Things that make me want to say “HOOTIE!”

Been way too busy for my liking between work and the rest of life to focus as much as I’d like on the plants. Thinking some life changes may be in order to reprioritize things.
Moved the 4 LaDiosa out of the 5x5 as well as the 2 other smallest plants into my 4x4 under 1 mars hydro sp3000. Had some comments on the Doc D thread to give a full veg period to the longer flowering cultivars that were going in the 4x4, so this should give me enough time to get these girls through flower and move the other plants in once they’re ready. I definitely over did it but would rather learn from the plants in a less than ideal situation than throw them away. Left with 12 plants in 5x5, a couple disagree with the watering schedule as can be expected running so many different plants.

4x4 looking just OK. LaDiosa are smaller than I’d like and probably won’t yield shit but at least I’ll get a taste of their potential. The two Dubble limes I’m putting on their side for a few days to bend the tops over. Stems were so think I didn’t want to do it manually.
2x4 with Humboldt seed co, hella jelly and pineapple upsidedown cake are filling in nicely. Smells like pineapples in this tent! Cool coloring on the hella jelly for so early in flower (week 3).
Pineapple upsidedown cake

Everybody is looking like they are ready for their first fertilizer top dress.
Started 2 anaerobic ferments last weekend following the JADAM methods. Went to a large local park and gathered some leaf mold soil. Filled one bucket with the 8 males I chopped, the other with flowers, weeds, grasses, new bush and tree shoots from around my yard. Topped off with water and the leaf mold soil, should be ready to use by next weekend! Going to try my hand at making LAB this weekend and hopefully get out fishing soon to start gathering fish for some FAA. Very excited to plant our veggie garden as well. My wife has filled up the tent I gifted her with veggies d flower seedlings so we are probably only a week out from planting as weather is looking beautiful! Hope you all are well!!!


Did you ever figure out if the “Not Deathstar” was actually Deathstar or not? Curious about that name/cut.

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Uh uh, no. I totally forgot to even look into it.

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