The Ultra-Low Tolerance Thread

I agree with @lefthandseeds 100%. Lebanese is a very mild, zero anxiety strain in my experience. I grew some out in the summer and I will be growing plenty more. I just smoked some last night with a buddy. It gets you “high” but that’s it. Not really “stoned” or “baked”. I have very, very low tolerance and I can smoke this stuff recklessly if I want to.

I made seeds. :slight_smile:


Wow, @Meesh, that is an incredibly scary story. I definitely would have been calling 911. I think you are right in that I must be having some memory trauma when I smoke now. Just in the past couple days I have been taking light hits of flower off the volcano vaporizer. This has worked very well for the most part. Interestingly, when I smoke the strain that started this whole mess (Stardawg X 88G13HP) I definitely feel the panic start to creep in. I’ll avoid that strain for now and get used to being high without the anxiety. Thankfully I have several other strains that don’t seem to cause any issue. Thanks for your advice.

I appreciate your suggestion, @MumenRyder. I have a few packs of “high CBD” strains that I’ve since ignored and now will be growing out in the future.

@beacher, I am not a drinker, maybe a drink or two during the whole week. Since my incident I’ve completely cut out alcohol and caffeine, even though I wasn’t really overdoing either.

What has helped me a lot through this was the usage break for a few weeks, and working out hard core. I started doing lots of cardio to get my heart pounding more often on purpose. Now when it happens when I smoke, it doesn’t feel as strong and doesn’t bring on the anxiety as it used to.


Knowing that your heart can handle the high revs probably sets your mind at ease, so at least if you start to feel anxious you can convince yourself to feel a bit better, knowing you aren’t going to die.


Bingo! I’ve been intermittent fasting for the past 3 months now and have lost a good bit of weight from it. In doing so, I also became extremely lazy and stopped exercising almost all together. So when my heart started pounding it felt much more intense because I was physically weaker than usual. It’s like a bunch of little things like that came together at the right time to make a perfect storm.


I do, but I never select for low THC so I might not be the best source of info on this subject. That said, I know that Ace does have several low-THC strains, because others have mentioned it before, or maybe dubi himself. I know that their only CBD strains at the moment are Lebanese and ErdPurt. That’s obviously a good place to start. But I recall it being mentioned that one of the Congo strains (I think the one called Congo) is mild. I want to also say that the Guatemalan strains (the landrace or Tikal) are (or can be) low-THC. Don’t quote me on that one though.

As far as low-anxiety strains… there are many. Not necessarily low-THC though. Panama is the lowest anxiety strain I’ve had in a very long time. I only grew out the green pheno though, if that matters. Honduras Breeze is one of the mildest highs I’ve had in a very long time, which also translates as low-anxiety, but I don’t recall it being spoken of as a low-THC strain so who knows? But I’ll tell you one thing, Ace’s descriptions are 100% spot on every single time. So I would just comb through the selections on their website and search for words like “anxiety” in their search bar.


ACE describes the Congo high as “Premium quality clean, positive and energetic effect, perfect for an open minded, creative and active life style” and claim 15% THC, but interestingly CBG is 2.34%


Down the left side there are a bunch of filters that you can apply.

Under “High”, click “Anxiolytic”.


@lefthandseeds @cogitech @hush thanks fellas for the suggestions! I have about 40 days left in one of my tents before I can start something new and it will probably be something from ace!

A lot of people seem to like those guys and hush has been helping me with my setup so it seems like I’m fated to grow some Ace seeds… I’m pretty psyched :smiley:


Let’s hope ACE gets their credit card payment option back on line sometime soon! The other options are non-starters for me, which is why I have gone through other sites in the past for ACE.


Oh snap… The site has a little visa logo on the bottom, but maybe it’s not working right now? Other options probably wouldn’t fly for me either


Yep, the only two options right now (at checkout) are “mail cash” and “bank transfer”. Fuck both of those methods. generally carries all the ACE stuff, but their whole site has been down for “maintenance” for over 2 days.

truenorthseedbank carries ACE seeds, but there’s a huge markup. Fuck that as well.


I’ve always lived by “smoke little, smoke often.” I find a little bit barely affects me, which is exactly where I want to be.


Sounds like you need to drink more!

Kidding of course, I wasn’t trying to pry there I was just curious. It took me years to figure out the connection between booze and anxiety… I’m not the fastest learner lol

@Foreigner it also took me years to figure this out too. I’m pretty much as high as I want to be after one or two puffs, and anything else is just gratuitous


It’s funny that way back when we’d roll up 1/2oz joints as conspicuous consumption. Now I’ve got more than enough weed to do it but not the interest.


I contacted Ace asking what’s up, and I’ll post back if I hear anything. Looks like Nepal Jam fits the bill pretty well. Lebanese looks great but I need fems :frowning:

On a side note it is super cool to see Ace list the breeding info of their strains. Nepal Jam is F7-F8… That’s what I’m talking about! That is some seriously stabilized genes, great for people like me who don’t have much room for variation. They also have lab reports from Canna on most strains. Really impressed with their site and info, they just need to get their CC rolling again.


Got a reply pretty quickly.

“The card payment is temporarily unavailable on our website. We expect it will be available again soon.”

Not sure what they mean by soon, but I guess we’ll find out :confused:

Mephisto had problems with credit cards and they thought it would be quick, but that lasted probably 6 months or more… Lots of seeds vendors struggle with it for sure.

I’ve been looking at Transfer Wire. They let you use a credit card, and then they do a bank transfer for a small fee. It’s a well rated service so it might be worth looking at. I think it was about a 3$ fee for 38 euros when I filled in my info. Better than my bank for sure who charges me 10-20$ or more.

Have any of you guys had successful shipping from Ace to the states?

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@cogitech just a heads up Ace emailed me back today letting me know cc was up again.

They said they added some new 2020 releases, but I’m not familiar enough with their lineup to tell what’s new :thinking:


Well… Scratch that… It says credit card is for EU only. I tried it and it failed…

I tried 2 different bank transfer services and neither would allow me to go through with the transfer to the bank Ace is using. Tried both Xoom and Transfer Wise.

I wasted a lot of time choosing strains on their site lol x_x darn… Guess I’ll reevaluate my options


Do they take bitcoin.


Once gets their shit together you’ll be able to get most of the ACE stuff there (but no fem versions).

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