There’s no real Capulator on Instagram

In hopes of kicking scam artists in the shins, I wanted to share this excerpt from Caps most recent newsletter;

Hello Everyone,

As you may or may not know, Instagram has suspended my account. I believe it was because I was making fun of a scammer, so they reported the shit out of my account to get it shut down.

Anyway, I wanted to let you guys know that I have no plans on making a new account. If they give me back my old account, great. If not, fuck 'em.

Please do not be tricked by imposters. There currently is an @_capulator and also a @mac.capulator. These accounts are fugazi,. These people will take your money. Feel free to report them or at the very least do not do any business with them.

I always will have only one account. @capulator. No variations on spelling. No underscores or periods.


THANKS, Bro, you just protected a bunch of OG members!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Thanks for this bud!


Speaking of Cap, has anyone joined his Dirt newsletter/subscription? And if you have, is it worth it?

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Best place for cap

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So sad that you aren’t making a new account…