The Trip: Wish me luck boys and girls


You’re in for a good night!


Gorilla Breath and 6 grams of APEs. 3 upfront 3 as I peak. I don’t take em much but when I do I like to make it memorable.


Lmao…have fun with that


:crazy_face::mushroom:Good luck report back any profound conclusions.


Last time I did 7 grams and basically had an 8 hour dmt trip. Whoever grows these little bastards is a wizard. First time mushies actually changed my enviroment like dmt does. I can only explain it like one of those cheap night light toys that has an image that just rotates, usually fish or stars or some shit.


This reminds me I have a burma syringe.
How long does a syringe stay good? It’s been in a drawer in a cool area


Well lads, just a few brief points from last night.

  • I experienced spontaneous language or the loss of my ability to understand English however the individual on the TV did seem to like to switch from English to German French to Spanish and in into some type of reptilian dialect that for some reason I kind of understood. It’s important to point out that the guy talking doesn’t know any of these languages tho. Also I’ve read a theory that all humans store within them our primitive and original language and that high doses of mushrooms can activate the gland this information is stored in.

-After talking to my wife this morning I went into a trance state for roughly an hour where I was sitting cross legged, straight up, maybe speaking English, but looked content and not distressed.
-My version of this hour was I entered into a weightless state where not only did I realize time is a bullshit idea, but I lost my ability to even comprehend what it was. To the point that all I could do is laugh.

More to come but got some plants to tend to


For reference this is where the spontaneous language occurred


I also want to make a disclaimer, APEs(Albino Penis Envy) mushrooms are typically 20-50% more potent than any other known magic mushroom. A 3 gram dose can be equal to almost a 5 gram dose of any other kind. I am not condoning or suggesting anyone take a dose of mushrooms this size, not due to physical concerns as mushrooms are near impossible to take doses large enuff to put you in medical danger, but out of mental caution. This is not for everyone, there are different levels of trip you can reach by high doses of mushrooms BUT they are not meant for everyone.


Damn those stems are huge

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Mmm, those look so good. I haven’t had any shrooms in YEARS. What I wouldn’t give to have a few and experience the trip again. I was a lover of LDS and magic mushrooms. Thanks for taking me back in the day.


I’ve been putting off buying some 'shrooms but the gov’t just boosted my OAS by $500 so I think I’ll see if I can get me some. I’m signed up for Dana Larsen’s 'shroom dispensary but they are pricey and only come in micro-dosing caps so was hunting around for whole dry 'shrooms so I can titrate my own dosages. Hoping it’ll help with the depression as it’s been horrible the last couple months since my oldest little sister died.

Are Golden teachers any good? I’ve only ever done one’s I’ve picked myself in the Fraser Valley in BC 40 years ago so not all that familiar with other than basic cubensis types for a high. Dried and ground up the ones we got would have you talking to god with just a gram. I did 3g once back then and lost 2 days. lol

Their $190/oz at theshroomshop dot ca and about the same at another place I’m looking at. Seem reasonable? Wish I could get hold of a guy I met a couple years ago that grew them. He was going to give me 2oz for every oz of pot in a trade. He lives down near Red Deer and I’m 8 hours north of him.

Mainly want to micro-dose with them but want to take a good ride or two as well. :wink:


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I would mail you a few but I’m off the other side of the ocean as you are talking $. shroom Strains mean as much as pot strains do, they all get you tripping. you don’t go for a full on fat doob before you try a little hit.