The Ultra-Low Tolerance Thread

They do not :confused: I wish they did!

Read an article last night about ediblesā€¦ Said when THC is ingested, your liver processes it into another form of THC (It had some weird letters and numbers for the name of the THC compound). Anyway, the new THC compound it produces is 10 times as strong as the original form of THC and produces psychotropic effects 10 fold. Also, some peopleā€™s livers will produce more than others and the more thc you ingest the more your liver processes.

Makes sense why most of us low tolerance folks freak out on edibles.


I just was describing this to someone at work today. Many are not aware or in that case educated. Many people who do not consume on a regular basis seem to want to eat it as opposed to smoking. I suggest to them to smoke first.


Interesting podcast. I think it best belongs here.


The best thing about being a grower with a low tolerance is that itā€™s been twenty years since Iā€™ve had a thought like ā€œIā€™m out of weed and donā€™t feel high enough.ā€ :smile:


I have a friend who has dabbled with growing and selling for over 35 years now but wonā€™t smoke anything. He says he only ever smoked twice in his life and went to the hospital both timesā€¦must have been some racey sativa back in the 80ā€™s. I have been trying to get him to sample some good indica but he wonā€™t touch it.


A 20:1 CBD:THC strain would be perfect for him, IMO.


I vaped one like this (Dinamed CBD plus) for a while and can confirm. It will get you a little high if you use enough, but itā€™s extremely controlled and short.

After I got used to that, now Iā€™m vaping a 1:1 strain and itā€™s perfect for me. Still a controlled high but the ceiling is higher and works great for headaches and other minor aches/pains. Super functional high as well, closest to a pure body high with a clear head I have experienced.


Just a heads up, I got an email from Ace seeds out of the blue that they were taking credit cards internationally again. I was surprised they remembered to email me considering it had been at least a month.


Thatā€™s good to know. Thanks!

regseeds is still fuckt.

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Same issues here with indica. Bad for my depression being stuck in my head. If itā€™s really strong then the paranoia as well. I do better with sativa hybrids


Itā€™s rather incredible, but someone on here recommended lemon balm extract as helping them through their overly anxious times while smoking. Since I read that months ago I gave it a try and it worked amazingly well. I would take a recommended dose when I started feeling anxious and within 20 or so minutes it would just melt it all away. I took it for a good couple months and now Iā€™m basically back to normal. I still get the episodes every now and then when I over do it (edibles usually) but not nearly as often as before. Hard to explain but there you go. Another reason I love this place.


Yeah I have it growing everywhere. Never thought to make a tea out if it but may try. Was thinking about using my Source Turbo to do an extracting on some.


I had never heard of that, but now that youā€™ve mentioned it Iā€™m going to look into it.

There appears to be some decent evidence for it here: undefined benefits, dosage, and side effects


lemon balm reportedly has these effects when smoked also

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So, I read the first 100 or so posts then slipped to the end cause Iā€™m lazy but i have an interesting experience. My mrs is in the ultra high tolerance area where the top most thc content in the shops doesnā€™t do much for her if she has a single blunt of it, me on the other hand I would call average tolerance as I can have a anywhere from .2-.5g in a j and be quite happily stoned for a few hours, whatā€™s interesting is ever since I took shrooms in a high dose my arms feel a bit like Iā€™m on shrooms when I smoke lots and I canā€™t seem to achieve the same overly stoned relaxed state I did before. it could be the strains Iā€™m trying nowadays but itā€™s a thing thatā€™s made me ponder on it every so often.


It could also be that when you were on shrooms you noticed that feeling in your arms, and now you are aware of it also when stoned.

Shrooms can definitely give you the ability to notice things you didnā€™t notice before.

Who knows for sure, but IMO itā€™s a possibility :thinking:


For sure I totally agree, it will be interesting to see how the next high dose effects me. It wonā€™t be for a while as I donā€™t think I want to take a large dose of shrooms when thereā€™s all this worry about covid in the back of everyoneā€™s mind.
Iā€™d be really interested to hear if anyone else experienced any change after tripping to clarify this was a 4g dose taken in one that hit like a brick wall and blinded me to the world and paralyzed me for a few hoursā€¦ I had questions.

I do realise this is probably the wrong thread to ask on but who knows, someone may have had their tolerance lowered through an experience like mine.


7pldcaw grows shrooms look for 7ā€™s grow.

Mushrooms can have a re set action on the brain and autonomic nervouse system, like putting it back to its default. Micro dosing is being said to have a great effect on depression. As depression is a symptom of prolonged anxiety, it must be switching off or lowering any internal and external anxiety, fight or flight reaction, caused by neurosis or other drivers.


That shits brutal, used to mess around with it back in high-school. And wife used to take it but she got switched because it messed with her to much.