(CLOSED)The Pigeon & Bear Show: Episode "Freakers Run: Nepali Watermelon Hashplant"

Press :play_or_pause_button: to experience the soundtrack used while doing all this. :+1:


THIS TOOK LONGER THAN I WANTED!!! But smooth seas do not make for good sailors so it’s all good.

Here are the babies waiting for their new shoes.

:duck:'s all in a row. The orange bottom Air-Pots are 3L.

All the good things…

…all mixed together!

In here is: Promix BX + Earth Worm Castings + Perlite + DynoMyco + D.Earth.

I dropped the @MarsHydro FC-6500 down to the lowest setting and will be ramping it up on the flip week peaking the PPFD to 1050 like the Yogi run.

This is the first of many wide shots, and it’s so fun to see how small they start and in a few months time how much they grow. :grin:

@HeadyBearAdventures I’m very much looking forward to when we are both updating this thread!

:fist_right: :fist_left:

Have a great night folks, I need to eat, dab my face off and then lay down if I can find my bed again.

:v: :sweat_smile: