The Ultra-Low Tolerance Thread

Thanks, man.

Indeed. I cut myself off from TV, news, and all social media (except forums) quite some time ago. The whole issue is that I am a hermit living a normal man’s life.


I just harvested a couple high CBD with <1% THC autos. I was very interested to see what they’d be like, I’ve never tried CBD flower before.

They both get me pretty damn high I don’t get it lol. It’s pleasant enough, but I’m for sure baked…even off a puff or two. Does anyone else get this?


I would say that the breeder claims should be questioned.

(Having said that, I am sure I could get high from weed with 1% (or less) THC.)


It does seem counter intuitive, but that’s exactly what I found - very functional and clear, but there’s no denying you are really high, ha ha :grin:


I think @cogitech is right…
The breeder may have gotten higher CBD in some of his/her tests, but it may not have come through in the plants that you grew…


Sounds like I should try some C99. I ordered some Skunk (The Flying Dutchmen’s “The Pure”) recently when @Meesh started reminiscing about early 90s Skunk the other day. Thinking back to those times, I always remember a great happiness and a stupid fuckin grin on my face. On the other hand, life was so much simpler back then - so we’ll see.


It could be that there are 3 phenos (high THC, mixed, high CBD) and the breeder expects the grower to find the pheno they like.

This is basically true for nearly every “high CBD” strain out there.


They’re from Sebring seeds and he seems to know his stuff…2 different strains also. I think CBD might just get me baked lol

I did some googling and there are others who say they get the same thing. One guy said he even tried CBD isolate just to be sure and still got the same effect. Who knows? :thinking:


For sure. We are still so far from understanding the secrets of this plant.


I definitely feel a mental change from even CBD-only products, no question about it, but it’s highly functional. There’s no impairment, IMO.


My Sweet Pure Auto CBD with supposedly <1% THC definitely had more of it than advertised, and I’d assume same happened for you.


Could be. What percentages would you approximate the colors of those tests too?

I also harvested them about a week or so early due to PM so maybe that affected the cannabinoid profile.

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I have read that CBD peaks well before THC so an early harvest should mean higher CBD and lower THC. But again, who really knows for sure?


I have no way of knowing unfortunately, as I don’t have a “calibrating solution”. Cannabinoid testing is not possible here. I can only compare the relative amount of different strains. I vaped a bit of it before I made a tincture and I clearly felt THC, as opposed to the Auto Charlotte’s Angel I had before (which was so tiny I did not even have enough to make a tincture of it, so no colour test to compare).


Just want to throw a shout out to Dinafem if you’re looking for CBD strains as a way to lower THC content.

They have a lab in Spain called the Dinalab that other breeders use as well to breed specific chemical profiles. Seen a couple people lab test their stuff independently and the ratios and amounts are very close to what’s claimed.

I have grown a couple of their strains and been happy with them I haven’t gotten them lab tested, but based on my experiences with dispensary strains with similar profiles, I’d say they are real close.


It’s nice to find this group. I am a very recent to the club. I have been a near daily smoker for the past 15 years or so. Then last year I started making concentrates and my tolerance went through the roof. At my highest peak I was vaping THC oil (made from Source Turbo) at least 4 or 5 times before work was even over, then I’d chill with the wife and have another bowl or two at night (at that point could barely feel the effects of flower anymore).

Then something happened that rocked my world. I am a musician and was playing a gig at night (after all day vaping). Set break comes around and all the stoners go out and smoke. I come back in and start my 2nd set and get the feeling of hardcore panic coming over me. Heart racing, palms sweating, tunnel vision. I never had it before and thought it was a heart attack. I got myself so worked up that I actually went into a-fib and had someone take me to the ER. Stayed at the hospital and it went away on its own over night. The only thing they found was low potassium which corrected itself rather quick. Doctors were confused as I’m only in my late 30’s and fairly good shape.

Then the panic attacks kept happening day after day, usually directly after smoking, sometimes without smoking just playing a gig. I learned to calm myself through mindfulness and never let them get out of hand again but they were happening too frequently so I decided to quit. Then came the withdrawal which for me was just insomnia for a solid 7 days or so. Valerian root helped me sleep some nights. I started exercising more regularly and eventually the panic attacks subsided. Couple weeks of sobriety later and finally sleeping again on my own and I decided to try smoking again, just vaping flower. Even a couple light hits like that and I could still feel the panic underlying the high.

I’m not sure if I’ll always be like this now, like I fucked myself up somehow. The mind is a powerful thing. Either way, I’m now super low tolerance and only smoke weekend nights, 1 hit or 2 with the misses. I find certain strains put me on edge more than others but it is all new to me as I navigate this new state of being.


This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of such a thing. I remember hearing about my friend’s brother in law who had the same issue but his geriatric dad could blaze all day :sweat_smile:

I ODed myself with my hash last week. First half hour hiding under pillows on my bed, mind racing, is my heart even working? did time actually stop?, then the munchies hit as the anxiety & crazy was fading… So I call in an order for take out, thoroughly confuse the adorable sounding young lady, will I make it there?..

The red glow of my eyes :heart_eyes: indicated to her that I was hungrier than any other person in the room, possibly the state of CA, & the sandwich mission was a success.

But that first half hour… ugh… Pretty sure I climbed through a frozen wormhole & got shat out. :thinking:



That’s exactly what I was going to recommend for this thread. The blue hemp Lebanese is one of the most relaxing and mildly psychoactive strains I’ve ever grown.


@schmarmpit I have a strange story that relates quite a bit to yours…

I too have been a daily smoker for damn near 30 years now… Anyway, I had a scary incident quite a few years back now. I took a double dose of Unisom aka over the counter sleep med and woke up right in the middle of it starting to work. I couldn’t breathe or catch my breath, felt like I was gonna swallow my tongue and had a full blown panic attack where I almost called 911 on myself. About a year later, I decided that my depression (mind you not situational, but chemical imbalance) was somehow cured and randomly stopped my meds on a whim after 15 years. About 4 months later, I started having intense panic attacks 3 to 4 a day that exactly mirrored the sleeping pill incident. On top of that all of my limbs went numb for 5 straight weeks. Anyway, once I got settled and back on my meds, anytime I would smoke, I would get the same panic attacks as before. Eventually, I nailed it down to Indica strains that caused it. After talking to a shrink client of mine, she said that the body has trauma memory and that the way Unisom functions is that it depresses motor skills… Well, long story short… turns out that anything that even slightly depressed my motor skills (the body high properties of Indica) caused my body memory to go into these panic attacks in response.

So, I started playing around trying different strains to no relief then I discovered Blue Dream and suddenly I could smoke something without crazy panic. It took awhile of slowly testing different bud after that and literally smoking just a few hits a day to be able to tolerate any type of Indica strains again, but eventually my body mostly forgot to go into panic trauma mode when I smoked. I still get strains here and there that will depress a certain motor skill to this day and I will panic, but it is slowly subsiding.

My point is… more than likely you are having body trauma memory responses when you smoke now since your incident.
If you can somehow nail down what it was you were smoking at the time, you can try the exact opposite type of strain. Personally, I’d ditch the super strong vape oil stuff and try just smoke, tiny bits at a time, you can avoid the memory response as different strains will effect different parts of your brain. I truly believe that if you find a strain or two that works for you and stick with it for a period of time, your body will stop associating smoking with panic. Hope this is helpful


Can’t seem to find those seeds anywhere. Probably couldn’t get them right now anyways but it peaked my interest…