The ongoing indoor grow

That does sound like G13…a lemon funk

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Yay? :thinking: :laughing:

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I have a green Manalishi (
Pacific G13 mom with a G13/Hash Plant hybridized male. )
that smell like that

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Names taken sinister seeds

Just grew it out last year
I forgot the genetics


Dang…they beat me to it. @Papalag thank you for letting me know.


Well I am about half way through this grow and all is well. This G13xHashplant is firmly in cruse control and as long as this keeps up I really do not have much to post about this plant. Only thing that is keeping me up at night is what I will grow next.


And wondering when the next inspection is? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Looking good man! Keep on cruising along. :green_heart::seedling:

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That is why I am still trying to figure what I want to do next. Apartment inspections are a part of life for me and I just have to deal with it. I know I am putting on hold my plans for a NL#5 and Vietnam Landrace run until after my next inspection. Can’t do my last roll of the dice with my Tampa Crippy seeds either. Depending on how much smokable bud I get from the seed runs I am doing right now will dictate weather or not my next grow will be a Fem plant grow or another seed run. If I do a seed run I am looking at maybe a Autobotz auto F3 run or a Blueberry FogDog auto run. If it is a bud run I have a lot of sweet auto’s from @repins12. I will have a better idea in the coming weeks. I might even luck out, March was when I had my last “inspection” not counting the post storm one. So that will be right after my current runs finish, but we will see.


The G13Xhashplant is happily on cruse control and sorry to say I dont have much to say this week on this plant. I have another 2-3 weeks or so with her, I hope.

But I did figure out a different name for this cross since the name I wanted to use was already taken.
@OriginalDankmaster96 said to call it Sour HP 13. I kinda like it but I need to shorten it up a bit so I will call this cross Sour 13.


They are in the towel.


Well I have another three weeks or so before the G13Xhashplant is ready and like the last few months, all is well.

Also my private seed run is coming to an end so I have dropped some seeds in water to get the next run started. Will post what seeds I have in water at a later time. :sunglasses:


Definitely exploded in size since your last update :+1:


That it has, the top cola’s are about the size of lemons right now.


Another week and I get to tell you all the same old story about the G13XHashplant.
She is doing fine and on cruse control. She well be at week 9 at months end, but I am getting the feeling that I might have to take it past that time a little. Cola’s are getting top heavy in some area’s and I am looking forward to trying this strain out from one of the buds I did not use pollen on. Speaking of pollen, as I am shucking seeds from my private seed run that I am finishing off I am noticing the seeds I got from that pollen have a high failure rate in the crush test. So I am curious to see if the same thing happens with the seeds I have in this plant.

Also, last week I said I had seeds in water and I would tell what it was at a later time. Well now is that time. I have 2 seeds of 2 different strains just starting to break surface now.
Critical Jack Herer Auto Fem

Fruit Punch Auto Fem

The other two seeds are just breaking the surface. This time it is just a nice easy auto run, that and I am coming to one year since my last apartment inspection. So my window of safe operation is all but over and until I get a feel on if this management company wants to do yearly inspections or not. I really am leery on doing my seed runs and crosses just to get an email giving me 48 hour notice that they are coming. So I am just going to focus right now on some quick autos to bulk my supply up. The one they did last year caught me off guard, I want to be better prepared for next time.


I don’t know the logistics of this (whether it’s even feasible or not) but have you ever thought about just getting some cheap seeds for some veggies or flowers or something and just having a few growing at any given time? That way you would just have to hide the pot plants during inspections and not have to tear everything down. Plus it might not be a bad thing to be known as the weird dude growing veggies/flowers if they spotted you dragging a bag of soil around the parking lot :laughing:

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I have thought about growing some other plants but then I am quickly reminded of how small my apartment is for doing something like that. My apartment is only 640 square feet in size so when I have an inspection they check for certain things in each room. Plus I made the decision long ago not to have any pot plants growing during an inspection unless they just started and are still in solo cups, which I can hide. This is a hobby for me…not something I want to go to jail for. Also I wait till late at night to bring in potting soil I have bought.


Well I have a few things going on currently so here is what is going on.
The G13Xhashplant has become so top heavy from it’s cola’s that a lot of the branches are laying on there side. Also the tent just reaks of old sweaty gym locker. I am looking forward to trying some of this bud out when it is ready. Speaking of which I was hoping that this plant would be ready now but alas no amber yet. I am guessing maybe 2 more weeks.

Now for the main tent.
Let me start off with the Critical Jack Herer auto’s. They suck…badly, the end. One sprout died and the second stopped growing before putting out any leafs and started to flower.
As for the Fruit Punch one is a slow grower just coming out of the ground and the other looks like this.

This is the best plant out of the current lot, and I am not completely sold on it yet. I will be dropping something else in water here soon.


That sucks about the autos. I’m on a run of non poppers and stalled out plants right now myself. Can’t seem to get anything going well.


I’m not to worried about these auto’s. I had low expectations with them to begin with.

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“The great thing about being a pessimist is: you’re always either being proven right, or pleasantly surprised” :bear::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: