Thecrazster's first grow ever

on a different note i dug a hole and put my vegetable scraps in it, the scraps were moldy asf im sure that area of the garden will have lots of good microbial life.

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Here’s the pics forgot to upload🙄, sorry about that.
Jack Herer

Carribean Crashers


im starting a compost pile right now its jusr aged alfalfa and fresh manure

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activated the compost pile by pouring diluted urine on it. the pile should start to heat up tomorrow.

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just a quick update: not a whole lot has been going on with the seedlings, some have gotten a little taller, some have fattened up a little, anyways just wanted to let y’all know…expect pics tomorrow :wink: :camera_flash:

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sorry about the lack of updates, here is some pics i took the other day

Jack Herer

Caribbean Crashers


Gotta keep those twins together!

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for sure, they like being together i think…seeing as they’re some of the best looking plants currently.

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ya’ll ready for the last full lunar eclipse till 2025!!??

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i transplanted a small jack herer plant yesterday, gave it some high nitrogen fertilizer during the transplant, seems to be doing fine so far.

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mind you this transplant went into normal dirt (native soil) and it was in the afternoon.

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i saw some aphids on a smaller plant probably gonna spray all the plants with diluted vinegar.

i’m in early flower would this cause any damage or problems?