This is 99's Green House

Well, that above schedule is a total mess. It isn’t New Years :fireworks: and I have already flipped the tent plants. I’ll reset this when I am close enough to have a clue.

Meanwhile, back at the greenhouse…21F outside when I took these.


That just looks painful to this wussy here! :grin:


It gets tiring fast for me. Muleskinner can’t get enough!

They say it is good for the land. I’ll go with that.


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Have you ever thought about a small propane/ N Gas powered radiant floor heater? Then you could grow leafy greens thoughout the winter.

I have a rocket mass heater in mine to keep the aquaponic tank from freezing. Haven’t needed to fire it up in two years due to it being so warm down here.

Nice green house…

Aw, your teasing me. Send pics pleeeease!

Course, this is with the sun on it. At night, every bit as cold as out side.



First pic is what runs under the tanks. This is what is heated up and holds the heat and slowly radiates it to the tanks.

Blocks for added heat storage.

Fire box and instant heat barrel

These picture are from it was first built.


I would need a miniature version.

I was going to flip some plants in my tent 1 month before it is safe to put them in the GH and finish them there. My transition schedule is a little messed up right now, so, I’ll have to put some more time in on that.

I have one of those DeLongi electric jobs. By then, its just keeping the room up at night when the dehumidifier isn’t running.


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I would need a miniature version. That’s what she told me…lol

4’ is as small as you can go in a RMH.

6" House version. Up to and over 1200f at the top of barrel. Seat runs around 200f to 300f. Can you say toasted buns…


You got me there. Course, we hear that all the time, right, hahahaha.

It would have to live in another shed.

I think the winter has this unit beat. Some day, I will have an ultimate greenhouse, and an Overgrow invite party!



Ever heard of a Russian Oven. These heat whole homes. Good for drying herbs too I see.


Ill help with the next one i would love a invite an the expierence of building one by helping you before i build my own

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No, but I’ve heard of a Dutch oven lol. That is an impressive greenhouse. A guy I know has some sort of piping in his that circulates water and keeps the ground warm enough to keep plants in the winter.


A guy I am getting know has one too!

Thanks Enstro.

The encouraging words keep us all going too!

I would be interested in seeing his. Can we get pics?


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The romans heated their huge bath houses with wood. They built the buildings on stilts and with hollow walls. There are pictures and videos of the furnace rooms with huge fire boxes. They burned tons of wood a day.

I use a RMH to heat this shack and on average for the past 4 years. Only burn 150 pallets a season. Helps when you live in the desert and if this house was an earthship I would use even less. The pallets are free and take little bit of work turning them into splinters. In fact I need to make some splinters today. You can see the size of the splinters in the picture I posted above. What is cool about the RMH. That just about any thing will burn in them. Sticks and stems news print, junk mail. If the power goes out you still have heat.

Keep warm


Everything is just great!

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Maybe eventually. He’s a union brother I haven’t worked with in a while. I’ll see what I can come up with.

I love to see the pics.

If you get em, be sure to post em.


The revised Transition Schedule is up. This should be easier to keep to.

Once the First 1/2 season finishes, around June 1, the Green House will be set for the summer run. Massive tomato, Pepper (@Jellypowered) and Swiss Chard season. I am also hoping to run some special treats this summer in the Green House.


Where’d the pic go? It vanished lol

I am truly technologically challenged.


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