The ongoing indoor grow

Good luck with the reveg! Keep us posted on how it progresses.

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how was the smoke from the Dank Sinatra 1oz…

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I just caught up on everything since January. Dang, what a saga… surgery, family, stealthing your plants, electrical contractors, code enforcement, 6 day week back to work, larfy autos, moonshine accidents… this story’s got it all!


Don’t it sound like @darkillusion has been transported rate thru a tornado :tornado: and shot out of it like a bolt of lightning :zap:! Things can only, but get better! You would think :face_with_monocle:! :crazy_face::slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Who needs Hollywood when you have me for your action and drama needs :sunglasses:.

I do what I can, I think that my spirit animal the all mighty cockroach has been keeping me safe :rofl:.

More like 0.3 of an ounce after it dried out. But it is good, do not taste watermelon but still has a sweet taste.


Geez man ! What happened while I was gone ?!
I’m glad your alright man !

And you still managed to finish your project :eyes:
Amazing :star_struck:

That watermelon terp is apparently extremely hard to find, but I’m happy she is still some nice and sweet bud :pray:
You did an awesome job man :fire:


I think a lot of the sweet taste comes from the molasses I used.


I havnt used it for a few years, but I do remember my harvests came out with a much stronger/sweet kinda taste.

Towards the end of harvest I also used to feed them with fruity peach tasting teas made from just water and store bought tea bags. Literally tea haha

But I do remember that it came out in the bud. Didn’t taste like the tea lol but I do remember it added something very unique to them.
You just reminded me :laughing:

I would love to do a side by side one day with the same cut.


Been a busy week for me, got three tents up in running with something different going on in each of them.

The Purple Spright and the One Eyed Snake Bait have been putting on bud weight over the last week. The plants are doing very well, I am expecting both to be ready sometime late next month.

Purple Spright
Very sweet almost gummy bear like smell coming from it.

One Eyed Snake Bait
Straight up smells like gas.

The Dank Sinatra reveg project is still going strong. Already starting to see new growth starting.

Finally the Tampa Crippy have been transplanted into there growing containers and it looks like so far so good.


Oh awesome :raised_hands:

The Purple Spright & One Eyed Snake sound delicious :drooling_face:
Are you gonna cross those two together one day :upside_down_face:

That Dark Sinatra is gonna look absolutely insane :laughing:

And I’m excited to see the Tampa Crippy !
I also love the containers you grow in.
I might have to try that one day.

You’ve probably discussed it before, but do you drill holes in the bottoms ?
I read somewhere that canna roots like to grow out more then they grow down, so I think those containers are pretty awesome.


Sorry to disappoint but they are not going to be used for any breeding projects. They are for bud only.

We will see soon enough.

No holes have been drilled into the containers. They are Rubbermaid storage containers I got from Walmart or online.


How did the NL2 turn out for you? I’ve heard that was a good one

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Pretty good, want to grow another one next chance I get.

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Have had one of those good news, bad news weeks.

So lets start off with all the good news. The Purple Spright and the One Eyed Snake Bait are firmly on cruse control just trucking along with no problems. Looking at another two to three weeks give or take and they should be ready to come down.

The Tampa Crippy plants are doing good as well. Just like the first Tampa Crippy run I did I have 2 different phenotypes. A tall type and a short type, going to give these plants another 2-3 weeks and then I will make the flip to flowering.

Now for the bad news, a few days ago I had to pull the plug on the Dank Sinatra reveg. She died out on me. But since I have a tent setup and a planter full of still good soil to use I am just going to do another project. I was hoping to do this with my Last Sour Diesel auto seed but that seed did not live long after popping open. So I am using GG#4 auto instead to do a cross with some FogDog auto pollen I got from @Rabeats2093.


Looking :eyes: good brother, can’t wait to see the totals after the harvest, cure, and dry. :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::wink::peace_symbol:

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Got a lot to go over this week so lets get it on…
The Purple Spright is at week 9 of 10 according to the breeder, so if that holds true I will be cutting her down next week.

The One Eyed Snake Bait is at week 9 as well and should be finished in another 2 weeks or less.

The GG#4 auto is looking good starting out.

I also just started a Double Grape S1 auto planning on using some FogDog pollen on this plant as well as the GG#4.

The Tampa Crippy is going to get flipped to flower next week I have 2 tall phenotypes and 2 short phenotypes.
Plant A
Nice tall plant with very nice even branching.

Plant B
Tall plant branching is not as even as Plant A.

Plant C
Short plant is currently the same size as the NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra were when I cut them down.

Plant D is slightly taller than Plant C and I will be keeping an eye on this one in flowering. On my last TC run I had a small type plant that was kind of an odd ball plant that turned out to be a herm. This plant gives me that same vibe.

On my first TC run the tall type plant seemed to be stable compared to the short type, so I am hoping Plants A and B are male and female so I can get a start on breeding the herm out of the strain.


You start autos in solo cups, eh? I’ve been reading a bunch lately that it can’t stunt the plants growth… But I currently have my third - ninth autos growing, ever, what do I know? Lol… They’re so much their own beasts when it comes to growing it seems

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The solo cup will only stunt the plants growth if you keep the plant in the cup to long and it becomes root bound.


Been a good week for me, the Purple Spright came down a few days ago. It is already dried and in a jar, got around 3/4 oz of bud from it.

The One Eyed Snake Bait has some amber starting to show. Should be coming down in the next few days.

The GG#4 and the Double Grape are doing good. Just replanted the GG#4 into its growing continer after taking this photo so will see it next week in the planter.

Finally the Crippy plants. I made the flip to flowering a few days ago mostly because of Plant A just growing so fast and am just waiting to see what I will be getting. @Trae1170 here is my grow log on the crippy.


Ahh :hushed: finally got some GR8 smoke able buddy! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: nice to see all the progress in you our grow room! Looking :eyes: good my friend! :ok_hand::sun_with_face::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::wink::peace_symbol: