The Purple Passion Project, An Introduction CLOSED

The Purple Passion Project, An Introduction

What is more "OG" than a few experienced growers combining their knowledge, time and resources to do something interesting with our favorite herb? That spontaneous combustion of a group effort towards a shared goal is kind of rare in real life, but it happens all the time at This thread describes that kind of effort.

This is our OG breeding Project and I’m here to introduce you to the Players, The Plan, and The Reportage that we intend to offer in the form of a Grow Log Thread documenting our efforts, and perhaps some associated Threads if specific topics merit it.

We are in search of perfection in one narrow and mostly aesthetic avenue: the sublime beauty of “Purple” cannabis. There is a rare visceral pleasure growing purple buds. The colors, ranging from that first Autumn blush to the hints of vermillion, the bruised reds and onward to those deep hues of royal purple and indigo, are sometimes breathtaking. As a grower, it’s as if you had raised a particularly beautiful child.

Our shared interest is in “Perfecting Purple Pot” has drawn us together. It’s our passion so to speak and that, dear OGer friends, is why we’re here.

So, who is “We” and who, am I to be doing all this 'splaining?

I’m just this verbose OG newbie, AKA @GrouchyOldMan, who tumbled into a warm welcome from Overgrow folks who already know more than I probably have time to learn. I’ve penned a few OG topics and you can look them up if you choose, but it’s not about me. In this context, I’ll be your moderator and The Keeper of the Log for our project. Post your questions and comments here and I’ll see they get addressed.

The core PPP team consists of @Nagel420, @Bobgrows, @Hydro921, and @JohnnyPotseed. Each of them bring some mad skills to bear on this and together they comprise decades of experience. If you don’t already know their work, it’s worth your while to look them up.

@JohnnyPotseed is our mentor, guiding light and a decades-long repository of cannabis history. “JP” was harvesting cannabis at Six, sneakin a sample with Great-Grandpa’s pipe at Eight, and trimming the harvest at Ten. If you’ve been “around” awhile, you and he are already probably friends. The rest of us just “Listen. In the words of Mr. Nags (@Nagel420), ” When an old-timer shows you a tip or trick, pay attention! There’s a reason they’ve been doing it “this way for XX years”. So right.

Onward to the nuts and bolts of the Purple Passion Project. We have selected a few spectacular strains that typically produce the brilliant colors we admire. Basically, a delectable set of cannabis genotypes to mix and match. JP has explained how difficult and time consuming it is to do a thorough Pheno-Hunt with multiple strains, but everyone in the group is down for the struggle.

Here is the starting lineup, as of our ‘Youngsters,” pictured on 03/06/22 & a previously harvested bud.

First up, Black Cream from Sweetseeds BC seeds after reversal & S1 by @Nagel420 with Dynasty-level pollen dumps on OG! Search “Third Time’s a Charm,” for the full story.

Next, Congo Gelato, a cross of Congolese Red and Gelato, grown by @bobgrows. (more details Bobbi?)

Next up, Aurora Borealis, a Flying Dutchmen strain resulting from a cross between a carefully selected Northern Lights #10 and a sweet Skunk #1 father. Also grown from seed by @Bobgrows.


And finally, Durban Sunrise (Durban Poison x Orange Durban) grown by @Hydro921 from Twenty20 seeds.

The Plan
Yeah, right, THAT Plan, the one we’re still building…

The plan looks like this at the moment: We have rounded up a small stable of reliably sumptuous Passionately Purple beauties and we’re gonna do the full monty OG-Thang on them: grow em, clone em, reverse em, pollenate em, cross em and generally steer them towards Da Kine Reliably Auto, Fem, Potent, Purple, Primo Pakalolo hybrids. We’ll keep at until we succeed or perish in the attempt (and most of us are pretty old already!).

If we’ve gotten your attention, you’ve probably tumbled to the likelihood that this is the first few months of a years-long project that is fraught with pitfalls, segues, stoner jubilations and grower angst. In short, a good show and hopefully a fun place to stop in now and again.

We welcome the chatter and along the way we will probably have “treats” to pass out for active followers.

That’s all for now, let the questions fly or just check back in a few weeks for a progress report.

@Bobgrows, @johnnypotseed, @Nagel420, @Hydro921


Oh this is gonna be fun!


This has already been fun, challenging, beautiful and made some good friends.
We will keep it rolling. In search of that sweet aroma, beautiful bud and much to talk about! :v::green_heart::purple_heart:


I’m in! We’ve been getting this together & going, and now it’s ON!


Love this project! I made some very purple Grape Dragon F3’s earlier this year, if anyone working on this project is interested in using these, I’ll send you enough for a good pheno hunt!

Following along :v:


I’ll just have to take you up on that one cuz! That’d be another in the awesome lineup for adding into the mix! lol

I’m positive there are other OGers with the ‘love of the purple’ willing to donate to this cause. It may well grow into such a massive purple loaded project with contributions from many other OG’ers!


That would go perfect in our project!
Yes , Please!!


Great, whoever would like to use them just shoot me a PM!


Interested as I can bee. I will be watching this!


DM incoming cuz lol


Im happy to be part of this project with some awesome growers and people. I’m looking forward to the months ahead


Like we all knew as discussed. This project is going to take a minimum of a year, probably longer. but with the 5 of us all growing the different strains and then sending the results to each other. This collaborative effort will proceed at a pace no one grower could natch!

And then watch the resulting beans start to fly to all of OG! The results of this aren’t going to be for sale in my ‘Hall of Genetics’ but to be passed out to OGers with the passion for the purple!


Purple Bud people unite!! Lol :v::purple_heart:


I love purple buds! Godspeed!


Love watching a good project unfold. Even better if im able to help out. The OG world rocks !



Really impressed with this project.

I mean who doesn’t love a good purple bud…

Very interested in your project and may have some seeds to contribute.
I’ll shoot a PM to JP…

Can’t wait to see this Purple Passion Project updates… :call_me_hand:


Thnx cuz. This is a ‘long-haul’ project that’s going to span a period of many months, if not a couple of years, and across many states and growers. Something our grandkids will talk about with awe! lol


Awesome introductory write up @GrouchyOldMan !
I had a dream last night that I found a plant in the back of my tent that was ludicrously, cartoony purple.
Seems like a good omen to me:
I bless this project with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes!


I’ll be watching along, love the collective effort folks!


Do you need SR71 Purple Kush?