The ongoing indoor grow

I guess it is about that time of the week to do an update, so here we go…
I will be cutting down the NL#2 in the next few days. Amber is forming all over the plant, I would like to give it more time but the Scarlet Grape I cut down a few weeks ago is almost gone.

The Dank Sinatra is looking like it will need another week at best before it is ready to come down.

The Purple Spright F1 is a short squat plant with some good secondary growth going on. Been a week since it went into preflower.

The One Eyed Snake Bait is a tall plant with little secondary growth. It did give me a slight problem a few days ago, found a male pollen sack starting to form. Just formed in one spot, I picked it off and I am just going to keep an eye on it. Not to worried about it, I see it as a non-issue.

Finally got the drywall repaired in my apartment a few days ago so now that it is finally fixed I can pull another tent or two out of retirement :wink:.


I see everything is progressing along nicely, glad you resolved the 1 issue quickly. I am sure you are happy :smiley: to be taking another one down soon for some more smoke :dash:. I can imagine being without weed, to much a scary :scream: thought :thought_balloon:! :ok_hand::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Took long enough to do a fusebox change and drywall repair. This all started right after my surgery and it is now finished after I have already been back to work for over a month. O well it is done now that is all that matters.

Yes I am happy to have another one coming down to smoke. Both the NL#2 and Dank Sinatra need to last me until the autos I started just over 3 weeks ago finish up in another 7-8 weeks. I should be fine, both autos went into preflowering very quickly compared to the Scarlet Grape that started preflowering well after day 30. So I am guessing they will be ready mid June.


Been a long painful week for me and I am happy that it is over with.
On Monday I had an “accident” with my moonshine still all that I can say about it is this.

If it was not for that I might have put up a second tent by now, cant win them all.
The NL#2 is down and in a mason jar now, did not get a lot but I was not expecting a lot either.
The Dank Sinatra still needs more time, I see a lot of cloudy but hardly any amber. But damn the buds are really dense.

The Purple Spright F1 is in the early stages of flowering, colas are starting to form.

The One Eyed Snake Bait is doing fine as well. Has not put out any more pollen sacks since that one time, so I think that is all in the past now. She is about 24 inches tall now and just like the other auto, she is in the beginning of flowering as well.


Hope you’re ok!

Very nice!!


Yea, I am fine. I was standing next to my still when a seal gave out due to a blockage in the coil. Took a high pressure high temperature blast to my body. I have had worse. :sweat_smile:


:joy:The things we do for booze, eh?

What happened to you is probably exactly why my Mrs won’t let me get a still :rofl:


But I use that moonshine to bribe/blackmail my bosses.


Hahahaha well damn, that’s worth a lil risk then :joy::metal:

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It is funny to see my bosses boss get upset because he missed out on a bottle sometimes. Just for me to say sorry first come first serve.


This dank Sinatra is really dense, you can see it, it’s beautiful!!


I am planning on doing a Dank Sinatra Fem run here soon. A good friend has secured a Fem pack for me, but I am considering once my Dank Sinatra is ready to harvest to use one of my other tents to reveg this plant and reverse it for the run.


This looks very good, a plant that has a lot of resin, and too much resin to maintain. The reversal have you used STS?


Yes I have done STS before and have the chemicals to make more.


I’ve been thinking about trying some STS soon, I was wondering how to determine femenized girls,

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What are you having trouble with?

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Hahahaha that’s too funny

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The things I do to keep my sanity working for Herr Mouse.


I haven’t tried it yet with STS, I tried to use colloidal silver above 30ppm twice but I didn’t achieve anything, I just made some plants unusable :frowning:

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I have noticed that people seem to have better success using STS vs. CS.