Time to bake bread

ggrow journal for lambsbread seed preservation ru[date=2021-08-03 timezone=“America/Chicago”]n


0kkey time to start a grow journal for lambsbread alrighty got this figured out as i was trying to say Imstarting a grow journal for some lambread this will be a preservation run i will do 6 plant inside and 4 more outside this spring the seeds if any will be distributed to members of OG they should be ready by feb hope all goes weel since these seeds are from the 1960s

all for now

peace out and stay safe


Good luck. @potdaddy4x4 or @olschool

From my understanding the seeds are newer than the 60s, fortunately, he just always kept them labeled that

The person in Quebec whom I aquired them from stated that is when he first aquired the line. There was a language barrier between us as he mainly spoke French.


Good luck @olschool !

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Good luck olschool!! Will be watching this one!

Sign me up for some Lambsbread! I’ll definitely be following along with your grow. Very cool!

Any idea how much “newer than the 60s”? Those beans might take some doing to pop but definitely worth the efforts. You have a plan of attack on them or you going to try standard method first and see?

Good luck on your grow!


thanks to everyone lets keep our fingers crossPeace out and stay safe


im gonna hope they pop and let em grow rasta


I’ll be keeping an eye on this! I know a guy who made ColJam F2.

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here is an update only 2 germinated grrr but ill see what we can do

peace and stay safe

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further update none of the germinated came up after planting grrr this sucks i will have to try again

peace and stay safe

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That sucks. Hopefully you have some better luck with the next round.

ok ok wondering what i have been doing since the lambs bread didnt work out all good this is what i been doing since they are 3 from JOTI black candyland and a lonely sour diesel sour diesel is straight up and tall and candyland is bushed out a bit they both should be done the end of january

and a nice lemon kona


Looks like you are going to have a warm Christmas.