The Press Room: ♨

Hey ReikoX

You certainly have the right idea to repurpose your bags there are so many things to do with them!!! I can speak from experience that no matter how accomplished an extractor you are there is always 1-5% of what you were looking to extract still trapped in the membrane of the bag as well as deep within the pressed materials.

Rosin buildup in 14g flower bags. This makes ideal bubble hash and hash rosins

A run of 14g rectangular and 5.5g circular bags cooling so that they can be stored. Notice the bag of separated bags in the top left corner, I start pulling them out as soon as they are cool often while I am still pressing.

We keep our pressed material above 70% RH through specific storage methods

We are completely solvent-free here so instead of making green dragon, rso or the likes we make bubble hash for hash rosin or consumption and/or coconut oil extractions.

Our Baby 1 Gallon Bubble Setup

We take the squished materials out of the bag, separate it and give it a quick coarse grind. Then we process the reground material and the rosin caked bags separately through our 1 Gal bubble hash setup. We blend all the guards and stems removed as a part of making rosin back with the pressed materials as well to reinvigorate the resulting rosin with fresh terps.

From this point, the twice extracted materials are bagged, frozen and stockpiled until we have enough to do a run of coco extract in the slow cooker overnight. The coco extract we use topically, to cook with and eat. I will better document our next run of coco for anyone who is interested soon.

The resulting bubble hash is run through the rosin press at lower than the typical rosin temp range in tight mesh (75 microns) bags to produce hash rosin.

Our Hash Rosin from reclaimed rosin pucks

Waste not, want not!!! PLEASE SAVE YOUR ROSIN BAGS!!!

I will likely start a thread on reclaiming from various processes, I would love to hear how you and others are keeping things efficient and low waste!

Happy Squishing!!!