Things that make me want to say “HOOTIE!”

Hello OG!

I grew a bit as a young man from clone in my closet at rented apartments. It helped save a few bucks and made me realize I could grow much better product than 90% of what I’d seen and 99% of what was readily available. Have taken about ten years off due to life, but last summer I decided I had all the pieces together to responsibly undertake such an endeavor again! Threw some bag seeds in soil outside and began making a plan.
The initial plan was a 5x5 flower tent and a 2x4 veg tent. HA!
That evolved into getting another 2x4 for an extra flower tent to run the first seeds I bought. Which then turned into me gifting one if the 2x4s to my wife to start an indoor cat free safe spot for her plants and also to start all of our spring veggies, so OF COURSE, I had to upgrade that tent to a 4x4 and now the 2x4 veg tent was never going to cut it I HAD to add another 4x3 tent with shelving for veg/cloning and maybe a few mothers! I’m sure this story sounds familiar to many…
So here’s where I’m at and what I got planned!
5x5 AC infinity tent and ventilation, HLG 650R, running bioall soil with dry amendments, microbial/fungal inoculants, with occasional fermented plant extract soil drenches. Currently housing my first large seed hunt. Completely OVERGROWN for this point in the grow as I just flipped them to 12/12 last night. In the tent I have 8 LaDiosa (smaller ones on the left) from SeedsIVchange that I popped a week after the other batch (18 made it to this point) to “fill in any holes if issues arise”LMAO, most seeds are regulars so my plan is swap the LaDiosa into the 4x4 when I hopefully finishing trimming my last crop that’s currently drying In there on Monday. Once the males show I hope to be able to fit all the females left back into the 5x5 to finish out flowering together, may have to cull a few, the goal was 16 plants.

The seed lineup in the 5x5 (various numbers of each)
Going forward the plan for the 5x5 is to continue seed hunts of normal flowering time cultivars.

The 4x4 that’s currently finishing drying last crop will be getting some longer flowering cultivars!

These are in the 4x3veg tent currently, about a week out of the ground. Have 5/6 BLRxNWHP, 4/6 Bandaid haze, 3/3 Zamaldelica, 4/4 NorCal purp haze. The goal was 9 plants in the 4x4 in 7gal grow bags. The plan for the 4x4 will be longer flowering seed hunts.
In the 2x4 I’m running a viparspectra xs2000, currently have 2 each Humboldt seed co, Hella Jelly and Pineapple Upsidedown cake. They were planted quite some time back but were stunted due to poor soil choice for seedlings. I have since moved to Happy Frog for my seedlings and they seem to love it. They bounced right back and are currently in week 2 from flip and are filling out the small tent enough to make me happy!
That’s about where I’m at! Last run I just finished in the 5x5 was the last of my bagseeds, had 7 plants, lots of issues. Yield was terrible due to underwatering issues halfway through flower (had over watering issues first run), learned a bunch to dial that aspect in and also that it did not hurt the quality AT ALL. I know this has been studied but I will definitely be researching more into dry down stress and quality vs quantity. I’m sure the genetics play a huge role but definitely interesting! I’ve only smoked my two clones so far from the first run and they’re fantastic, turned out much better than first round besides yield. One is straight lemons, no weed smell at all. Lemon. The other has a great truffle and forest floor smell, my wife says puppy breath. Here’s a few pics from last run. Starting with the first trimmed bud on 4/20!!

Thus far I’ve really been enjoying the discussion over at Doc D breeders lab! They’re killing it! Got a ton of Doc D stuff for the future.
Also been reading a ton into the diy SIPs, @CrunchBerries thread was a great read. Will pour over that at least once more. I’d like to get into large living soil containers or the SIPS. Hand watering isn’t sustainable for what I got going. Thanks everyone for taking the time to check this out and the people that have come before and shared their successes, failures and knowledge! Excited to see where this journey goes. Fantastic plants to share with all around is my prediction! Much, much more to come, but now I have to get back to trimming.


Hey @HootieHooticulture,
Your garden looks great! I’ll definitely be following along.

Glad you found the thread useful. Stop on by sometime!

I’m in trim jail as well, but took a break to see what happening on here. Hope you are well!


I’ll pull up a chair if ya don’t mind?
Looks super nice in there!

Good vibes!


I’ll be watching you.


Very interesting lineup , down to watch this show for sure!


Love Outkast . Atliens & Aquemini always on

Great read & great trees!!

You are doing phenomenal!


This thread is a hoot, nice work!


Following :smiley: :+1:

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Thanks for the kind words everyone!! Hoping to finish trimming tonight! 2 plants left then major cleaning and reorganization. Hit all the ladies with sprouted quinoa ferment, quajilla and coconut powder yesterday and everyone is looking very happy this morning.

