Thoughts on this?

Yeah, I think defoliating aggressively during the flowering stage actually negatively impacts your yields and bud quality since it stresses the plants out and they have to use energy healing from the abuse instead of making fatter buds.


Hey Doc, how are u! Man always is something, if not the temps, the soil or the pots… Haha. Growing ist krieg! Yes so much light, i never had it so it was hard to tell from the first sign, i’ve seen ot way more developed in smaller plants in friends grow. So much luck and best vibes yours too!


Absolutely with you, i’m more of taking 3 or 4 leaves not so many just for correct air flow, doing it just a couple times before things start packing. Some high stress techs just dont work for finicky strains.

Anyway i should clean the lowers bit cause they stretched more than i thought! This should help with rh aswell.


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Purple petioles, white tips, prominent veins, interveinal bleaching:

Light burn is not a thing in Cannabis. Calcium overdose is a sick joke in this sick community. Theres obviously a conspiracy to lock potassium and boron out of every Cannabis plant on earth and fuck everyone’s grows up. The evidence of conspiracy would hold up in court.

Here we go again.

It’s a conspiracy!


Only a moron would ignore Boron … frech|nullxnull


How much are they paying you George? Obviously a conspirator.


How can you say there is no such thing as light burn?

I have burnt many tops due to my confined space.


Perpetual supply … ejem|nullxnull




Captain Boron

To you!!

:vulcan_salute: :smile:



Thanks for your time for answering. But tbh i’ve never seen Calcium excess ever, even since Cal/mag is the solution for all the boroski problems. :upside_down_face:


Okey guys as far as i’ve been cheking gurls for the next days they are not doing those marks anymore but some of the tops are starting to look slightly lighter than i would like. Even after putting the bulbs taller they still look a little top yellowing. I took the most light top plant i’ve seen and the interesting part is that she is far from light, and one just under the light is doing the same.

I started to think it’s cold because temps dropped to 16-17Celsius last nights during lights off last week and rained a lot.

Thoughts on this? Is it cold temps?


Cold temps have a distinctive look where the leaves turn down. Could be the beginnings of some kind of deficiency? Like magnesium or something that makes 'em green.

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Idk, still look okay to me.
I’d just make sure your ph is good and keep doing what your doing. If it gets worse then I’d say you have an issue.


That plant doesn’t qualify now for the Sick Plants & Problems thread frech|nullxnull, I always thought cold temperatures brings purple colours, like these ones I’ve got now, but I may be wrong and with a deficiency … icon_e_surprised|nullxnull

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Hey Joe, the only problem I have during flowering is that one, sometimes it looks like mag or Sulfur/Mag problem. But i mostly had it when i was suffering HpLVd, the thing is light excess could do the same as Sulfur Mag apparently, light tops, red petioles.
So I’m starting to think some clones here are a little bit sensible to light.
I fixed the cold night probpems now im having 25/26 lights on 20/21 lights off.


Yes just calibrated the meters 4 days ago and im watering 6.4/6.5 during flower in soil.

Hahaha thank you George, the pic doesnt look bad at all but my camera is a lottle bad for catching real colours, i should try get another plant that is getting lighter on the tops than that one i uploaded.

Those flowers look amazing btw. Not deficient at all… LOL​:grimacing::joy:

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Here you can appreciate it more, same plant, same clone from same mom, different colour and internodal distance.

I.think on in the right, is a little lighter because of overwatering.