The ongoing indoor grow

That does make me feel a bit better but at the same time I feel like if there’s something I don’t realistically see myself getting to in my lifetime it’s better in the hands of someone who will pop it. I think I just hit 152 the other day after getting the Fall Box stuff :flushed:


Think of it like this. Yea you prob will never get to grow all the strains you have. But what you dont plan on growing can become the currency you need to trade for what you really want.


Or pay for your funeral when the time comes.


Not me…when the time comes I wish to be buried deep in the swamps of Florida will all my seeds. So that way the legend of crackerman and his buried stash of chronic seeds will make future stoners trek through the swamp tring to find my grave. City stoners in the swamp vs. gators and snakes will be my final gift to the world. :rofl:


I’m hoping one of my grand kids takes up my hobby ,or open a pot friendly nursing home grow room .


My bad, OG!

On it now!

Well it has been a few days since I posted anything about growing, and I am sorry for that. I am in the middle of a vacation until the end of the month and I have been taking the most of it. But any ways, I started a JOTI seed that was doing great until I put it into soil and it quickly died on me. When I say quickly I mean within 2 hours of going into soil it was dead and shriveled up. So I have now in a paper towel is a sour diesel auto, so you know what that means. Sour Diesel auto seed run is happening.


Gonna reverse it? Or cross it with something else? I’m excited to watch!

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Going to reverse it. These SD auto seeds I got from ILGM and they all grew stupid big so I want to keep that going.
Edit; Plus I have already done 2 crosses with these SD seeds in the past…SDxPPP and SDxBubblegum.


Gotcha. So same sour d as before! I’ve got both and I’m gonna run the bubble gum in my next auto run. Last couple auto run I just grew fems. Just easier. :wink:

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Well I am sitting heavy on ready to smoke bud, so in the mean time I can do a seed run. Hope the SDxBG does well for you. Another OG member sent me this pic a month ago. He was growing the SDxPPP…


Ohhhhh. :heart_eyes: Nice! There’s some love in that tent.

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I was also told it has a very strong minty smell.


Monsters, you made some magnificent monsters my friend :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


The eagle has landed! So excited for these! I’m gonna try and fit them in on the 2nd half of next year. Still have to figure out how to deal with sexing plants with my dwc setup. Was thinking pop em in some solo cups then clone the females and put em into the tubs. I dunno.


All the better reason to do an open pollination seed run on them. :crazy_face:


I got notice mine arrived at my safe addy as well, just have to pick them up. Thanks again for the fire! :metal:

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Not much to show off today. Had to start another SD auto seed because I let the first seed dry out too much…was out of town could not help it. But the new seed is in soil and I hope it does well because I only have 1 seed left. Hence why I am doing a seed run on it.


Well the Sour Diesel auto seed is still alive but doing is own thing. take a look…

This is how it has looked for the last two days now…losing hope on it. If it does not make it I will change up my plans again as far as what I am growing. I have a long list of things I want to grow so, I will keep dropping seeds until one takes hold.


Hopefully, it’s just getting it’s footing established :+1:t4: :v:t4: