Tiny Grow, MrSparkle inspired

Looking good!

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Nice haul indeed. Well done!


So, the small 2x2 tent has been in flower for about 10 days now. Just seeing first signs of sex in the plants.
Not 100% sure yet, but it is looking like I got 7 females out of 7 seeds (3 chromedawg, 4 pine tar kush).


Never had that percentage happen before!
I was actually hoping to get one male from each strain, just to keep around just in case.

So, now the tent needs to be thinned down to 3 plants, because it’s way too crowded in there. And that means I need to toss a whole bunch of female plants. And, I never like doing that! :cry:


Say it isn’t so. I would kill for the females. I got 4 males out of 6 and the males are the healthiest and they have to go. wouldn’t it be great if we could swap :pensive:


So, just a little update on the NorthernWidow I grew (now calling it lemon widow)

Last week a friend dropped by, and I was sharing some bud with him. Showed him the mature plants, and the smell of the NW was strong! He seemed interested so I snipped off a branch (cause it was close to done anyway) and sent him home. Told him to dry it for a week and let me know.

Couple days ago he texted me, like “dude. You’ve been growing some good stuff lately, but that plant is something else completely”

Said it was the best high he’d had in ages. And this guy is a major stoner.

So, I harvested it same day as the Herer, above. But didn’t even bother to photograph it. :roll_eyes:
Nice buds. Long and skinny like cigars… but didn’t produce a ton. I did keep the plant kind of small but still only got 35g from it.

Today it was dry, so I sampled it.
Tastes like strong lemon and diesel. And the high! Oh man. So great. Haven’t felt like that in a while! Potent stuff.

Of course, this is just a freak plant. Nothing like it’s parents, or any of its siblings. I wouldn’t even know where to start to try and stabilize it.
Guess this will be my clone-only strain forever… but damn, the jar that holds this stuff has become my most valuable possession!


Thanks for sharing those with me! I’m gonna have to pop some of the those soon too. Got 10 of those auto lowryder x UV going. :grin:


Just a follow up on the LR x UV, cause I just opened up one of my jars tonight thats been sitting closed for quite a while.

The plants are crazy sweet berry smelling during flower. After cure, much of that fades. But what you are left with is a sophisticated (? only way I can think to describe it) fruit smell with a lot of peppery/spicy undertone.

Its really nice now. And it’s still a really great high. It has become a favorite of friends I’ve given it to.

@ReikoX did nice work on this one.


Eek! It’s crowded in the 2x2 tent! The Chromedawg (front) is trying to take over the whole tent from the other 2 PTK plants.
Time for some thinning!


Finishing week 5 of flower tomorrow, so… 3-4 weeks left.

Yup. Still too crowded in the tent, even after thinning lower fan leaves and taking at least one flowering branch from each plant. The Chromedawg is just a beast. Bigger than I expected. And PTK-1 is not far behind. PTK-4 is much smaller, and struggling to find room and light.

The Chromedawg buds are getting big fast, and very frosty. Smell is beautiful too. Spicy and funky with a hint of grape.

One of the PTKs is starting to generate tons of trichomes. Even spilling onto the fan leaves. But so far, they have very little smell.


There’s always that one that gets bullied and pushed into the corner. Lol have you tried rubbing te stem for a smell yet? I’m about 50/50 on getting some type of sniff off the stem once start seeing trichs.

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The small PTK has almost no smell, which seems weird. The other larger one definitely smells real strong like Pinesol cleaner. Hoping it cures nice.

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I had a blackberry kush that pinesol Would of been a good description. I was using lemon pledge for it. It came off in quick dry test more of a floral lemon pledge taste. Been down and in a jar now for about 2 weeks and that more straight lemon pledge stank is coming back with any luck will do the same for you! even thou different strains.


So, my chromedawg and pine tar kush plants just finished week 7 of flower.
I’m not even going to take pictures of them, because I’m so ashamed. :roll_eyes: :flushed:

The plants look super healthy, but they are just not building big colas. Like… the main colas are the size of popcorn buds. It’s really sad.

So, I’m guessing that something is terribly wrong with my nutes in the coco system.

Which now has me wondering, if the last Snowryder grow I did (which also had terrible yield) was actually due to the feeeding/ph, and not the genetics…

I’m going to re-visit the @GramTorino spreadsheet, and come up with a new feeding plan before I do another coco grow.

Live and learn I guess…


Ok. Said I wouldn’t post a pic, but here’s one anyway…

Right?! This is pitiful. I just can’t get over this…


Maybe it’ll taste amazing! :+1:

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Ok. I’m probably gonna chop the PTK and Chromedawg tomorrow. Just a few days shy of completing their 8th week. Pistils are mostly orange, trichlmes starting to turn amber.

Not gonna fill any big jars, but I will say this, the ptk smell is… lovely.
I don’t know how else to put it. It is slightly pine scented, but has a clean, almost floral smell underneath. Like rose water maybe?
It’s the cleanest and freshest smelling plant I’ve ever grown. So… that’s something to look forward to.


Something to consider bud size is typically a reflection of plant size which correlates to root size, and how much space a plant is given to develop.

So in an environment that is small where multiple plants are run in small containers their bud size is gonna be reduced quite a bit one due to the root volume limitation and two due to competing with the other plants, saying that just as a slight comparison and possible observation to learn from what are the volumes of the white pots to where you fill them, vs say those yogurt ? containers, and which plants are bigger…

Just of it and something i suggested a ways back possibly consider switching out to bigger pots and less plants in your next round.


Thanks. @Mr.Sparkle. I think you are right, and the smaller pots definitely seem to be part of it. But also, the roots were having problems. Maybe that is also due to the pots?

When I chopped them yesterday, the roots were not white and healthy looking. They were very rootbound, and all the exterior roots were brown and sick looking.
So… maybe over watered, and not good enough drainage in the pots. I thought it was impossible to over water with coco… but doesn’t seem to be 100% true?

Have you had any similar situations growing in small pots?


you can over water coco but that happens with repeated waterings where it doesn’t get to dry out much in between, like if your at you next watering event and the pot still feels heavy your watering too much, they should be allowed to dry out the media slightly before you water them again, now adays i tend not to go below 6 hrs between waterings when the plants are in full swing and if they need more i just raise the duration that they are watered at vs dropping the interval, occasionally i go down to 4hr though thats when the plant is very large for the container.

Also if the roots are brown that could be a sign of something is up like root rot from over watering, i periodically check on the roots by pulling a plant out of its pot so long as its at that stage where it can come out as one plug.


Well, the buds are tiny… but the frost on the PTK flowers is impressive. And the smell is beautiful.
Wish I had gotten better results. But I have a clone, so will probably run this one again in the fall.