Thoughts on this?

Hey, bumping this since i would like to have any suggestions or guesses in what could still happening.
Im starting to get paranoid about still having HpLvd but i would let that for the last option as i think I’m doing something bad. My guess is some are doing this because they root less and drink less than her sisters. overwatered…(?)
Guess is something to expect when running 120 clones 24 different cuts right? Lols

Day 20

Lights On 26Celsius Off 21 Celsius

Ph 6.4 max EC. 1.7us Water temp 20 Celsius
Feeding Terra Aquatica / GH Organics

R/O Water
Cal/Mag till 0.5us
Bloom 2 ml x L
N 0.25ml x L
Boost 5ml x L
Seaweed (ascophyllum) 5ml x L every 10 days till week 4
Epsom Salt 9g for 100 Litres every 10 days till week 4

First 2 pics a healthy plant, rest of pics an unhealthy.
They are close to each other.
Same strain different pheno.

Middle leaf

Bottom leaf

Regards, would thank any little help.


Check the weight of the plant+soil and see if there is a lot of water in there.

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Hey, thanks. Normally I do this, the day before watering and if some plants are still wet i give some plain water to the most dry plants so the watering day all weight aprox the same.

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ok, are you watering with 10 percent runoff or could we be facing a nutrient anatagonization problem? Where magnesuim or something is locked out by the buildup of some other nutrient. hah hah I didn’t look up which ones it could be, but there are many charts showing which nutrient stops a different one from being absorbed. I think they called it nutrient lock? Which can be stabilized by leeching with distilled water.

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@JoeCrowe Yes im having runoff, last watering was just water no food. Today i did feed.

Im thinking about that myself, something is locking up another nute or some mycrobes ara making a lot of work maybe?

I mean everything will turn okay but dude, i always have some problem. Next run i will do monostrain and not this mess i always do…

Here you are, Mulders chart:

Found this:

Usually nutrient lockout is the result of extreme PH fluctuations or just PH that is off for the grow medium your using. It can start with an imbalance or excess of nutrients

@HashWizard If there were some nutrient lockout or deficiency you would detect it in more leaves than just one or two. Just trim those leaves if they’re annoying you …

I see just one leave looking like N deficiency (N not needed in flower), purple petioles that could be Phosphorous deficiency, but nothing significant, overall the plant looks fine, you shouldn’t bother … beer3|nullxnull