Thoughts on this?

Yeah, i would like to low it to 50-55% better… Gonna try to fix it asap.


Do you think? Now they are 825 not 1000 but close. And the leafs are huge. In the next 10 days they will grow like crazy. This will raise RH and could cause worse problems i think… I’m worried about light deprivated nodes that some times herm in my room.

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Yeah sorry, lights are 1.20 from the canopy, but im using the open reflectors not the closed ones, wich can be used closed than the closed. The temp in the canopy is 26C° and my hand does not burn haha.

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Yeah, i mean i try to daily correct the light height for this but could be that those plamts are extra sensitive.

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Just a thought. Looking at your first full plant picture, I would not defol at all. The last picture does look a bit tight but nothing crazy, I’ve packed my plants in tighter than that.

How is your air flow? When I’m super packed I like to have a smaller fan amongst the pots blowing air upward to help get it circulating. My big fan above isn’t enough to get through all the way to the bottom.

If it’s just the two plants, I’d hold off on anymore adjustments for a day or two and see if it gets worse and what it looks like at that point.

As for RH, I would try to get that down if you can with extraction. I’m running mine at 60 right now jist before 3 weeks flower but I’ll be dropping that very soon, in gradual steps. 2.5 points every couple days until I’m happy. Let them adjust to the change.

Are those leaflets rubbing on anything? I’ve had that cause damage.


Beginning to think that was the issue … beer3|nullxnull


Those are good things to read because i’m really worried about how tight they were, never been this tight before and i was starting to think im gonna get fluffy small buds because light dont penetrate enough to the low parts.

Im posting another pic from different angle.

Is okay, i have the A/C + Two Turbo fans that blow hurricanes in max potency, but in this case maybe I add a third one for the lowers as you said. Sounds a very good idea.

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No they are not rubbing, sorry fir double posting, as i said RH is a Little higher than i would lik so turning on the dehumidifier tomorrow.



Oh wow! That looks very similar to what is happening to those girls. Could you point me the link as the pic looks underleaf? So i can check more of them?

The thing is that the two that are doing this are in the corner and “far” from light, and the ones getting more light in the room are not doing this if it makes sense. Could be pheno dependant? The other phenos of WCF3 are not doing this. Only #4

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Sure, here you are … beer3|nullxnull


Your plants look happy, they’re praying, it’s hard to be 100% with the hps lighting but they look good. Your spacing looks good too, i wouldnt worry about light for lowers unless further along its too dense.
I agree that the light burning seems likely.

If you can, maybe swap those to plants to a different spot and see what happens? I see what you’re saying with where they are placed now, but moving them would give you a sure sign. Either those leaves will get worse or won’t get damaged any further.

I donno, my brain is starting to ramble, I just smoked for the first time since mid Jan…where did my tolerance go lol

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Definetely looking like that, thanks for the link man. Will keep an eye in the following days.



Yeah man, like overall look is pretty healthy and nicely built but I always get paranoid whenever i see spots, bleachings or burnts. Been struggling with HpLVd for two years and that shit made me extremely paranoid.

I will try to move them today 100%’ lets see how they react in the following days.

How do you manage to write after 1 month without smoking? Last time I stopped just 4 days, then ripped a bong and felt like my head was about to fly away from my head. Scary shit🤣


Looks like light burn to me as well.


Hey OGs many thanks for all the help and fast answers yesterday. You are amazing and you were right. IT IS light burn.

I get on the room with white light and some tops looked a little lighter than usual. Shit, just when i thought everything was going nicely!

So, i just raised the lights height as soon as I noticed and let them some time for recover…

I have little to no experience with light burning. Would you guys recommend me do something especifically for help them recover or just let them sit down? At this point of light damage, do you think quality is gonna be so affected? Should i worry more for hermies? Or i’m on time for a good recovery and flowering?

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Personally I think the extent you are continuing to defoliate them into flower is more likely to cause herming / yield issues than the little bit of light burn you got. I think, now that you’ve raise your lights etc, your plants need a nice dose of LITFA to clear everything up.


I got this and I am just chiming in that I read it and I think it’s something thatost pointed out about lights or I hope that you have gotten in the right direction good vibes from the Doc

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Hey Api thanks for the answer. I’m not gonna defoliate the plants this run anymore unless i cant lower the humidity levels in a couple weeks. Usually i don’t have hermies except in some stuff that is prone to it because genetic line up in the seed run and always toss them except if they are stand out. This run is from clone and did no repeat any hermie, anyway i’m always looking for them. Just in case. Yield problems im with you, i dont really think defoliation helps to increase it tbh…

I will let them the fuck alone for a couple days yeah… :joy:

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