The ongoing indoor grow

Well the G13XHashplant will be getting the switch flipped to flowering this weekend. I am happy with how it is doing not much else to say today. This plant has been way to easy to grow.


Easy is always nice. Looking good!


Well I flipped the G13xHashplant into flowering a few days ago and still waiting on the plant to go one way or the other. Not much else to say with this plant, was a little difficult at first. But once it got established in its grow container it has been nothing more then checking to see if it needs water or not.


Wish you luck bro, cause that’s what the outcome is, being lucky here. I’d like to see the flowering though since some have speculated AB G13 is G13xHP but I doubt that. Still, G13 could be internal traits than facade. The next sign would be extremely tight packed glands if it’s female. Like the Romulan or Xmas bud pheno.

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Merry Christmas to all and with that out of the way the G13XHashplant just showed its sex to me today and I got what I was hoping for.

I got a female, so it looks like my hybrid seed run is going to happen. Other than that the plant is doing great, it is on cruse control right now and I am hoping it stays like that until it is ready to come down.


Well I am planning to start using some pollen on the G13 tomorrow. Plant is doing great and beyond that I do not have much more to say.


just caught up the last 3 months of this diary great work on the crippy and that hp13 really took off cant wait to hear what your crossing it with,

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Just finished giving the G13XHashplant some pollen. Only doing half the plant…need to restock my smoke-able stash. Even doing half this plant will give me plenty of seeds for everyone to enjoy. Now I guess it is time to announce the strain I am crossing with this G13XHashplant and the answer is… AMG Sour.


damn 12/13 week strain. sounds fire though

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Well the pollen has taken so here in the not to distant future there might be some seeds to be given out. The plant is looking good and just doing its thing. I love it when plants are low maintenance.


She’s looking good! How much of her did you dust with the AMG Sour? From what ive seen it should be a nice cross. Excited to get to those TCxSFV. Still gotta figure out how to handle the regular plants for sexing. Just doesnt work with my setup the way it is. What you thinking about popping next? I’m still waiting to sign my lease then dropping a couple of autos to try and get a quick fill. Hopefully this week!

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Just the front half of the plant was dusted. Leaving the back half for me to partake in. :+1:
As far as what I am growing next…Well come March it will be one year since my last apartment inspection so I am not sure if this management company will do another inspection this year. So I am good with what I have running right now, but after this run is done I am on borrowed time. So I am on the fence about running something neat knowing it might be coming down a few weeks later in a rush. Or dumping a bunch of my FogDog X Cherry Brandy auto seeds in water and seeing if I can make something happen with them. that one I had before the inspection was cool all the leafs were only 3 bladed.


Been a good week for the plant. Seeds are forming very nicely on the G13XHashplant and if all goes as I plan, I will be cutting this plant down at the end of next month. In the next week I will give it one last shot of nutes and let her run with it until the end.

Only issue I am coming into right now is what will I name this hybrid. :rofl:


I was thinking something like Black Sunshine.


Yeah, you just gotta ask yourself ‘does this name fit the plant and her buds ?’ If it feel right, then go with it :+1:

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Then yea it is Black Sunshine…its the name of a White Zombie song. I think it does it well.


friday the 13th … because it will sneak up on you and ruin your day if your not careful lol

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Well I am half way through this grow and all is well. Plant is firmly on cruse control and I am expecting this plant to be ready by the end of next month.


So what odors are you getting ?

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Smell is something close to a high school gym locker.