The Neverending Seed Run/Experimentation Station

This seed run will be community driven(mostly) using grids and majority vote on which group of seeds and plants will be chosen and grown to produce seeds for free for the OG community. We’ll be attempting to find and to bring back “lost” phenos like Road Kill Skunk,Cat Piss,Orange Crush etc from my lifelong seed collection(30k+ retro seed). Who knows, maybe we’ll find something that’s even better.

I’ve been on a search for a local RKS killer dubbed loving by me and a friend as “Funeral Home Dope” Which smelled like fermented formaldehyde and massive infection, it would almost make you gag, So resinous you’d have to peel it from the sandwich baggie. When we were talking to the old timer who grew it(he just recently passed) we thought he was messing with us with some rotten flower or something since we were just 16-17 years old at the time, He told us every few years it did that and he did not know what caused it.(very rare phenotype, considering the frequency it would reoccur I’d say 1 in 5-10k seed) One hit was plenty for 4-6 hours and tasted much, much better than it smelled.

Enough stoned none sense, let’s get this adventure started with my oldest seeds(that I know of)

Found in my camping supplies(locked in a closet for 20+ years) from my eagle scout days, back then we only had two kinds of smoke, compressed mexican brick weed or locally produced skunk and these seeds are damn sure not from compressed brick. Keep your fingers crossed cause these poorly stored seeds will require extra attention and some additives to the soaking solution. Luckily, my Dad is a VCR repair man and has the ultimate toolkit :wink:

Day 1 - Seeds go into DISTILLED water with 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide

Day 4 - Not looking good, no visible cracks at this point means they need some help. Distilled water and h202 replaced. before putting seeds back in water I pinch each one and press them against my tooth so they crack but not split completely apart. Also add 1 drop of Fulvic acid. They get put back into the mixture and placed back in a non heated area.

Day 9! Signs of life!

They’ve been placed into number 4 nursery pots with my organic soil mixture of “coco,organic raised bed mix,sand,perlite” sprayed in with SPRING WATER, .5gram recharge in a 750ml sprayer and 2 drops of fulvic acid and now just to hurry up and wait on their arrival.

Updates will come weekly if I have time. Thanks for dealing with my 2nd grade english and stoned ramblings.


Going to sit down on the grass under this tree over here and watch the show. Best of luck :v:


I put a chair for this


This is freaking rad. Will be cheering you all along!

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Gonna hang around to watch if that’s cool. :v:t2:

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Hell ya grow grow grow . Looking forward to seeing this happen


Taking a break from messing with the plants to watch this.
:green_heart: :seedling:

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9 days! I’ve never waited nine days, I need more patience.

I’ll grab a seat in the back here and learn from a master


I have my eye on here too, good crops and mission success


Unless they’re old seed I’d never wait 9 either haha, With new seeds after 12 hours of no tails I’m hovering them over the compost debating on their vigor :smiley:


Some landraces are stubborn to germinate as well, just hang in there


lookin for skunk eh… i can dig it


9 days?! Today I learned I need more patience haha Hanging around for this one! Great details so far.


At day 10 had no cracks developed we’d have gone deeper into the toolkit(Had one pop at day 23 before and dampened off at day 7 above ground, talk about heartbreaking), using enzymes(I was just about to start soaking some blackbeans and alfalfa seed to get some enzymes from fresh popped seeds) magnets and many other things I’ll go into more detail about when/if we get to those “milestone” points(day 5,10,15 etc) that are in my head haha( we’ll use most of them before the seeds are all gone)

Any new growers reading this madness should stay with just distilled water and a drop or two of 3% hydrogen peroxide. These are crazy old ways I’ve developed from years of popping my parents/grandparents beans and are not needed for fresh viable seed.


I admire your tenacity and determination also your commitment to this project I’ll be following along for sure



Excited to watch this play out! You seem to have some good experience and techniques. I can sense I’ll definitely learn some good tricks on this journey.



There you go again, hogging all the Shade…lol!! I’ll hang in that far right corner, it’ll make it way over here soon. SUPER undertaking, everybody here wishes you nothing but success. THE RKS SEARCH CONTINUES!!! Do stay safe, take special care, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


This is very interesting. Vibes going out to your oldest seeds right now.

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Nice project! Cool to see your methods with old seeds. I read one trick of soaking some organic tomato seeds in the water before adding your seeds. Some enzymes from the tomato seeds help. Ive got some oldies I may try that trick on.

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Very cool project indeed! OG gonna bring back that real skunky skunk weed!

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