Tiny Grow, MrSparkle inspired

Update on the Pine Tar Kush, now that’s it’s dried and in the jar for a couple days.

Yup. It smells like Christmas trees! Faint, but very noticeable when you grind it.

It’s a potent indica with seriously stoned high. Definitely for nighttime use.


In the tiny tent, I’ve got Chromedawg (left) and Lemon Jeffery (right) just starting to develop buds.

Yesterday, I hit a few buds on the LJ with some of my Azad Kashmir pollen, because this plant really lacks vitality, and shows some leaf deformities. Too much inbreeding? Probably.
Some fresh genes from another plant might do its offspring some good.


Went to throw some stuff into compost pile behind my garage. Along with other weird stuff that pops up there (scallions, tulips, potatoes), today we have three baby cannabis plants!

Sadly, had to pull them. I don’t live in an area where keeping them outdoors would be smart or safe. Someone walking a dog would see them too easily… and who knows what shitstorm that would bring.

They are probably either LRUV or Snowryder autos.


common occurencē for my piles I reamend but normally this timē of year excess goes into open compost piles for the outdoor gardens and the fast autos arē so prolific lol


Dammit! This Lemon Jeffery has been a huge disappointment from day 1.
Today, I just found pollen sacs sprouting all over it. I’ve pulled off at least 8 so far, and it 2 had already dropped pollen. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: so my Chromedawg is probably ruined.

Maybe there’s a reason Irie Genetics doesn’t sell this one anymore.


Update after the LJ herm fiasco.
It seems to have stopped making pollen sacs now.
The good news is, it’s pollen seems like it is not viable… beacause the chromedawg plant shows no signs of seeding, and the only branches on LJ with seeds are the ones I hit with AK pollen.

Phew. Dodged a bullet there.


sigh… well, that Lemon Jeffery herm pollen was apparently viable.
My Chromedawg now showing signs of heavy seeding.


Some major changes coming in my living situation.
Which means my grows are going to need to become tiny small, super stealth, zero odor, and locked cabinet.
So, in the autumn I’m going to focus 100% on autos.
Maybe going to sneak in one more grow cycle before then… this is probably my last chance to run the Original Haze plants I keep putting off…


Harvested my Chromedog plant tonight. Pretty decent sized colas, for a plant growing in a 1 gallon pot. :grin:

Second time I’ve grown this plant. She doesn’t have mystical smell or taste. But she is potent, and grows big with zero effort.


Yesterday I smoked a bit of the Lemon Jefferey (that plant I hated, cause it hermied so severely)… and I’ll say just say this about it:

It smells more like mango than lemon, and it has a lot of peppery smell mixed in. Its surprisingly nice.

It is really, REALLY potent. Similar to how I remember Golden Goat.

Too bad this strain needs more work (needs better vitality, and intersex traits bred out of it) because it is a home run in terms of yield, smell, and smoke.


It’s been a couple weeks since I shut off the lights in my tents. Was going to stop until fall came around.

And I can’t take it anymore!

I dropped 1 Mephisto Mango Smile and 2 Dancehall CBD auto seeds into the pool today.

:seedling: :seedling: :seedling:


Well you still wont need tents or lights for another month then, to grow those seedlings. Just start them outside.

By then it will be August, you almost made it to fall!:crazy_face:


Hey bud, you gifted out some snowryder autos to me awhile back.

I only popped 1 bean and put it outside immediately in like a 1/2 gallon pot.

This was the first real auto I ever ran, but it showed female and started flowering in like 25 days from sprouting.
Idk if that is fast or not but, it impressed me for sure.

Thanks again looking forward to seeing what she will do.


That is right on schedule for those. Most of the autos I’ve grown will start flowering 23-28 days after sprout. And you got a female! congrats! I’ll be curious to see how big it gets outdoors.

I only have one plant going right now, been in flower for a few weeks and I need to go easy during the hot months (indoor, upstairs, no AC) but I reeeeeally want to sprout more seeds!

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Idk how big it will get, it’s going to be root bound some by the pot. Small nursery pot like you would by a mum in.

Here she is currently, since your interested.

I would say its about 16 inches tall now.


Not related to my micro grows at all, but the other day I took one of the Firehead Lemon plants (my lemon cake smelling offspring of a WWxNL cross I made) and put it outside in my yard in a 3 gallon pot.

I had to get creative to keep it hidden from neighbors… but what I’m most concerned about is the ambient light.

I live in the city and we have street lights everywhere. Neighbors have crazy bright motion sensing spotlights that the cats and bunnies set off constantly.
It might really mess this plant up.

Hopefully I don’t end up with a stressed out, freaky herm factory.

But if I can get 3 or 4 ounces of bud from this little plant (for zero cost to my electric bill) that would be great.

We will find out I guess…


Here’s a pic of my little Firehead Lemon plant.

She is loving being outside. It’s hard to tell if she’s already starting the pre-flower stretch, or if she’s just doing a happy dance not being root-bound in a tiny cup under a T5 anymore.

But days are getting shorter and I expect her to start flowering very soon


These were the beans that started this diary, so I’m revisiting it.
I just dropped 8 of the @ReikoX LRxUV beans into the pool, because I’m just about out of them so I need to make more.

Plus I’m also looking for a nice male to collect pollen from and cross it to Mango Smile.

I think the combo of the LRUV super sweet berry flavors, with the impressive structure and yield of the MS will be a killer combo.


All 8 of the LRUV beans have sprouted. :sunglasses: