Thecrazster's first grow ever

Thinking of popping these🤤


Here’s some baby jack herers


Pretty cool and humid over here. Im sure there enjoying the weather.

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Popping the Caribbean Crashers by @NugLifeFarms420 . I found 4 instead of 3!!! Stoked about that😁

And a splash of h2o2 as always💦

@NugLifeFarms420 just caught up on your thread and you’re having a baby girl!!! Congrats buddy!!!:tada::tada:

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Just a bit over 24hrs and all of the Caribbean Crasher beans have popped and have tails!

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I put all seeds about a fingernail deep in seed starting mix, let’s see how long they take to sprout😊

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While I’m at it here’s an update of the jack herers


I got some more beans handy if all goes wrong

Also has anybody grown a cannabis plant from seed in their native soil? Just wondering if any OGers had some good results in doing so.

Depends on how good your soil is most likely it’s very clay based and probably too dense depending on where you are in az probably better up north but one of my 20 gallon outdoor pots had probably 5 or so gallons of native dirt mixed in with peat and some lava rock and a little perlite and compost seems to be working good so far plant in it is loving it @thecrazster


i think my soil is mainly sand with some clay in it (sand and clay do not mix well) but people over here in this general area have farms mainly growing corn, alfalfa, and cotton. the alfalfa only requires a tilling, no fertilizer needed. i think my soil has potential theres some spots that are greyish/brownish might be fertile, i think ill do a lil experiment to see just how good this dirt is. ill give your recommendation a try and see if it works for me, which i think it will since i’ve heard our soil in az is packed with minerals but our soil is so compacted the plants cant access them.

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none of the new seeds that i sowed sprouted yet im guessing some sprouts will be waiting for me in the afternoon until then good night/morning.

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Alfalfa, buckwheat, sunflowers, corn and black radish will help with compacted soil (especially if you let them rot), along with dandelions! Thistle too. And plant some trees! :green_heart:
You can prune them in such a way that they provide as much or as little shade as is required.
Olive trees can last thousands of years and acacias grow perfectly fine in deserts too!


thanks for the info :pray: ill try to incorporate these in my garden

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also 3 of the 4 beans are peaking out!!! by tomorrow or the day after that they should all be sprouted

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all of them have sprouted!!!
its alive

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the Caribbean crashers already have cool leafs on em!! lil streaks of purple!! i dont think it’s due to the weather either, yesterday was 90 degrees! and today will be in the high 80’s

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all the seedlings are chugging along nicely!! no issues so far. will update with pics in a lil bit :slight_smile: