The SpeesCees Contest Answers

I don’t have any problem with that !
The fact that I did not want to send a mix… was hiding in no place enough in the packed.
And to pay 2 or 3 times the signed sending costs… did go just a little too far.

Share them with each other… I would like it.
The more growers, the more we/you can find out about our strains.
May Shiva bless your garden.



I would NEVER lie and ruin someone’s rep. . .I picked one out for a quick pic, I’ll have an officially good seed to bad seed and total seed in a few hours when I get home but check it out


@SpeesCees now it’s time to give you a chance to explain this before I blast it all over OverGrow in a few hours on your speecees I’m sorry thread

It’s looking like it’s cracked… but believe me… it wil germinate.
Out of that… most of the winners did become a few extra seeds. :slight_smile:


this is them Its not 75 seeds, but if it’s actual Santa maria it’s worth it only like 3 or 4 were cracked. U can maybe see 2 of em in the photo.


Well I’ll be throwing them in water asap, to verify! They must really be drought resistant if they germ without getting wet hahaha


Not possible… All of the winners did become minimum 75 seeds or plus !


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I guess @StevieG and me are not winners, though I do think I have more than thaweedguy got so hahah weedguy, and mine is the NO MERCY SPECIAL


I would count them now in that car but I don’t want to chance losing any so I can have an actual count, and I’ll take pics of the good ones and the bad ones

All of the winners do have to sign !
It’s the only control possibility for both of us !


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I’ve send before to Costa Rica… and they did com on place.
But the post system there is damned lazy ! :wink:


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@gordongecko how did your seeds look, and were there 75?

They were free for the most part. Do what you will but will there really be a need to blast it all over the place. Post a couple of pics, we’ll get it.


I’d have probably sent a couple packs of bunk seeds too if I got the reception he got. Lmfao :grin:

I’ll let you know how mine look as soon as I get em


I have to make an apology thread to speecees because if he send me the seeds I said I would. . .but I’ll be posting the pics of the seeds on the thread. . .that’s what I ment about “blasting” lol, sorry it did sound rude, my bad. . .


Maybe it should be more ok if you check it out first before you make a item of it !
In my eyes you make it bigger then it is or can be, or the USA postman did sit on it !


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Lol it was hidden in a cd with case bro. . .my post woman isn’t that fat lol. . .

I can easily not post the pics, so anyone who actually pays for your seeds can let others know after they get ripped off

Here’s the facts, from my perspective:

@Speescees took the time and spent the money on a nice gesture by sending ten people on this forum 75 seeds each for “winning” a contest.

A few of the winners have been pretty vocal about their dislike toward SpeesCees. Yet they were still sent seeds.

So far I would safely assume that all packages of seeds have been sent, and a lot have been received. So he kept his word and sent the seeds at no cost to the winners.

SpeesCees has encouraged everyone to grow his seeds and post the results. That is very brave, considering almost half the people he sent seeds have publicly stated their personal dislike for him.

I know I received my package, and I let the forum know and thanked SpeesCees. Sure, some of the seeds weren’t in the best condition. But why would I complain to the forum about free seeds? Or make a public issue of it? The fact remains that my seed stash is now ~75 seeds larger, thanks to SpeesCees’ generosity. And I look forward to growing them out to see if they live up to the hype.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gargling on SpeesCees’ balls here. I think he comes across online as a typical arrogant old Dutch asshole, but that’s beside the point. His (re)introduction to Overgrow started out rough, with SpeesCees getting kicked in the dick for what was perceived as advertising without paying sponsor fees. And then the criticism became more hidden, but perceptible when reading between the words. Now here we are.

Everyone has every right to not be satisfied with what they’ve received (for free). But how about first taking a little bit of time to germinate the seeds, grow the plants, harvest the flowers, and then talk about the full experience? Nobody owes anything to anyone, but I’d rather criticism and negativity be well founded with thorough documentation. Not shitting all over everything based off of only a couple cracked seeds and speculation. Who knows, maybe all of those seeds will grow into being The Dankness. Or you’ll get 10% germination rate and all males. Only way to find out is by putting those seeds in the dirt, just the same way SpeesCees put his money where his mouth is.

I look forward to seeing the unbiased results.


Yessss… somebody did understand one and the other !
Almost a blessing.
Grow them, let them flowering, harvest them, ripe them and smoke them.
From there I would like to talk !
All that negative behaving doesn’t do good to this forum, be sure.
It’s clear… there are some people here who’re sitting with a loop in their hands to catch me on a mistake !:smirk:
I guess they can wait some time… but at the same moment : It’s this people who don’t give the Overgrow2 a chance by this puberal behaving.
But he : After all that critic, a lot of english that sometimes wasn’t that great, a lot of slam english from the forum side that I didn’t understand,… I’m still standing !

People shouldn’t talk with two mouthes.
I guess some of you here know exactly what I mean.
I did keep my word !
Now it’s on you over there in the USA… to show where we in Holland are standing !
The REST is just bullshit.
You know why ??? Because this is a forum… not a hang out place.
