The ongoing indoor grow

Best move I ever made was buying a house and getting out of my apartment.
My years in an apartment did allow me to save for a down-payment because the rent was fairly cheap.
I look at my house now as an investment. I hated paying rent money that I would never see again.
I hope you can find a place where you aren’t watched all the time.


Would love to get a house but the market is not good for first time buyers right now.


I see your point. I don’t know about the USA but here in Canada I believe the overpriced housing bubble is going to burst soon.
Should be easier to buy within a year or two.


I have been hearing about a housing bubble getting ready burst for a long time now. When I see it, I will believe it.


Besides I have been fortunate in the 8 years I have been in this complex. I have had to deal with 3 apartment inspections. So it is not like I have someone looking over my place every other month.


Update on the Royal Procession…


Been a decently good week for me. Got a tent setup for the plants, it is not my main tent just my solo tent. Not sure what or if my apartments front office will be doing on the 10th. The notice they sent out last week gave until the 10th for the pot smoking to stop. Again I got no notice and that notice was something that was sent to everyone on property. The day after I got that notice in my email I got another email from the front office that was sent to everyone from the new property manager. She said she can smell it when walking around the property, so I am hoping this is a “just keep it low key” kinda message.
Other than that, all the plants are doing good. Also got a NL#2 in a solo cup now.

Once I am sure nothing is going to happen with the front office I will setup the main tent again.


Finally got the main tent up and running again. Everything is looking and doing good.
Scarlett Grape

Dank Sinatra

NL #2


Glad :slightly_smiling_face: you 🫵 finally got back up and running again. I know it was making you crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: with all the projects you were going to be working on. :facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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I am now just waiting to see what the Dank Sinatra is going to do. Still hoping for a male, but if it is female I might do a cross on it with some of the pollen I have in storage. Maybe a AMG or GTR cross.


I will try and get the Dank Sinatra off to you 🫵 soon. :+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Another slow week for me, trying to take it easy. Just waiting to see the new surgeon on Wednesday. In the mean time, All three plants are doing good.
Scarlett Grape

NL #2

Dank Sinatra


Liking how this is coming along


Very nice looking there.


Another slow week for me, just counting down the days before my surgery.
The Scarlett Grape is doing well and just waiting for it it start flowering.

NL #2
I am liking how serrated all the leafs are looking.

Dank Sinatra
This one is a very slow growing plant been growing for a month now and the NL#2 that started after it has almost caught up to it in size.


Well I am doing this update a little early and this will be my last update before my surgery. Not sure when I will have my next update after this, it will all depend on how my recovery goes.
The Scarlett Grape started going into preflower a few days ago and has been going for about 50 days now and I am expecting it to be ready around the end of next month plus or minus a day or two.

The NL #2 even though I it started after the Dank Sinatra it has all but over taken it in overall size. I have always had an interest in NL genetics and so far it is not disappointing me.

The Dank Sinatra is a slower grower than I was planning. Might be a trait of this strain, but the growth it is putting out just gives me a male plant vibe. I plan on making the flip to flowering later this month, but it will all depend on how my recovery goes.

I will be around here on OG until Sunday, that is when my family will be coming over. Once they arrive I will be going radio silent on here. I do know a few people have my personal phone number and I chat with some and text with others. You are all free to get in touch with me, but I must ask that you do it via text. Part of my surgery will involve the surgeon cutting open my throat to get to my neck, so talking after surgery for the following days will be difficult at best.

I will see you all again on the other side.


Good luck man.
Wishing you a speedy recovery :pray:


Good luck and speedy recovery.


Are you saying you’re gonna be deepthroated by a surgeon?

It’ll be over before you know it!

Godspeed! :vulcan_salute:

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@darkillusion peace be the journey my brother, I hope this gets you feeling better!