The Ultra-Low Tolerance Thread

Well, the point I was trying to make is that because the blue hemp breeder is defunct, any seeds preserved from their original line might have been worked by whatever hands they’ve passed through since that time.

Someone may have done 1:1 selections on them for several generations by the time that I received them. I don’t know how many generations of inbreeding were done since the original line that blue hemp released. The inbreeding reproduction in itself may have stabilized a pheno within the seed population that I have. Hard to say without growing a large number of them.


Interresting, it permit to better understand the persons. My feeling : that’s a fckng blessing lol


Several people have told me in Europe the Blue Hemp line is better. As for second hand growers? That is always an unknown. Some more recent west coast seed company offerings of Lebanese have been ‘worked’ by them selecting specific phenos. Like the Leb27 line has been. RSC has had several releases of Lebanese from the Bekaa Valley. According to their web site they do large open pollination grows from their Lebanese sourced seeds. They also say that they weed out runts and poor plants. So they are also working them to some degree.

The line seems to vary mainly mostly in CBD content and floral terps. Hashish from Lebanon is consistent because they grow massive amounts of plants and screen them all together. So any variety is blended into the final result. Growing ones and twos will result in more unique results. Sort of like single malt or single cask whiskey vs blended whisky. If you look at the photos of the 1960s Bekaa Valley grows they are massive. Cannabis plants as far as the eye can see. A landrace of landraces. No way for any new genetics to get in there and stick. It would be washed out in a single generation or two. So the source genetics are still landraces. Unlike so many other places now that have Dutch hybrid genetics. So whatever is being worked in this strain is still from a landrace line. The alternative is getting fresh seeds from Lebanon. Good luck doing that though.


I think this is my team. :smiley: I had a few weird incidents with weed when I was young. Really strong reactions to pretty low doses. But I liked a smoke after drinking alcohol, put me to sleep nicely.

Later I discovered that very small doses of what I assumed was indica worked well for me. I would be out for like 15 minutes relaxing and then be able to focus on getting some work done.

I never chased it, just used it when it was around. After it helped me coping with extreme stress in my life I decided to get into growing just for myself and the joy of it. Cannabis is still not freely available where I live and I don’t want to use the rubbish sold on the street.

I did my first grow and now I have probably more weed than I’d need in my whole lifetime. But I got interested in cannabinoid profiles, terpenes and whatnot, so I’ll continue doing microgrows for variety and to learn.


so i have a weird situation for myself. doesn’t matter what i smoke, i either get nothing from it, or way too high. could be the same strain as well. there is a youtuber called Psychedsubstance that has this same issue. his research showed him that acid could be the cause. i did some when i was younger and since then my tolerance has been strange.


If I smoke two grams a week it’s a heavy week. I like to know what to expect from weed. Most I ever smoke alone is 1/3 of a joint. Two dab attempts put me off concentrates. I do like kief and hash.

Never had so much flower as I have now. Stuff I bought a year ago: box of 3g vials, GSC, Durban Poison, OG Kush, that I have researched is ready to hand.

In the middle of a month off to deal with a skin allergy issue.

Funny thing is I imagine myself smoking cigarette sized doobs but I never do. Just don’t want more.

Suspect I will wind up smoking CBD joints with a hash dusting.


Awesome thread… I’m definitely in this group. I used to use almost a gram of wax a day @ 80% + THC, but now I take tiny little puffs off a 1 hitter vape of lower thc flowers and I get way up there.

One pattern in this thread I noticed is that most of us used to be heavy users. Then we took a break, came back to it and suddenly have abnormally low tolerance.

I actually really like 1% THC strains. I’m currently using a Dinamed CBD plus I grew and I vape that all day in my Dynavap.

I’d highly recommend both the strain and the Dynavap.

Dynavaps are basically 1 hitters, but they vape flowers instead of burn them.

At night I take a couple puffs of a mellow indica and get pretty up there. The Dynavap lets me take real small doses of my home grown flowers in vape form so I really like it.


I have a buddy who used to smoke with me all day every day way back when, but hasn’t smoked more than a dozen times in the last twenty years.

He recently bought a DynaVap for his mom to help her with chronic pain… I sent him home with a care package for her, and he decided to give it a try himself by packing the thing with Glue, lol. He texted me an hour later just to tell me that he was high as hell :smile:


Will need to give this “takeing a break” thing a try… So envious of the low tolerance right now.


The grass isn’t always greener. Having a tolerance level as low as mine makes it very difficult to simply enjoy this plant without the constant risk of anxiety and/or paranoia. The only way is to seek out very weak strains (which are not nearly as common as strong strains) and then consume them very carefully.

Honestly I would much rather have a very high tolerance. The solution to that “problem” is to just grow more weed.


I think you’d like CBD Blue Shark from Barney’s Farm. 6.5/6.5.
Really nice berry aroma and flavor, mild effect so you can smoke a couple of J’s in an evening.
Plus, if you start the evening with a hit of this, other strains will have more gentle effects.

