The ongoing indoor grow

I’ve heard “fun” things working at “the greatest place on earth” (isn’t that what it’s called?) from my ex bro in law.

BTW, the drunken fog dogs I have from you are smelling crazy sweet and fruity :metal:. Thanks for those beans, I’m really looking forward to the smoke test :grin:. Even the fan leaves are full of crystals :grin:, I cut 2 out the other day and my thumb and index finger were so stuck together, I had to take a video trying to separate them, lol


I can not complain…$26/hour, 401K, Pension, good medical benefits. Beats working for Wal-Mart.


Too true.

Although, I’m with Jeff Dunham (the comedian/ventriloquist). I’ll be the old bastard at the front door “greeting” people, “welcome to Walmart. Get yer shit and get out” :joy:


I wanted to post this last week when I got it, but I was just a little preoccupied with some burns.

To my friends in Brazil, I got a package from your lovely country last week. However the package was ripped open and seeds missing. To make things worse I have no idea who sent them. Can anyone help me out? Going to post this in the pay it forward thread as well.


Hi @darkillusion dark, I was the one who sent it, and send it again if you want, I was sad and worried, could it be that they were removed here in Brazil or in the US


Were you doing autos or photos? I’ve had success with both but, prefer STS. Autos you need to start spraying after the 3rd to fifth set of true leaves have formed. Cots don’t count


I was trying to make it regular!
I’m going to try with STS now, I hope it works!

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Woot, first I am happy to know who sent them. The envelope as you can see was damaged in the corner. So I am not sure if it was intentional or accidental.
Also what were you sending me? I am sorry I am bad with remembering thing like this now a days with so much stuff coming into my mailbox.


I think everyone at the post office :european_post_office: grows dope! :wink: :joy::joy::joy: :joy::facepunch::+1::peace_symbol:


Are you making the STS yourself? I have had very good success making my own

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I had sent 2 crosses that I had made,
as super lemon hazer X Pinnaple Og,
and a cross of ForbiddenX 24k goldX Koaster kush

I was very sad to know that someone took them, I just wanted to know if they were here in Brazil or there. ,but I can send it again, and I will make stronger packaging to avoid this kind of thing

I’m sure!! everyone is a grower!

I haven’t done the STS yet, I tried doing the colloidal silver and then I bought a stronger version,
I’m organizing myself to try the STS in a few months, when new generations will come out.

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If you want to test if the seeds are going missing in Brazil or the US, I’m in Canada and would be very open to testing it out, you send me the same batch and we’ll see who gets em :grin::joy:Hahaha (joking)


For me it would be a great pleasure to see my crosses around the world. If you want, send me a PM with your safe address :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Oh man, I was totally joking, please don’t feel any pressure.

That said, if you’re serious, I would be very happy to grow some Brazilian weed!! I worked with a couple buddies from Brazil, I’ve wanted to visit since I heard all the stories :metal:


@luxton , Yes, I am, since I arrived here, I have been very well received, and I told myself that whenever possible I would repay the kindnesses that were done for me, and from my heart, I feel great pleasure in being able to share this. And if you’re like me, you keep thinking, so this is what’s being smoked in Canada, the USA, Europe. …


:grin: 100%! Although it’s more, “so this is what a shitty Canadian grow of great US/Europe/Brazilian stuff is like” haha.

Honestly, I feel bad because I was joking, but I’ll absolutely take you up on it :grin::metal:. I’ll tag you in my grow log when I drop them in water if you’d like :grin::metal:


Been a good week for me with a few things going on.
The Purple Spright F1 and the One Eyed Snake Bait got there first dose of nutes today. Will give them one more in a week or two and that should last them until harvest time. Both plants are starting week 5 now so I am looking at another 5 weeks before they are ready. Both plants are firmly in cruse control with no problems.
Purple Spright F1

One Eyed Snake Bait

The Dank Sinatra needs some more time before it is ready to come down. Just used my digital microscope on her and I can see amber is starting to form, but more is needed before it is ready to come down.

I also got a tent setup and seeds started last week.

Can we all say Tampa Crippy. :smiley: :+1:


Been a good week this past week. It has been 12 weeks now since I flipped the Dank Sinatra to flowering and it was cut down last night. Looking at around a half ounce all said and done, which is disappointing. But I did take the stump of the plant and put it in a new planter with fresh soil. While I was digging out the stump of the plant it gave me a good opportunity to do a post mortem on the soil it was in. The soil was the same soil I used on the NL#2 so I am guessing it was in the same condition. The Dank Sinatra had formed no new root structure since it came out of the solo cup I started it in. So in short, I did a solo cup challenge with both those plants in 3 gallon planters :unamused:. So now it is in fresh dry soil in a 15 quart planter I just got. The plan now is to reveg this plant so I can reverse it, if before I start to use STS on it if I have a free space to grow I might take a clone off the plant and do a S1 as well. But I will have to see how this plant comes back.

The Tampa Crippy was moved from the small tent to the main tent with the Dank Sinatra. In the next few days I will put them in there growing containers and if by then the Dank Sinatra is still alive I will mover her into another tent. So far all four are growing good and doing well.

The Purple Spright and the One Eyed Snake Bait are doing fine, they are just getting used to being in a new tent right now. The Purple Spright is at week 6 now and the breeder says seed to harvest is 10 weeks, so I am half way there. The One Eyed Snake Bait has a flowering time of 8-10 weeks, so it is just a week or so behind the Purple Spright since it started flowering about a week after I started it.


Dam, looks like you got a few experiments :microscope: going on and a few other things as well. You must got both of your tents :camping: up again. 4 solo cups look :eyes: like they are off to a GR8 start :clap::clap::clap:, keep us all updated! :wink::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Well I will be setting up tent number 3 if the Dank Sinatra does not die in the next few days.