The Worked Lines Appreciation (IX, BX, F2+, IBL, and so on)

In a community filled with chucked seeds for sale (some fire, many others not so much)…i think there can be an appreciation space for those lines that have been worked past the pollen chuck or the ill labeled “semi-f1”/poli hybrid, either for sale or that you have worked on for yourself.

Ive been eyeing Blue Power (IX 2) by Sin City, I have sowed some Bandaid Haze (IX 3) by Doc, and currently growing my cut of Moonbow 112 by Archive.

Which are your favorites?

Which are on your wishlist?

Show em/Tell us!

Moonbow 112, excellent plant.


Here’s a couple I have:

The Sour Larry is from Thunderfudge. I’ll probably try crossing these one day when I’m ready to start chucking pollen.


I couldn’t resist grabbing those myself, right when they were released.

This should be an awesome thread, I am really enjoying more worked lines myself these days.

Can’t wait to see what strains and info people post on here!



@Wizdom should be in here showing off his Meat Breath S1’s.


Love the blue magoo!

I grew it out once years ago from a few seeds I found in a really good batch of blue magoo I got. Got a really nice female, but it was hermie prone (it came from a bag seed, so…). It only grew just one full-on male flower cluster from a node near the main stem. So it was easy enough to deal with. I just plucked it off and everything was good. It was early in flower when I saw it so I called the clones I had taken of it.

It was one of the frostiest strains I’ve grown to this day. It was just absolutely coated almost all the way to the tip of the leaf. Those leaves that are just curled up with frost. Very oily too. Smelled amazing. Tasted so good too.

I was so pissed I culled the clones once I saw it flower out. I tried to re-veg it but it never did anything. I tried coaxing it along for months but eventually gave up.

I’ve always wanted to grow it from proper seeds but every time I’ve search for it they are never in stock (though I’ve only looked maybe a dozen times over the years since).

Do you know if Dynasty still sells the blue magoo or is it retired?

Btw, please tag me (if you remember!) when you get around to germinating those! I’d love to follow along.


You’re in luck. Professor P just announced on his Discord yesterday that there is going to be one last drop of the Blue Magoo BX3 soon.


Nice! Thanks for sharing. Hopefully I can snag some when they drop!

Do you know if all the affiliated seedbanks will get the seed drop? Does dynasty work with one closer than the others? Just wondering which to keep my eyes on the most :joy:

At least it sounds like more blue magoo is coming in the future still too. (bx4)

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He said he’ll release the list of seedbanks getting them in the next couple days. I’m sure it will include most of the regular ones he works with.

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Sweet. Thanks!

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