So, took my kid to Barnes and Noble bookstore yesterday, so they could spend some gift cards.
I was just wandering around the store for a while, when I found myself in the Home And Garden aisle (cause, you know, I like plants and gardening) and I found at least 7 books on growing cannabis! Right there, next to the books about proper English cottage gardens-and organic compost… in a prohibition state!
The old Growers Bible was there, but also several others that were fancy pink covers, with glossy photos, of beautiful Martha Stewart approved garden and bud photos.
When Colorado went legal everybody asked how to get plants and seeds because it was not legal to import them, nobody had answers so everybody basically agreed they blew across state lines in the wind.
When California first went medical it was legal to have and smoke weed at your home but you could nit buy it sell it or travel with it so basically if a bud fell out of the sky into your pipe it was legal