The ongoing indoor grow

Well, first it does have to re-vegg, but you saw what happens w the re-vegg plant in flower. Produced many smaller nuggets but it was still close to 3oz. Yes this is a good idea to do, but since I have it already getting it to someone else begins a wider dispersal outreach :+1:

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Well It is that time of the week, so here is what has been going on.
Dodged a bullet this week when I did not lose power during the hurricane that came through. Which is great for me because the Crippy will be ready in another 10 days or so.

The Drunken Cherry FogDog is really starting to show itself now that it is in full flowering. At first she just looked like a skinny bean stalk, but now looks like this.

Tonight I need to move a few things around because in the morning I have maintenance coming in to patch a leak in my patio sliding glass door from the storm and I do not want to take a chance they come in while I am out.


Glad you seemed to fare well through the storm. :crossed_fingers:

I’d definitely take a cutt or 2 to preserve some fire! Hope the reveg goes smoothly. I’d gladly spread the cuts around too!

Been busy lately, but I’ll try to keep an eye open. Feel free to DM, if you need a quick response. :+1:


Good to hear, allows me to do a few things like keep this cut alive and try and get pollen from it.


Sts for pollen would be amazing. Let’s keep it alive!


I’ve got a few ww x ny diesel, and the arachnid pie flowering They are looking outmotherfuckingstanding to quote a great OGer. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I’ll have to get some photos to share.


You need to try his Cheesebake, it is :fire:


Send some my way! :laughing:


PM me your address I will send a few your way.


I can send some your way, as well, my friend :v:t4:


I’ve got your berry cheese bake is that similar?


Same thing


Sorry. Got distracted cleaning the vines and trees out of my silo. I’ll send a pm to repins. I don’t want to deplete your stash @darkillusion , and I’m sure he’s got a few extra. :wink:


Well I just got boned again. My apartments front office just sent out an email…I have a hurricane apartment inspection this week. More than likely tomorrow, so everything is coming down right now. So I will not be revegging the Crippy and I guess the Drunken Cherry has to go as well. At least the Crippy is almost ready.


New record in under two hours I have torn down 3 tents, tossed the Drunken Cherry and fixing to trim up the Crippy.
Hate it when my closet looks like this.


Dammit! Sorry that happened man. Hope it all goes smoothly.

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You should look into getting an old style trunk and make a stealth cabinet out of it.

You can find old beat up ones like these -

-at antique stores. I bought one for 90bucks and rehabbed it for my sister. Seems like it might be perfect for a closet grow. And it would fit in like it should be there. :wink:

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I have looked into making one but that is when the costs for it start to mount. I lack all the tools needed to convert something into a stealth cabinet. Plus for me it is not worth the risk of having a plant in full flowering get found in an inspection.


That’s all you had to say. :+1:

No need to have added anxiety from a risk like that.


Since I work for the mouse I have learned that the local news stations just love airing when one gets busted for something. I do not need that kind of publicity.


Well the Crippy is down, under normal conditions I would be hanging them out to dry for a few days before curing. But since I have to expect some unwanted visitors I can not do that. So I have all the buds in containers in my fridge, I will keep them in there until the inspection is over, that way I can keep it fresh with out it starting to mold. I do this all the time at work with fresh herbs to keep them fresh for as long as possible. Once the inspection is over I will lay them out on sheet trays to dry out properly. On the bright side I have seeds to harvest from her (Tampa Crippy IX x SFV OG BX3 F2). Now to figure out what to seeds start next. Still have a private run to do so I will be using the 2 tents the Crippy and FogDog where in.