The ongoing indoor grow

Morning my brother. I still have a screwed phone. But I do get messages. Just can’t send for some reason.
I still enjoy watching your garden.


Hello everyone, I know as of late I have not had much to show off for everyone to see. Last week I showed how the Sour Diesel was not growing very well, the next day…it died. Since I only have 1 seed left I am putting that on hold for a later time, plus I was more than a little bummed out about losing a third seed in a row like that. So in order to get my mojo back I looked through my seed list for a good one to grow, something different from what I have grown in the past. I think I found something that fits the bill nicely.

Only downside is right now I only have one tent up and running. I have been waiting on my apartment complex to redo some caulking on my patio door to keep water out. So the less I have up and running the less I have to try and hide. So this plant is in my main tent with my private run plants which I just flipped to flowering. Hope to have this in a tent by itself soon…who am I kidding been waiting since the hurricane for this to be fixed so I am fixing to do the caulking myself and tell the front office to cancel the work order.


Nice! Is that 88’ or Sensi version ?


You only popped one? Are they fems?

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Sensi version

They are regs and I only popped one seed. That is all the room I have to use right now until I get this repair issue with my apartment dealt with.

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Talk about craps for seeds :game_die:

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Well if it turns out to be a male I have pollen for future use. If its a female…I got some pollen for it :sunglasses:


Ahh you’ve already thought up of contingency…yup either way can be of use :+1: I’ll hope you have luck on your side here :wink:


If it goes female I have Unicorn Poop F2, CatPiss, and Sour Bubble (BOG) pollen and maybe one more pollen I can use on it.


Well it is nice to be able to show off a plant for you all. Helps even more that I am finally able to setup a second tent for this plant.

So far it is looking good.


I can be of help here too with this one since I photographically know the G13 phenotype…fat ass stubby fingers will be the clue


Sorry everyone for the late post, been under the weather last two days, but anyways. Here is the G13XHasplant moved her into her growing container already and is doing good.


Bone up on some colloidal silver…every time I go down that’s the first thing I reach for to accelerate the process through my system.


That shit scares me. Ain’t trying to end up a smurf.


I am a bit leery on using CS. I know I give my plants a few weeks to get started before I start using nutes on it. Plus the cheap soil I use has time released nutes in it so I dont want to burn the plants.

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Think they meant for you to take the CS lol.


Now you know I am under the weather.


Well it has been another week in the books and I guess it is about time to show how the G13XHashplant is doing.

This plant is being just a little finicky, I do not like to give my plants any nutes when they are still this size but I think this plant will be an exception. But all in all, the plant is doing well enough for the moment.


Well the G13XHashplant has come to life in the last week. Going to give it another 10-14 days before I make the flip.

This little one has been kinda on my back burner for the last few days while I have been busy with work and the private run I have been working on. Here is how that looks…Sorry but I must withhold the name of the strain for the time being.

I am only showing them off because the group I am doing this run with has given me the okay to use some of the pollen from this run on the G13XHashplant if it is a female. If that happens once I make sure they get first dibbs on them what ever is left I will be passing on here. But if it is a male plant I can maybe do something neat with that, but it is still to early to say.


It’s early to call, but I’d have to say it looks more HP than G13. Blades aren’t wide enough…