I’m dragging at work today, burnt myself out a bit this past week.
On another note! Anyone out there available to sponsor me for Seedaholoics Anonymous…
I really fell down that rabbit hole. Told myself no more multiple times and then pulled the trigger on the Indian landrace exchange tour book and seeds! When tf am I going to have time to dig through Indian land races? Wtf is wrong with me!? Really just wanted the book, but then I’m like “oooohhh the possibilities”!
Got my next few runs all planned out and more seeds that can last me years. With that being said, I’m just a regular blue collar dude and I’ve worked very hard to get to where I’m at. If anyone comes across this and is struggling with a budget, hit me up and I’ll send some packs of freebies I’ve accumulated. Shipping on me as well if in the US!
Next seed run has my mouth watering…
Hitting soil in the next couple weeks! Got some Alien Dubble OG Sours on the way that might also make it into that lineup.


“Not Death Star” :smile:

What’s that about? :nerd_face:


Great looking plants.

I have always maxed out my tents and have found watering all of that is a bit time consuming. Don’t get me wrong I love taking the time and observing the plants. I just had way to many plants and watering was taking to long.

I see you mentioned SIP’s. This is where I went to after experimenting with different methods. I can walk in take a look at the water in the res fill everything up its super quick and easy. This allows more time for observing my plants and the other necessities of gardening.
I will tell you that IMHO, SIPS are going to be hard to beat if you are using natural gardening. I am one of those crazy tester people that test, test and then test some more. I have run SIPS with Water only in the bottom. No cover just exposed bare soil. I did do a little defoliation as they got big fast as usual. Even with using water only and exposed soil my potted plants could not come close to the growth of the plant in SIP’s.
Huge believer in the power of the SIP. This is where I suggest taking a look at @CrunchBerries thread but It looks like fate has already intervened. Earthboxes are great but I am sure someone will post a DIY SIP tutorial over on Crunch’s thread sooner or later.

I am grabbing a seat and will be here to see the beautiful things that come from of your grows :call_me_hand:


I got the impression from meangene that the “Not Death Star” label was maybe a dig at somebody, perhaps somebody who was like,”Nahhhh, that’s not the Death Star clone,” and then, after growing it, it became obvious that it was, in fact, Death Star.

Or maybe it was a clone that was labeled “Death Star,” but after growing it, it was clear that it wasn’t Death Star? I think my first theory is the more accurate one, though haha. He’s probably explained it on IG, maybe I’ll take a look. Can’t stand IG, though…

Just outta curiosity, @HootieHooticulture, are those “Not Death Star” seeds one of the freebies you’re offering up? Haha! I’m not one to usually take people up on their offers, but I’ll for sure take those if you don’t want them. Also, if you can tell me the seed bank that’s giving out Freeborn gear as freebies, I’m all ears haha! I’ll order some seeds I don’t even want if it means I can get some meangene gear for “free” haha…


Thanks for the great insight! This is definitely the direction I think I’ll be heading. Should be done trimming tonight so that’ll give meet time to dive head first back into some research. Going to dig through some grow logs of everyone commenting here because everything I’ve seen so far is beautiful! I’ll be sure to share what I come up with!


I was thinking along those exact lines with his naming of “not” Deathstar. He’s a pretty funny dude on ig. I went for this pack because he said his grape lime skunk was his skunkiest creation and he said deathstar is also very skunky. I need some STANK! I got my freeborn stuff from speakeasy and el aleph. He was giving out a gelato x cherry limeade something or other as a freebie with those packs that was recommended for outdoor use. I’ll check when I get home. I’ve been following your work in the Doc D thread and I know anything I send your way will have a great home!


Here is the DIY SIP tutorial I based my design off of: How To Make 30 Gallon Tote SIP Tutorial: Self-Watering, Sub-irrigated Garden Planter
At some point, I’ll build another planter or two and create a little tutorial.


This is perfect! Thank you! Just gotta make some decisions on how to maximize space in my tents with still having room for a lot of plants. I’m not even sure yet what my favorite cultivars are or what I want to grow. Going to try to find two totes that will fit in my 2x4 to start out with!

Lifted the skirts last night and found 8 males in the tent. Did some defoliation and slammed the ladies back in there. Still full to the brim! 18 plants total. My confirmed count I believe is
4-Dubble Lime
4-LaDiosa (a week or so behind in 3gals)
1-Dread Bread
1-lost the label in the side of the grow bag (rookie!) that’s either a ChemBrand or Dubble Lime lol

Huge fan leaves. L to R = Lime, Bubbleghan, DreadBread
Planning on feeding the males back to the soil. Any suggestions? I’m thinking an anaerobic ferment. My most interesting looking LaDiosa turned out male.


That is one FULL tent bud! looking real fine!


Looking good, excited to see that double lime for sure but they all sound like fire in their own rights tbh


Lush and healthy! You’re doing a good job, cheers!

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