of the time I’m pretty sure I’m only seeing this thing in 1/2 D!


The Monster Mash
27 January 2023

thoughts on …

Flushing and Bucket Changing: What’s the difference between the two? I’m not really sure of the actual official Hydro answer to the question; but my answer is - “In Hydro, I define flushing as an exclusive preventative measure or repair solution while I classify tub changes as your regularly scheduled solution and nutrient replacement routine.” They’re essentially the same thing with a different causation.

NSHP Notice:
‘I hear die hard hydro dogma folks gasping even now but …’
Over the course of time I’ve come to settle on USUALLY only doing a tub change 4 times during the course of a 16-17 week grow period; 1. At the Start of the grow 2. When changing from veg to flowering nutrients 3. Finishing 4. End of the grow [Alternately 1.start 2.veg nutes from mild to aggressive or if I think the plant needs it 3.flowering nutrition change 4.finishing and at the end of the grow] Standard hydro practice is to change tubs every 7-10 days

IF PPM gets too crazy, root issues look impending or are already happening, nute lock, obvious nutrition imbalance; these are all tub changes that qualify as FLUSHES. Flushes will often require additional preventative care, nutritional changes or additions AND another tub change once the desired result has been achieved.

This all ties in with PPM/EC and your water source as well your growing environment. Some people wig out over PPM/EC but that’s a bit like me wigging out over, well, just about anything :), it really doesn’t server much of a purpose, but it does help to pass the time. In reality there is precious little you can do about your actual starting PPM/EC without changing your water source and THIS is the major factor calling for a tub change in hydro every 7-10 days. The PPM of the water where I live is already considered high before I ever add any nutrients or additives which are only going to bring it up. As long as I insure EXCELLENT aeration I find my temps in the tubs can not only exceed the accepted norm of 68f but it can be the major contributor in keeping tub changes AND flushes to a minimum.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with sticking to the hydro standard of changing out your tubs or reservoirs every 7-10 days and it’s actually pretty good practice and the SAFEST most reliable way to go. Yet if you keep an eye on your plants and try to make every view ‘the first’ and insure excellent not just good O2 aeration and enough root respiration space, you can easily adjust your tub/reservoir changes to include many more days than the standard 7-10 .


Flushing, meh. I think it’s a myth.
Bucket changing…I’d assume yes, it needs to be done. But I don’t do hydro(the one time doesn’t count, lol), so what do I know? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The Monster Mash
27 January 2023

HILDA DA MOMMA, out for her morning jog (partial darkness). She’s soon gonna be styling in her new digs, I just got notice her new drip pan and cloth bucket will be in in a few days :wink: I plan to let her get (almost) as big as she wants

I’d show you her babies but they’ve all moved away from home


:speaking_head: @blowdout2269 I saw that grow - It absolutely DOES COUNT!

We’re all new at this, just some have been doing it longer than others. None of us has EVER been here before, or here, or here… :smile:


I’m thinking if it turns out that plant B is the HILDA (I’m steadfastly refusing to look at any of my previous FD grow photo’s - so I can learn the identification process along with you) - I’m thinking she can be a TRUE MONSTER and fill the 4x4 tent out all by herself :heart_eyes: What’cha Rekon?


Yeah, the vegitative grown in DWC caught me by surprise. That monster Bush got way out of hand by the end, lol.


Well, Plant B does seem to be the dominating one. But I thought that the twisty leaf growth belonged to Olive. Maybe I’m confused…
Got some more pics? :smiley:


@HumblePie420 Thank you, midjourney.

Music video to set the mood…
EveryBody Starring Wick, 007, the rock, Pitt and S-Dogg

Have a great Friday! :sunglasses:


:speaking_head: @blowdout2269 oh, ya; I’ve got other pictures. However, to be quite honest when we first started this process the extreme difference between the phenotypes was NOT known and I really didn’t pay a lot of attention to identification until AFTER the difference was more than obvious.
The ‘uge’ difference between the HILDA and OLIVE phenotypes kind of took me by surprise. In an effort to further MY education I’m sticking with the photo’s taken for this grow and reference from Frankie’s Daughter - Unpacking a frozen genome

-I’m steadfastly refusing to look at any of my previous FD grow photo’s - so I can learn the identification process along with you

*** I just checked the girls - we have roots coming out of net pots - things are about to start exploding ***


Ladies and Gentlemen the ONE, the ONLY @Heliosphear ! Thank you my friend!


Happy Friday brother!


@Heliosphear, Maestro, Fountain of Monstrosities!

What would a version of the original Mary Shelly Frankenstein look like?

Her metaphorical Monster was a blank slate, brought into this world by a mad scientist. He was a victim of circumstance and even showed the beginnings of a soul before the terror and instinctive hatred from nearly every human he encountered formed his character into a brutish form.

Your talents haven’t yet been tapped to their fullest and I wonder if you could conjure up a friendly, frightened, fugitive Frankenstein? Even Boris Karloff’s rendition highlighted the tragic side of the “Monster.”

I just knocked back a bowl of the aforementioned herb and it got me thinking about the actual story. Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein was more like the Elephant Man than Night of the Living Dead

Random pontifications, apologies to all,
PS, Hey @BU2B… I’m betting on three Hildas! :wink: