This season's outdoor ladies

Man it has been a hot one but out out 12 sprouts I ended up with 4 ladies left. 4 were males and got ya ked and the heat/bag seed genetics took the rest.
Indo NOTHING special for my outdoor grows beyond some fish ferts mixed in my water sometimes.

The shortest potted species(pic 4) is from the Bohdi skunk 91 recreation gieaway years ago. I try a couple every year and this one is the farthest any of them have gone wothout just dying out.This one duck-footed and all kinds of crazy bad growth traits, part of it even died back, but it smells like burning rubber piss piles bbq’ing dead skunks with the fur still on em. I cannot wait to see what this smells like dry even if I only get 4 grams. The other 3 are unknown bag seed from the mixed up collection I have spanning 22yrs of seed collecting.