It’s my favorite strain to smoke, vape, cook with, etc. Easy to grow.

The shorter plants in front are CBD Blue Shark. The tall ones in back are GG4.

Sorry about the dark pictures. When I took them it was for my own recollection of the grow, and not for posting online…
I bred these, like 4 ways, also, but have only grown out 1 plant to check viability, flavor, and potency.

EDIT: also, I bought the CBD Blue Shark seeds back in 2016 or 2017 and they’re still selling them today. I think that speaks to the popularity of the strain, and they’ve had a couple of years to make it even better :slight_smile:


The CBD strains are really interesting, but some of them still will hit me with the paranoia. I’ve grown a couple and got a couple from dispensaries and what I’ve noticed for me personally is that the 1:1 ratio is can be too much sometimes if I haven’t smoked in a while. It’s like the CBD isn’t enough to mediate the THC and instead amplifies it.

Strains like 1:5 or 1:20 will get me high without paranoia no matter how much I smoke and I can still get high off enough of them.

I also noticed that if I smoke a 1:20 strain all day, then when I smoke at night I almost never get paranoid. At night I smoke Cheese CBD (a very mellow 1:1 strain) or a mellow purple indica. I think the 1% THC in my all day smoke helps build me a tolerance, and the CBD is lingering and together they make my night smokes enjoyable and paranoia free.


As @MichiGreen suggests, CBD may be the answer. I had a strong negative reaction to Headband. I experimented with preceeding the smoke with a hit of high CBD/~0 THC and it completely removed the anxiety/anger/paranoia.
I have a low tolerance and a forgiving nose. If I just want to smoke a joint, redried, post-extraction weed works nicely.


Yeah, now that I think about it, my friend who just came to visit has this issue too. His tolerance doesn’t help him enjoy the plant as much as he used to. Maybe I’ll try growing some cbd for the next time he comes around. Hope the right strain can be found!


Hey cogitech, how are you finding the Lebanese that you finished outside this year as far as paranoia or other negative effects?

I haven’t done any side-by-side comparisons, but I swear that outdoor bud that is grown into the cooler days of fall lacks that real nasty edge that some of the stuff finished with higher temps, high power artificial lighting, and the maximum yield philosophy seems to have.

The C99 I finished at the very end of October is very, very strong - like 1 1/2 puffs and you’re done for a light weight like me, but there is absolutely no paranoia, raciness, trippiness, heart pounding, or anything negative at all. It’s like a sunny day at the beach :palm_tree:

My question for you guys then is it always about potency being the cause of negative effects?


Interesting about the outdoor… I wonder if anyone else noticed that. I’ve only got indoor to experiment, so I couldn’t confirm.

I’m not sure potency is always the issue, but seems like a big factor. Even some mellow strains I have will take me somewhere unpleasant if I accidentally overdo it. I’m sure there is more to it than that, but potency seems like 1 aspect.


Yes, I having been trying a bunch of high CBD stuff. My experiences are similar to yours. A 1:1 strain can be too much for me - it seems like the THC kicks in before the CBD has a chance to bind to the receptors and provide its mitigating effect. I have not tried a strain that is “pure” CBD (with virtually no THC) so I’ll have to see if that works for me.


I like the Lebanese a lot. It is very mild. I’m high on it right now, in fact. I’m not in a very good mood right now (other factors) and usually I wouldn’t even smoke anything because weed usually makes my bad moods worse but the Lebanese is mild enough that I don’t get edgy/stressed/anxious when I smoke it. I has a good amount of CBD in it so that helps too.

I am not sure if I can attribute this to it being grown outdoors. It is so mild I bet most people wouldn’t even get a buzz off it. Not saying it isn’t a factor, but with weed this weak it seems like it would be due to the lack of potency. I could be wrong.


It seems like quite a few people find upbeat sativas much better than indicas and hybrids when it comes to avoiding anxiety. This seems counter-intuitive to me but I have to say that I think they might be onto something. High doses of strong sativas can be “racy” in the bad way you mentioned, but a light dose of sativa seems to just make me smile and giggle.

For me, it’s almost like anything that clouds my thinking and makes it more difficult to focus is what brings on the negativity. My head is almost always full of worries/stressors/etc. and most weed seems to just jumble all that up and make it much more difficult to organize and manage in my brain. This feeling brings on the anxiety - its almost like adrenaline / fight or flight instinct kicks in - like a borderline panic attack - and it is all I can do to contain all that energy. So strains that are really upbeat and happy that don’t make me feel “stoned”, in low doses, seems to be the ticket. I want to be “high” but I need to be able to think clearly - or at least not care enough to think at all.

Sorry for my whinging - not having the best day.

Note: I just verified that I didn’t lose all of my Monero (I had thought I might have) so I feel a bit better now. Maybe I’ll have another puff and stare at the broken hot tub some more.


Peace, brother.
I find silence and not watching the TV to be calming.
(especially don’t watch the news) :slight_smile: