The Ultra-Low Tolerance Thread

I had a similar experience. I used to vape almost a gram of concentrate a day. First thing when I got up, last thing before bed.

I was in my mid 30s when it slowly started to make me anxious and I didn’t enjoy the high anymore.

Now I vape about a gram of flowers every 2 weeks total… Usually they are high CBD. I get pretty up there… Doesn’t take much, and most the time it’s pretty enjoyable.

Good luck my man, try some CBD strains if you can. They scratch the itch, but they scratch it gently.


I think they’re the same or similar to the line from RSC. I can hook you up with some F2s I made from the ones I had. They’re scraggly looking plants, definitely not super refined. BUT they do have a super short flowering period of 46ish days. So short it’s even hard to mature seeds on them…


One option that I am currently testing is to selectively pollinate one lower branch and then harvesting the rest of the plant when it is ripe, but leaving the seeded buds/branch on the main stem for as long as it takes to mature the seeds. I am trying it with two different females in my current grow. I chose to try this because my chosen male took forever to drop pollen and the females were already 6 weeks into bloom by the time the pollen was ready.

Sorry for the OT.


That reminds me of something I read a while back about the relationship between anxiety and elevated heart rate. The gist was that our brains are hardwired in such a way that if you are having anxiety or heightened alert state, you will also experience elevated heart rate. But interestingly, the reverse is also true: if you experience elevated heart rate even without a known cause, your brain thinks there must be some danger which caused it, and you will experience anxiety.

And cannabis causes elevated heart rate… Some strains more than others.

So in people who are susceptible to anxiety, strain really matters. Apparently in several different ways.


Im with you on this boat. I ate too many edibles one night and got super baked. Knees were still shaking in the morning after consumption. Still have a hard time with edibles so i usually stick with flower. For me the initial high makes me pretty anxious, especially in social situations or while in a car. After the initial high tapers off im usually pretty good after. I got some cali-o x durban poison seeds from OG and grew some out. I can smoke a whole joint of the stuff and be fine and dandy. One hit of some strong indica and my hands are sweating and my mind is racing.


@hewhocoruptz oh I’m actually terrified of edibles now, since my issues. Edibles affect me so differently and really mess with my motor skills. So afraid I will get a strain that bothers me and be locked into a panic attack for 8 hours. At least with regular bud it will wear off in an hour or two. I’ve been okay with those weak little 10mg candies at times and other times not so much.


Pretty sure I grew out the same seeds! Foxtailed like a bastard and FULL of “hairs”? If so, its the same stuff. I love it for the same reason you do; I can smoke a whole joint and it just makes me giggle and grin a bit. Extremely light and very happy.


Regarding edibles; I don’t have any issues at all. I find that the high comes on so slowly that I can easily adjust as things ramp up. My anxiety seems to be triggered way more when I go from stone-cold sober to high AF in a matter of 2 or 3 minutes. My brain doesn’t like that at all. With flower, I typically take one small puff and put it out, then about 15 minutes later I’ll have maybe 2 more puffs. Once I am a bit high and “in the zone” I can smoke more puffs each time throughout the evening and I never get anxious, just more stoned. So, in a way, it is like I am simulating the slow onset of edibles, but by smoking flower.


Original Skunk is excellent for that too, despite being Indica dominant. Never had anxiety with it, only giggles and happiness


Imagine that Skunk with maybe 2-3% THC and you’ll have an idea of what this Cali-O x Durban is like - except this stuff smells like a freshly opened box of Fruit Loops, not a skunk’s asshole. :astonished:

Having said that, I am very much looking forward to growing some skunk next summer. I have fond memories of it from the 90s (as I think I have said before).


Haha! Yeah the OG Skunk comes in around 15% THC


Last time i had an edible it was when i was on third shift. I took it before i went to bed and ended up laying there for 4 hours with my heart pounding out of my chest


Ive been wondering how much the tepene profile has an impact on the effects of the high.


I could eat them till I puked, would not even feel them. Went to Colorado, ingested 1000’s of MG’s of edibles my first few hours there, forgot I even ate/drank them. I have heard or read some people’s system is just not affected by eating THC , I must be one. I made my own for a spell, bought the magic butter machine and all, made rso too. None of it gets me buzzed. Funny thing is alcohol flattens me. 2 beers im stumbling, 3 in 2 hours, get sick, throw up, pass out wake up saying “I will never drink again,lol”


Is it possible you ate before you ate edibles? I’ve noticed that edibles are much more powerful for me personally when I haven’t eaten in 6 hours.

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Another thing i am curious about is the maturity of trichcomes.


For sure. I always eat edibles on an empty stomach. If I have them after dinner I don’t get high until 10pm and then I am high while I am asleep. Groggy the next day.

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Yo @cogitech and @lefthandseeds do you guys know of a low thc sativa from Ace that is low/no anxiety and might be manageable in a smaller space? I know that’s a lot to ask, but I’m curious :slight_smile:


I’d be looking at their Lebanese. Lebanese are interesting plants with both sativa/indica characteristics. Theirs is supposedly selected toward the sativa, and some phenos have a lot of CBD. I think another option would be their Ethiopian, but it will have much longer internodes and won’t be nearly as feasible for smaller spaces.

@hush grows a lot of their stuff as well, and might have some more ideas for you.


Just curious, are you a drinker also?