I had no Idea Mushroom's could do this ! like having sex with the gods

Wow ! what a wild ride and what an awesome trip I took last night ! I have done mushrooms dozens of times over the last 3 decades but never have I felt anything like this before… Hard to describe but like every pleasure center in my body was activated at once, I was absolutely flying… strongest most profoundly pleasurable experience in my life… lightning in a bottle to say the least.

12 grams of Golden Teacher , broken up and cooked into 3 cups of water… added fresh ginger and a Red Rose Tea Bag and 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey…after it was boiling for 10 minutes I used my hand held blender to break it up fully… another 20 minutes of simmering and I filtered out the junk and drank the tea all to myself.

10 minutes in and I was feeling it already and by 30 minutes I was singing with the gods, pleasure and intensity I had no idea was even possible…I had no idea Mushrooms could do this.

during the most intense part my thoughts completely shut down and was simply riding the energy of this pleasure…

Hard to describe, but I need to video this one as it was unlike anything I even knew was possible… it was truly gift from the gods.


Usually for me Mushroom trips are very cerebral but this one wasn’t at all, at one point there was no thoughts except myself going HOLY FUCK ! how’s this even possible… truly I am suspecting there was some interaction in the Tea I made that amplified the effects to become something else entirely… I remember saying to my wife that people would pay anything to feel what I felt…it was like every pleasure sensor was lit off at once, like having sex with the universe… UNREAL !


I love them, they’re the best…


Sex with the universe ! Hope you wore a love glove ! Sounds like you had an awesome time ! :partying_face:


Are those penis envy ?


I had no idea Mushrooms could do this… years of doing mushrooms and never ever ever anything remotely like this…I am thinking there had to be some sort of reaction with the ingredients to amplify the effects… But then again nearly a 1/2z in a cup of Tea is a high dose on its own…


I was soaked with sweat… completely drenched… my wife had to help me change my shirt …

Trip of a Lifetime… dying to do it again to see if i can repeat the effect

best part is no hangover today !!! the Tea is so much cleaner then eating the Mushrooms


Yes they were, I used to grow them…penis envy from the Amazons


I love golden teachers grew em for years. @nitro sounds like a good 1/2 oz trip. Its that kinda stuff that had are ancestors creating stories of godly pantheons :joy: look into terrance mckennas heavy trips they are wild… Keep safe


Its time for me to start growing shrooms…

I wonder how big of a dose I can tolerate ?


I like listening to him talk about high doses!
I’ve taken up to 10 before and it is enlightening!

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Your post just about has me convinced to try these.

I feel I’m about to fall down a rabbit hole. Haven’t done mushrooms since a very bad trip in high school. Me and my friends used to do them fairly regularly and then one night got some from a different source.

We had just seen Alien VS Predator and we thought Aliens where chasing us :joy: barricaded ourselves in the post office until the cops showed up.


That actually sounds amazing! I’m not to interested in tripping out did quite alot in highschool but I’ve been doing alot of research on micro dosing shrooms and the information I’ve read has me interested sounds like it could be beneficial to me.


I’ve taken them before and I swear it was like taking extacy. I definitely inderstand where your coming from.
The first time I took them they were really weak. Had to take a half ounce. Then I grew some using the PF technique. I figured I had to take the same amount. HORRIBLE MISTAKE! I’m glad I had the experience. I’m more spiritual now. Before then I wasn’t. I wouldn’t take that much again.


What happened with your horrible mistake?

I’ve been on the fence about taking some for about a year now. Also haven’t done them since highschool and my sensibilities have changed a ton since then. I used to love being out of control fucked up and now it gives me anxiety to get too far.

If I did I would grow my own with Uncle Ben tek and from what I’ve read Golden Teachers are the most forgiving species so I would go with those. Anyone here that knows their shit care to agree or disagree with GTs being the gentlest? If I’m wrong I’d rather be told than find out the hard way!

I think @anon93244739 might be the guy to best answer your questions. :smiley:

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I’d go with gt’s or burma if you dead set on cubensis. I’d recomend panaleous bispora/cinctulus if mushies used to be too intense for you. The bispora have seratonin in them and are Uber gentle. Like, I ate 2 grams and felt 0 come up, I thought that I needed more and then realized everything was shifty and floaty… amazingly gentle. The other pan species are similar, but much much stronger.

I think they are really pretty too. The caps are about the size of a Nickle to a quarter, brown with a white edge. Stems super thin. When they dry its about 20 mushrooms in a gram. I grew these last year

These are some recent ps. Tampanesis. Very similar. These are truffle makers

I just realized that’s the same tub in each of those pics, with different fungi. I live that tub, its done great for me.

Burma from uncle bens tek (Spiderman tek). Again, the same tub lol


Damn thanks for dropping some knowledge! Shrooms when I was a teen were great cause I had no limits, the harder I tripped the better. I definitely have limits now though unfortunately. Might have to dip my toes in the water with some pan instead. Are Bispora and Cinctulus different strains or is Bispora/Cinctulus a strain?

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Different nomenclature for the same variety, depends on which guidebook your reading. They look just like foensecii, which isn’t active and will give youa tummy ache. The bispora actually are super common all through North America. I’ve found enough to dose growing in mown grass before.

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