The ongoing indoor grow

Wow man, thank you!! Over a month in the mail, beans and stickers arrived!!

It was one soft envelope when it got here, lol… I haven’t opened the beans up yet, but yiu packed them really well :metal::ok_hand:

Thank you!!


phew… arrived safe and sound. I was worried whether they would reach their respective destinations. Finally, everything went well. Good flowers in your garden, I hope they bring you the joys they brought to me


Been a nice week for me with the plants.

The One Eyed Snake Bait is on day 80 now. I see some amber all over the plant, but I want to give her just a little more time to get just a little more amber.

The GG#4 is liking the growing container I have it in so much that is started preflowering today. I will be putting the Double Grape into its growing container either later tonight or tomorrow.

Finally in the main tent Plant A and Plant B showed there sex today. Plant A is male and Plant B is female, which works out for me. Still waiting to see what Plant C and Plant D will do.


Nice bud, everything is looking super healthy :ok_hand:

Day 80, so close, but those last few days always seem to drag ooonnnnnnn, at least for me :joy:


Do not get me wrong, if I cut it down now it would be killer bud to smoke. I just want it to be a little bit more on the narcotic side of stoned. :smiling_imp:


I totally understand… The last three I cut down I left 5ish days longer than I needed to. One of those actually had a little 2" x 4" bud at the bottom that I left on for another 12ish days, just to see what happens :grin:

With all the indica coming out, I hope your couch is comfy too :joy::ok_hand:


They look really good :+1: and I like more amber as well! Nothing like a good comatose state when you smoke :dash:! Hell yeah! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I saw :eyes: you tagged me in the play it forward seed trade thread 🪡, but I think I got a few of those ones! :joy::joy::joy::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Bro you look good! A little more time will be worth it.

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I know you have some Drunken Cherry FogDog, but this was for the original FogDog seeds.

What can I say, Women want me and fish fear me. :joy:


Quick update with the Crippy plants.

Going to give the plants until tomorrow to confirm what I think I am seeing starting to form.
Plant A…Male
Plant B…Herm
Plant C…Male
Plant D…Male
Just waiting another 24 hours for balls to start forming better to confirm it. If that is the case I will be pulling the plug on this run. I was thinking of Keeping Plant A long enough to get some pollen from it but I am not sure if I want to deal with the herm trait it has. I did do a TC X SFV cross but the TC was from the only female I had from these seeds. So I am hoping the herm trait is in the male genetics, but I will find out that when I run those seeds someday.


Ahh, that’s rough man, sorry to hear…

Plans for your next??

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The possibility of that happening was high to begin with.

Since I am in the start of Hurricane season I do not want to do something that takes a while aka a photo plant. So I am looking at doing an auto seed run. I have a few strains I am looking over right now.
ChemCandy F5 Auto Reg
Trizzlebotz Auto Reg
AutoBotz F2 Auto Reg
Man Bear Alien Pig Auto Reg
Triangle Glue Auto Reg
Which one sound good folks?


Guessing triangle glue is triangle kush x gorilla glue?

If you’re going for bud, I’d do a run of your DCFDs… I’m currently enjoying a bit of it myself and man, its yummy :grin:


That is correct.

I have already grown a few of them. Need to work through some other stuff I have on hand.


I’m always down for a good kush run, it definitely helps getting into the couch lock scenario too :grin:

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May you should send me some just in case! Signed your friendly neighborhood stalker! :wink: :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


I am only getting a few of them myself. You will have to keep a look out for when @Rabeats2093 drops a pack on OG.


Send me a link for his thread 🪡. :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Pay it forward and the free seeds thread.

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