The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

Lovely colours and structure on that Cherry Gar-See-Ya bud :star_struck:


Looks great.
The flat stem looks cool but isn’t worth keeping around in my experience


Should I send it to you?

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I definitely don’t want it :flushed:

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Well the mom of that flatty is turning out nice.


I have to keep the flat stemmed plant. It’s different and interesting to me. I have to see what it becomes.


Man, those buds are shaping up nicely!


About halfway through the flowering cycle I mix up a yummy tea and serve it to the girls. It’s a little different then the tea I feed them just before flipping them but pretty similar. Each plant is fed about 1/2 gallon of tea at lights on and I always feed them the tea on a scheduled watering/feeding day. So I allow them to uptake as much of the tea as they want for about an hour then feed them very slowly as usual till I see runoff starting. Whatever they haven’t sucked up in 30 minutes I vacuum up with the shop vac.


Have I mentioned before how much I love the Cap Junky strain? Check out these small buds located a little more then halfway down the plant. Keep in mind this plant still has about 30 days to go before harvest.


I’ll see what I can do to make seeds. I haven’t done reversal yet but I have the solution. Since I can run outside just might be able to do this.:thinking: Cap junky looking good.

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Just remember to start treating whatever part of the plant you want to reverse starting on about day 12-15. STS correct?


I can’t help it I love this plant. Bubble Gum at flip +34 days.


I woke up with an earache this morning. Started taking antibiotics and Probiotics in an attempt to avoid another visit to the doctor who will do nothing more then weigh me, check my blood pressure, talk to me for 2 minutes and then refer me to the doctor who would actually treat me. Don’t get me started on the medical profession in the USA.

So I am in some pain, not feeling all that great and hate sitting around doing nothing. I decided to open all my Mephisto Genetics free seed vials and load the seeds in to flips to put into my auto seed album.


That’s a few auto fems!


If those are your freebies you must have bought all their
Inventory :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes sts is what I’ll be using.
Have you heard of or used ear candles before? They pull all the build up(infection in lymph nodes) wax and whatnot. Great relief, and removes pressure and some pain. I have ear issues and swear by them.

Got these from Walmart $5 a box each comes with 2. The flames creates suction pulling ear wax out safely. It’s crazy what comes out especially with ear infection. Yes I cut them open and look at the grossness.


I’ll have to look into those for use periodically to help keep the ears clean but I’ll give the antibiotics a few days and if it’s not getting better will have to suffer the attack on my intelligence and go see my primary care doctor. Thanks for the tip.

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Doesn’t look as cool as all the little vials but it’s a whole lot easier to find something now.


Better then sports cards


I’m running a Cap Junky currently at flip +42 days. The last ones I harvested on day 68 so she has about 3.5 weeks to beef up and add more trichromes.